mandag den 24. maj 2010

Burned Review

Burned By P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
(Book 6 In The House of Night Series)

*-*Zoey is now in the Otherworld with Heath, because her soul has shattered and her and Heath moves further and Further into a grudge that Kalona can´t enter, but Zoey slowly looses more of herself and she can´t stop moving. Suddenly Stark is there calling Heath and telling him to move on, so he tells Zoey goodbye and move on. Stark comes out and talks to Zoey, but she is totally looseing it, esspecially when Stark begins to move out of the grudge and he goes to face Kalona, who is outside and Kalona creates a arena. In the arena Kalona and Stark fight and seeing her Stark almost dying makes her go back to the grove and get herself back together. She comes back to the arena, but before she can do anything Kalona puts his stick through Stark´s heart and he dies. This makes Z more mad and she attack Kalona with air. Kalona has a immortal spirit, so Z tells him to give something of it to save Stark. He wont do it, but then Nyx appears and tells him to do it and he does it. But breaks something in Stark´s body on purpess when he does it and then disappears. Zoey take him with her back to the grudge were he drink her blood several times, they kiss and she accept him as her guardian and that makes some of her soul his and the other way around. Zoey also get her tatoo´s back and when she does she can feel her friends and their elements. After Zoey returns to the normal world, where she get Stark to come back by stopping the warrior who is still cutting him and then she kiss Stark and tells him its over. But at the same time Nyx tells her that it isn´t over.

*-*Meanwhile Kalona soul is hurt after the Spirit ball, Zoey threw at him and is terrible sad because Zoey was never ment to die. Neferet as always uses this to her advance, since Neferet has gone totally evil and is almost immortal herself. She influence Kalona to return only his spirit, because his body is forbiden, to the Othreworld. Where she wants him to make sure that Zoey stays there and doesn´t put her soul back together. If he doesn´t succed Neferet will have control over his soul and body, so he can´t return to his body. Neferet then shows up in the chamber of the High Council after and plays innocent, telling them that he is in the same state as Zoey and that she wants to take him with her to a speciel place and she is allowed as long as she has som warriors with her.

*-*In the High Council Stark, Darius, Aphrodite - The Prophetess, The Twins, Damien and Jack tries to find a way to get Zoey back because they wont let her go. They are told by the 7 High Priestess there are there that Zoey will die in 7 days. And Aphrodite tries to come more in contact with her powers, so she can save Zoey - (Who she think of as a sister she never had). They find out that Stark has to go to Scotland to Isle of Women, where warriors originaly trained. Until some time they were spead all over the world so they could be in training at the different House Of Night. And in that casttle he has to talk to Sgiach the women warrior, who doesn´t wanna let anybody in and they has to find out about bull´s and Darkness and Light. So Aphrodite calls Stevie to find out if she can find something. They research and Stark then tells them that his last name before was MacUallis, and they finds out that that is his way into the casstle. Him, Zoey´s body, Aphrodite and Darius goes and they come in. Stark undergo massive pain as a warrior has to cut in him for him to get to the Otherworld and when he finaly gets there he has to fight his evil self, but before he does it he comes back to the normal world where Aphrodite - who has just tried to get a vision herself and got it tells him that he need to get Heath away from Zoey and make him move on, or else the world will go under if Zoey doesn´t come back.

*-*Stevie Rae also gets the new about Zoey and through the imprint between her and Rephaim, he feels it too and calls to her, 2 days after her accident. They talk and come up with the fact that Neferet is using Kalona - which he is. She calls Aphrodite and together they find out about Neferet´s darkness and her trapping Kalona´s body and making sure Zoey dies. So they talk about finding a way to get Stark´s soul to the Otherworld so he can protect Zoey and they can come back. She also vists Rephaim. Aphrodite then calls her again so she can find out something about the Light And Darkness bulls, through her earth element. But when Stevie calls a circle she calls the White bull who is darkness. He give Stevie her answer but want payment inform of blood so Stevie almost die, but Rephaim and the Black bull shows up and help her. When her circle is broken all the black smoke dissaperes and Dallas who was with her hurries to her sight, and Rephaim flyes away. But Dallas of course sees him. After when Stevie is back on the school and on the hospital, she calls Aphrodite with the news. Later Stevie and the others go to the tunnels to throw out the evil Red fledgling, Stevie sends all the good fledgling home after, but Dallas stays and they almost have sex, but Rephaim shows up, because he can feel what she is about to do through the bond. Dallas acts crazy, when he finds out that Stevie has something to do with a Raven Mocker and the darkness takes him over, so Stevie calls the school and tells that he gave over to darkness and that anything he tells them is a lie. Stevie then goes back to the house where Rephaim lives right now and it seems like they almost admit their feeling, esspecially when they sit outside by the fountain the day after and Rephaim reflections changes to a hot indian guy. But they are interupted when Rephaim feels that Kalona is back in the world and when Stevie feels Zoey being back. She then tells him that he can come back when he will choose Love over darkness.

Arhh Stark love her - see that is what i have been waiting for. Now Zoey has just to open her eyes and forget about the other boys, who is actually out of her way now. So finally they have a change to be together.
Words they day a lot is: Dang, oh goddess and Zoey always says Ah Hell - esspecially in the end of the chapters.
I really didn´t understand the scottish - just very little of it and that annoyed me. It was also a little difficult to understand the american southern slang sometimes.
I Thought it was a little boring hearing about was Stevie was doing all the time, because she had a lot of time in this book, and i would rather want to hear more about saving Zoey. Of Course the others have to have some time too, but then let it be Aphrodite - she is so funny and i like her a lot, or Stark.
Sometimes i thought it was alittle to annoying that we didn´t hear about the person emotions, like Stark and Aphrodite sometimes. Mostly it was just the things that was good discriped and not the things the person thought and felt.
I am really hoping that Zoey wont screw it up with Stark, because he loves her so much and we all know that she loves him too and that she herself have suggested soul mates! i am just saying. So it really piss me of the whole reincarnation of Heath thing they talk about. Just get it in your head Zoey, Heath doesn´t belong in this worls and he never will and he was really a pain in the butt, when i wanted her with Stark and Heath just keept showing up putting everyone in danger trying to protect him. Now he is dead so move the hell on!
I am really looking forward to the next book and to see with Zoey and Stark, i just cant believe we have to wait until January 4 2011.

Grade: 10

Burned Trailer:

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