onsdag den 26. maj 2010

Firespell Review

Firespell By Chloe Neill (Book 1 InThe Dark Elite Series)

Lily is almost 16 years old and used to live in Upstate New York, until her parents who are philosophy professors, told her that they were going for a job in Germany And that she wasn´t going. They told her she was going to Chicago to go on St. Sophia’s School for Girls. So now she is her on a school for rich girls. One of her roommates is Scout, a girl who by the instant Lily sees her become her friend, but Lily is suspicius when Scout that day goes out (which she isn´t allow too) and comes back at about 1 at night. The next day is the first school day and Lily asks Scout about her sneak out, but Scout wont tell her. The first day in the lunch break Scout takes Lilly out seeing the buildings around the school, and there is a garden who ones belonged to the school and there they meet Michael and Jason, from the brother school Montclare. Suddenly a girl in jeans and hoddie appear not long from them and the boys and Scout sems mad and frustrated about it, but they wont tell Lily what is going on. That night when Lily is in Scout room, Scout get a call and is going to dissapere again, but this time Lily follows her through the school to a big metal door, that Lily cant open, so she wait for Scout to come back through the door. When she does there is something crashing on the other side of the door, but Scout only tells her that she is a member of a club for gifted kids.

By Thursday Lily is called into the headminister Foley´s office, where she tells Lily that she knows her parents and there genetic research, but Lily knows that it aren´t that kind of research so she is confused. Is there something that her parents haven´t told her? Or is Foley confused? That night when Scout goes The Brat Pack: Amie - one of her roommates, Veronica and M.K ask her if she wanna come down in the basement and see their stash of candy, mangasines etc. (Because the school is organic) Lily knows that they aren´t nice to her by purpose, but goes with them anyway. When thay get down in the basement Veronica opens a room, that used to be a janitors office and in there is a big replica of Chicago. The Pact locks Lily in there, but she finds a key in the room and goes on out to investigate the basement. Suddenly she sees Jason and Scout running and that there is 2 persons after them. They all start to run but Lily falls and suddenly she is face to face with the 2 people: The girl with the hoddie and a boy, and the boy throws some green thing from his hands that collides with Lily and it all goes dark.

Next time Lily wakes up she is at a clinic with Scout and a little while after Jason and Michael comes. Scout tells her that she was hit by a firespell, and that some people have magic - Those people are called the Dark Elite - but there is different kinds of magic. The magic begins to show in the puberty, but along the way you get crazy by having magic and when you do you have to suck souls to not become crazy if you want to keep using the magic. The 2 people who followed them where Alex and Sebastian, who is members of the group called The Reaper who soul suck people, people who are extra vulnerable. Scout - who is a spellbinder, Michael and Jason call themself Adepts. They have magic too, but they have choosen not to soul suck, so when they are about 25 they are going to give up magic. They tell that The Reaper´s finds kids with magic and tries to make them see their way, while Scout and the others try to get them to give up magic, by finding them and protecting them from The Reaper´s finding them. When they are about to leave Lily ask to talk to Jason alone, and ask him who growl before she got hit, he tells her that as she know they each got different kind of magic, but that he is different. His eyes change colours and Lily think that it have wolf to it, and then he leaves.

When Lily gets home the next day, she takes a shower and discovers a mark on her back from the spell that hit her and it isn´t just a bruise it is like a tatoo, but she doens´t tell Scout. The next day Veronica and Amie ask her if she wants to go to the mall and she goes with them. While being there they meet a guy Veronica knows named John Creed who is with Jason, but Lily kind of ignores him. Scout finds out about her gonig out with the 2 others when they get back and she gets mad and thinks that their friendship is over, but then Lily shows her, her mark and by night Scout drags Lily to a meeting in the tunnels under Chicago that starts in the basement under the school with 7 other Adept including Michael and Jason. But they are all dismissive of Lily, because she hasn´t gotten any powers. The next day in the lunch period when Lily and Scout are out in a store buying some ice, Lily meets Derek the one working at the shop and Scout tells Lily after that he had ones been Soul Sucked on. When they get back to the school Jason is there and he apologize for agreeing with the other yesterday, saying that he cares about her and he doesn´t want her mixed up in this and when she ask if he is a wolf he comfirms that he is. Later that day when Lily and Scout come into their dorm, The Brat Pack is sitting with Lily´s file from Foley´s office, they snatch the folder and when Lily look at it she finds out that there is a letter from SRF - that is medical research and it is from her parents. Lily now knows that something is up with her parents work and her and Scout investigate more when they go to Foley´s office to put back the file, and there they finds out that Lily do have magic - when she manipulate the light with her emotions.

The next day Scout gets called in in the middle of lunch which never happens, but she goes anyway. When Lily comes back to their dorm after the day, she finds Scout room trashed and Scout missing, Foley shows up and reveals that she knows about The Dark Elite and if Lily can do something she should do it, so the police wont get involved. Lily knows that the Adept´s have a meeting that night so she goes to it. But when she tells them that Scout is missing the college kids Smith and Katie, do not want to save her because then they might be caught and the others agree with them. Lily storms away, but goes back to tell that she has magic, and she tries again to get some of them with her to save Scout, and this time Paul, Jill, Jaime, Jason and Michael goes with her eventhought the Katie and Smith says no. They successfully gets to Scout who has been soul sucked, but the Reapers attack. When The Reaper´s closses in on them, the boy Sebastian makes eye contact with Lily and tells her with his mouth to let go of trying to control the magic, and when she does she makes a firespell and they escape, but Lily knows she will see more to Sebastian. After Jason and Lily almost kiss, but is interupted by Scout and Michael. Scout then after tells that she has done research on Lily and that there is 12 Contingency Adepts, 6 who can wield electricity like Lily. 2 days later Lily is officially accepted into the Adept when a new member named Daniel shows up and they soon get another assignment.

I really liked this book, in the beginning i thought it was going to get boring, but the more i got into it the more i liked it. I thought the plot was different, and that it was good to read something differnt for a change. And i am really looking forward to the second and to see how the loose ends connect and to see Lily´s dark side and at the same time see if this Sebastian guy really is evil, because he doesn´t seem that way toward Lily. I like the way that Scout and Lily sees the school from the beginning as not fun, because my reaction would be the same. But i sometimes fought that there wasn´t any suprises, like Jason´s wolf part, that wasn´t really a suprise. And in the beginning i didn´t really thought that Lily had any guts, because i wouldn´t just have walked away in the beginning with Scout. It was a really nice starter book. With teenagers, magic, frindship and a little romance and mysterious. I liked this first book in this series than i did with the Chicago Vamps.

Grade: 7

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