fredag den 21. maj 2010

Untamed Review

Untamed By P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
(Book 4 In The House of Night Series)

2 days ago Stevie became vampyre, but a whole new kind of vampire with the moon tatoo in her head red instead of blue. Now Aphrodite comes back when they are eating and sits down at Zoey´s table. Aphrodite is aparently vampyre again with her mark back on her forehead. Zoey friends is not happy with Aphrodite, but they aren´t happy right now about Zoey eigter after she lied about Stevie. A new boy also begins and he is taken care by Zoey´s group, his name is Stark and is the best archer, he is a transform from Chicago House Of Night and is a 6 former. When Aphrodite is about to leave from the table she tells Zoey to meet her after. When Zoey comes to her room Aphrodite and her gets Stevie in the room from the window, and they tells that no Aphrodite isn´t vampire she is human, but not a normal one because she still has visions and her latest one was of the war between human and vampyre and the reason for it was because Zoey is dead. Aphrodite tells that she has 2 visions: one where Zoey drown somewhere maybe is Europe and a guy, the new kid Stark was with her not long befeore. The second is Zoey all alone being killed by blackness. They all talk about Stevie´s new ability - like that she can control humans minds (But not Aphrodite´s), that she can crawl up walls and that she burns up if she goes out in the sun. And what her and Aphrodite has been doing, Stevie also tells that she has to get back to the tunnels because she want´s to help the others. When Stevie leaves and Aphrodite and Zoey are one their way to Aphrodite´s room they run into Zoey´s frineds and Aphrodite tells them that they need to become friends with Zoey again because she had a vision with Zoey dying because they weren´t there for her, Zoey also tells them that she can´t tell them everything because the adult vampyres can listen to their thoughts, but not her and Aphrodite´s. And Zoey and her friends become friends again. When they come to Aphrodite´s room they try to see if she still has the feeling for earth, but she don´t so Zoey calls Nyx and she shows and tells that she love Aphrodite still and that she was holding on to the earth feeling for Stevie, that Aphrodite is human, but not really. And the reason Aphrodite save Stevie is because of her big humanity ( Aphrodite who hates humans). She also tells that Neferet doesn´t listen to her anymore, that she is listening to another thing. And that Aphrodite and Zoey will go on this jurney together if they chose to.

Afterward The council member of The Dark Daughters go to a meeting with some of the teachers and they here meet Shekinah the high priestess of all vamps. She tells that there will be no war and that she will stay at the school to theach Loren´s class and that Erik who she just saw in the airport will that Nolan´s class. And Zoey tells the Priestess that tommorew her and Aphrodite will do some charity and go talk to Street Cats. Afterward Zoey goes to the stables, where she meets stark he tells her about his powers that he never miss, like when he trows a dark he hits the center if that is what he wants, eventhough he don´t always know what he wants. They connect in a weird way and when Zoey is on her way out her starts rejeckting the change. Zoey flees to him and hold him in his arms and they kiss while he coughs up blood and there really seem to be something inexplainable between them, she also tells him that it is not sure he will die, that maybe he will wake up as another vamp like Stevie. With the help of her powers Zoey calls her friends and Aphrodite takes Zoey to her room and let her bath there and she tells Aphrodite what happened.

The next day Aphrodite and Zoey goes to the Street Cats and Stevie Ray comes too. Aphrodite gets a cat who chooses her and Zoey and Stevie talk about Stevie coming to the school and doing the ritual they have to do in front of the school the next day. Zoey tells her about Stark and she tells Zoey to keep and eye on the mourge and take Stark body, because he may wake up. When Zoey and Aphrodite is on their way back to the school, they have to get some food and bumbs into Heath, who tells Zoey that he is in pain, still loves her and always will, but that he don´t ever want to see her again. When they get back to school Zoey has drama class wit Erik as teacher and Erik puts Zoey up on the stage to do a play with him, but it ends being more about the thing that has happened between them, than the actual scene and they kiss passionet twice. After Darius (A Son Of Eden and Aphrodite´s boytoy) finds Zoey and gets her to go to Aphrodite. When Zoey finds her in her room she has totally blood red eyes and has just had a vision of a poem she has just written down. And the poem has the writting of Zoey grandma, but it is Aphrodite who has just written it. So they call Zoey´s Grandma, who tells them the poem is about Cherokee demons/witches - terrible things. Zoey and Aphrodite tell hers grandma she has been hearing raven´s at night, her Grandma tells her that they are Raven Mockers - the spirits of the demon children of Kalona (and that they can´´t hurt people unless they are close to death) - who is told about in the poem. And her grandma is afraid that the poem is the Ravans song, that tells that Kalona will soon return and get his revenge on human women. Zoey and Aphrodite agrees that her Garandma need to come to them tonight and that her grandma has got to play a role in this somehow.

Afterward Zoey find the twins, Damian and Jack and bring them to Aphrodite´s room where they tells them everything, even about the other dead kids and about Aphrodite. They agree that the poem is a prophecy and that Neferet and Stevie might have something to do with it. Zoey also gets Jack to go to the morgue to install a nanny cam so they can keep an eye on Stark. Afterward when Zoey is on her way to ask Shekinah if her Grandma can stay on the school, she gets attackt by the Raven but her friends power help her, she also overhears Neferet telling Shekinah lots of lies about Zoey. And when Zoey´s Grandma gets there they all tell her everything. Before Zoey gets to bed one of the ravens is outside her window and her and her Grandma fight it away. The next day when Zoey awakes she is visitet by Shekinah, Neferet and Aphrodite who tells her that her Grandma was in an accident because of a bird (A Raven Zoey figures). Afterward Zoey and Aphrodite goes to the hospital, later Aphrodite goes to the school and Zoey stayes with her Grandma until a non from Street Cats shows up.

When Zoey gets back it is time for the ritual. Aphrodite, Damian, Zoey and The Twin stands on their place in the circle while all the teachers, Sons Of Eden and Vampyre Fleglings stands outside and Erik is in the middle of the circle with Zoey to read a poem and sacrifice blood. When it is Earth and Aphrodite turn Stevie appears and takes her place. Zoey explain that her and the other fledglings who comes into the circle are a new kind of vamp and Aphrodite tells that she is human but special. Suddenly Neferet is there with Stark and tries to give Zoey the blame for everything. And everywhere there is caos. Neferet gets Stark to shot stevie with a dark in the chest, but they hold the circle because Aphrodite and Zoey have a bad feeling about closing it. Suddenly Aphrodite tells to move the circle and as they do Kalona appears from the big oak tree, and he call the Ravens and Neferet appears as his queen and the Ravens begin to become human and feed on all of the people who is not is the circle. The circle moves with Damien, Jack, Erik, The Twins, Stevie, Zoey, Darius (Son Of Eden), Aphrodite, the fledglings, Stark´s dog and 3 cats. The disolve to a mist and makes it to the underground tunnels where they hide and has to start making plans.

I just think the books gets better and better. This is a really exiting book, because so much happens and all the exitment is in the end of this book. I like the whole friendship thing going on between Zoey and Aphrodite and i am totally loving Stark the new character and i hope that him and Zoey will be together for real, because he is a really good character. I also think this is my favorite cover of all the House Of Night books.

Grade: 10

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