lørdag den 15. maj 2010

Immortal Review

Immortal By Gillian Shields (Book 1 In The Immortal Series

Evie is 16 years old and has lived with her granma Frankie for a long time, because her mom is dead and her is in the army overseas. But now Frankie is ill so Abbey gets send to a boarding school called Wyldcliffe Abbey School.

While getting to the school after been trown out of a cab, because the driver wouldn´t go to the hunted school, she is knocked out by a boy riding a black horse, there is something weird about him and he tells her they will meet again. Abbey is a strick school and vie doesn´t feel at home at all.

A rich snob of a girl named Celeste in her dorm wants Evie away, because the only reason she got in, was because her cousin Laura died, in the lake behind the school. No one is very friendly, except a girl named Sarah and she doesn´t really make any friends. After being there a day, Evie begins to have feelings that someone is wacthing her, she also have weird black outs were she is still at the school but somehow the vision is different and there is different people.

One night she wants to go out to see the lake, so she sneaks out of the house by an old staircase, when outside Sebastian shows up and they spend some time together and she promise to see him again. The next many nights she see Sebastian, but he doesn´t wanna tell her anything really about himself, and when Evie sees Sebastian at night the black outs stoppes.

One of the nights Helen a weird girl at Evie´s dorm, locks her in the olld staircase and tells a teacher that Evie was out of bed, but Evie manage to save herself. They also goes with the class to the Fairfax hall, but there has been a break in a night and a painting has been stolen.

But with time Evie gets mad that Sebastian doesn´t want to tell her anything, so she stops seing him. At the same time Sarah tells her that she know something is going on, and she tells Evie that she has some kind of power like she knows when someone is happy or not. Evie tells her about her black outs and the girl she has been seing in them. Sarah then shows her a book with the story of abbey, and how it ones belong to a family that had a daughter named Lady Agnes.

There is a picture of her in the book and that is the girl Evie has been seing, Lady Agnes also lookes a lot like Evie. Sarah and her begins to search in Evie´s family history, because Frankie had ones told her she came from here. Evie realises that she loves Sebastian and want to see him, he is very glad when she comes out one night, they swim in the lake - but something weird happens, he tells her he loves her and they kiss.

Evie begins to connect the dots and is pretty sure that Lady Agnes, who ran away from home had a baby before she died in the so called terrible horse riding accident and that that baby was Evie´s great-great grandmother Effie, who was raised as a normal farmer girl at Uppercliffe.

She also finds out from a letter she gets from one of Frankie´s nurses, that the silver necklace she bearies is an heirlome from Lady Agnes time. She tells this to Sebastian, who tells her that he has to get away and that they can´t see each other anymore, but tells her he has to find out something, and that she has to meet him the next night.

Before she goes to meet him, Helen gives her a newspaper article, of the stolen painting in Fairfax, where she reads that the painting was of Sebastian Fairfax, and there is a picture of the painting and it is her Sebastian. When she meets him, he shows her a grave from 1884 and tells her that it is his grave but he never died.

He gives her Agnes diary and tells her to read it. It tells that Sebastian and Agnes was old friends, and on a trip Sebastian found a book him and her later used to inspiriment with dark powers of earth, water, wind and fire. That Seabatian got gredy, that he wanted eternal life, that Agnes better could master the powers esspecially fire, and that she concealed the powers in Evie´s necklace.

Sebastian then tells her that when Agnes came back to Wyldcliffe so her baby could have a better life, sebastian accidentally killed her and suddenly he was immortal, but not completly and that he eventually will becoem a dark demon if he doens´t complete the immortally with the powers in the necklace. But Agnes has sealed it so the only way he can get the necklace is to kill Evie and take it, he tells her they cant see each other again and that she has to get away from here, that he isn´t the only one who craves the necklace, the powers.

By morning Sarah and Evie sees Helen jump from the roof, but she is still alive not hurt. After school she tells them that she was brought up at a childrens home as they know, but some time ago the Headmistress at Abbey came and told her she was her mother and knew of the special powers she had, like flying of the roof, she took Helen with her to Abbey, but Helen couldn´t tell that she was her daughter.

She tells them that her mother is only intrested in her powers and that her mother is a dark sister with Sebastian as their master. After Agnes he had gotten some followers to serve him and when he found the powers he would share, and when a dark sister dies they gave their place to their daughter.

helen shows them visons and they see that it was the sisters who killed Laura after she had had her 3 warning, so their master could have more time, and threw her in the lake. She tells that Sebastian didn´t knew about Laura and that he got mad with her mother when he found out. She tells that when with time Sebatian will crave the powers even more and wouldn´t know what he was doing, eventhough it mean hurting Evie.

Helen tells her that the only possible way to save herself is to realese the powers in the necklace to herself. Evie gets the powers of the water, but she can´t do anything because she doesn´t give herself fully. One day Celeste sets her up, so Evie gets her 3 and last warning. The coven tries to get the necklace but they dont get it, they trie to get Sebastian to take it but he fight against them, finally tha four of them Helen, Sarah, her and Agnes manages to fight them, but is not sure if they are dead. They know that it is not over, and evie knows that she has to save the boy that she loves.

I thought that the book to times was boring and i think that it was a horrible ending. that was way too fast. I liked the story but i kind of feel the same way with ghost story as i does with fairie stories = BORING. It was unoriginal with easily forgettable characters, and the plot was predictable. When i first saw the cover the first thing that comes to my mind Titanic = no idea why.
"Monthly bleeding???" - I think i am gonna have a cow, OMG how ridicules does that senting sound?? Really Really REALLY RIDICULES.

Grade: 4

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