mandag den 10. maj 2010

Illusions Review

Illusions By Stefanie Ellis
(Book 2 In The Gray Area Series)

Sidney and Cael now lives together at Cael´s place and is working hard on The amusement park. It is Sidney´s 18 year old birthday and Cael gives her 3 things: a bracelet, Naming the park after her and tickets for the two of them to Romania. They go to Romania, and when they get there their is a wedding going on. All of them is happy to see them, but Sidney reads the brides thought and finds out she intends to kill her future husband, so the wedding is canceled, instead Liam and Rayna have a ceremony. Nicole is really sad, because she broke up with Vince and know is kind of in love with Cael. Soon Kylie last day a school comes and now they are going out to find their mother, they have a map from her and finds out that they both have to touch it, for it to show something. First destination is Forsyth Park in Savannah, Georgia. On their way, Kylie has to pee and they stop somewhere at a festival and suddenly Cael remembers something from his human life. Each time they uses the map to find their destination, they then go, get a vision from their mother, who places some things, they are suppose to get.
They also go to a bar in Roanoke, Virginia. Here they find Mr Noble, who tells them that their mother saved him and his son´s lives, that their mothers name is Serenity and that she has said that they were twins, but they can´t be because of the age different. He gives then a piece and they then go to New York City, where the sisters do some seriously shopping told by Cael, and after they go to dinner at a fine resturant were a vampire is the chef. After dinner Kylie ask to go with a guy and his parents to a movie, and they let her. Sidney is still suspicious toward Cael and to her suprise he ask her to marry her and she says yes. They almost have sex after but is interupted by Moon who calls and tells that she is hearing voices and that they are teling her that Sidney is lying. They get their thing in New York and go to California their home. The 1 thing they do is to see Moon, and Moon tries to kill Sidney, because the voices told her to. Cael calls Romania and Rayna then comes and take Moon with her. The next place to go is The St. Augustine Clinic, were they get the last piece and the things forms themselfs together to a necklace, that is a compass. The follow but haves to leave the car in the desert as it breaks down. They walk through the desert on foot, comes to a cliff, where there is an invisible portal to a forest. Here they meet a Gnome, who tells the the fairies are missing. They follow him through the forest, but something weird is going on, Sidney and Cael feel like human and getting wounds and visions, while Kylie and the gnome just kind of ignores it. They find out latter that the forest was playing a trick on their minds and that they are still vampire, and the gnome tells them it is probably because the forest don´t let evil cross. They also come across a unicorn-Pegasus, who lets Sidney fly on it. Suddenly the necklace orms a vortex and through there they come to a kind of Utopia. Liam is also concerned because there is a disturbance in the balance on earth right now and he neds to warn Cael and Sidney

The book was fun, but there was really something missing: like If you take the first one in the series there was a lot of things going on and quick, but in this it is just one thing, finding their mother, so the only thing you really hear about is them driving around and getting visions. So i feel like the first book things were going way too fast that you didn´t get to get a ckear pictue, and in this they do nothing really, it is like a built up for the third book, but really boring. It is so much fun with all the names Cael comes up with for her, sometimes i was just really LOL. And the thing with Gargoyles, so much fun. Just standing there snarling at each other. And i totally loved this line: "Vampires versus Gargoyles, what a sight." and this: "So I guess that was the plan. To crouch in the middle of the forest in our warrior positions and send growls and snarls back and forth. People would not pay to see this battle."

Grade: 7

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