torsdag den 20. maj 2010

Betrayed Review

Betrayed By P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
(Book 2 In The House of Night Series)

Zoey is now the leader of The Dark Daughters, is going out with Erik (who right now is at a international Shakespearean monologue contest), has the best frinds in the world, and has finally found a place where she belongs. It is that time of the month where family comes to visit and Zoey parents shows up and it doesn´t go well when they insult the school and Neferet, so they walk out. After her parents and Grandma are gone Zoey overhears Aphrodite and her parents talking about getting her place back on the school and bringing Zoey down, eventhough Aphrodite tells them that Zoey is better fittet, and Zoey get the feeling from the way her parents are, that it is their fault she is as she is. As the new leader of the Dark Daughters Zoey wants to change things so the next day she goes to the library to searce her idea´s. While there she meets Loren Blake the young and hot poet teacher, and they talk. Later Zoey is walking back to meet Neferet about her new idea´s, but walks away after she overhears a big fight between her and Aphrodite, about Aphrodite´s visions being wrong. About the same time Zoey also find out that Chris a boy she new from her old school is gone missing and Zoey has a feeling that he may be dead. Later Zoey meets Loren again outside when she is going to her dorm, he is writing and ask if he an see her tatoo´s on her shoulders to inspiration, and there seem to be a moment when they almost kiss. Later Zoey finds a poem from Loren in her locker and she tells it all to Stevie, and they afterwards finds out that Chris is dead and that Brad another one from her school is missing. Zoey gets enough of all of it and takes a walk where she runs into Aphrodite and stays with her because she is having a vision of Zoey´s grandma getting killed and a lot of other people when a brigde collaspes.

Zoey tells this to her friends and they come up with a plan to call the FBI and make a bomb treat on the bridge so they will close it so no one gets hurt. Right after 2 detectives arrives to ask Zoey questions about the boys that is missing and show evidence of a Dark Daughters group necklace whick was found on Chris´s body. Later that day Zoey goes out into town where she meets Heath, who stopped smoking and drinking and wants her back. She says no and he follows her to her car where he gets in, pull out a knife and tells her to take his blood, she tells him no but when he cuts his throat she can´t hold back. Before they can get any further like have sex, they are told to leave the parking lot and Zoey agrees to meet Heath the next friday. She calls on the bomb threat when she gets home and the bridge gets closed. Later that night Zoey is on her way to the dorm, when she sees a mysterious person, she follow and finds out it is Elliot - who is not dead, but something entirely else and Neferet is with him, letting him take her blood. Zoey i is very torn right now as she obviously like Erik, Loren and Heath who she hasd imprinted on. the next day is sunday and the day with Zoey´s first ritual as the leader of the Dark Daughters and Erik coming home. Erik performs at the school and is informed that he made 1 place in the compitision, and after they go to Zoey´s ritual, where they find out that all of Zoey´s friends has a feeling of one element each. the ritual goes really well exept for Neferet taking all the credit for what Zoey has come up with, so Zoey is starting to get suspicious. But a terrible thing happen shortly thereafter as Stevie´s body rejects the change and she dies. When Zoey goes to bed that night she has a dream about Heath being at House Of Night and being taken away by four (Non vampyre, non Human) things, one Stevie, one Elliot. And when she wakes up she finds out Heath is missing. Her and Aphrodite also have a talk like they have had a cuple of times before about something being wrong with Neferet and to not trust her.

To blow up some steam Zoey goes to the horse stables and Erik walks her there, and she tells him she has imprinted on Heath and that she took his blood the other day. Erik tells her that they will figure things out, and that she should try and focus on Heath through the connection so she can find him. After he goes Zoey goes to heath in her mind and finds out he is in the tunnels under Tulsa. Aphrodite comes out to the stables having just had a vison about Heath and the creature, she tells Zoey to take the horse and he her make it ready. Zoey also calls her freinds teling them to focus their elements on her. Zoey rides through the snow and finds Heath, and there is more than just 4 creatures. Stevie Ray is there and Zoey can see that she is like the others but better when Zoey convince. When they are in a tunnel alone her and heath having just destroyed some of the tunnel, Stevie comes teling Zoey to kill her, that she will never be herself again and that it is Neferet that is doing this to them. when they are out of the tunnel Zoey calls detective Marx who has a vampire twin and tells him to come get them. After Neferet shows up and erase Zoey and Heath memory of the encounter. But the godess contacts Zoey and she uses her pover to get the memory back and at the school she promise Neferet that this isn´t over

Like the first one, I really enjoyed the book and i think the series is getting better and better and developing. The series isn´t The Vampire Diaries or Vampire Academy, but i like this book, but i also like it another way than i like the 2 other series. So not much else to say.

Grade: 10

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