torsdag den 6. maj 2010

Shadow Of The Moon Review

Dark Of The Moon By Rachel Hawthorne
(Book 4 In The Dark Guardian Series)

Hayden a shifter born with empathic abilities, that means that she can feel what other people are feeling, and very often she cant feel her own emotions. It is soon her time for transformation, but a creature named The Harvester from hell who comes every full moon to snatch the power and soul of people want to do that to her, and then she will die. She know that it want to take her and her future mate so she runs away from Wolford, so she can´t find a mate so only she will die. She escapes to Athena a winter vacation resort, where she gets a job at a cafe, but after 3 weeks is fund by Daniel. And apparently she can´t feel his emotions. She tries to escape, but it doesn´t work. After work her and Daniel go to a bar, where Lisa one of Hayden colleagues at work, also is there. At night when Daniel walk Hayden home, she tries to escape again, But she hasen´t walked in the woods for long, before she sees a mist? And Daniel shows up. She also has a feeling that Daniel is more than a shifter. The next day she work and by night they are about to go to a party at the slobes, but they are closed because a boy is missing, the 2 of them find him and bring him back. The next day at night there is a party and by next morning Daniel and Hayden are going back to Wolford. He keep teling her to accept him as her mate, but she wont risk anybody´s life. It take them a couple of days to come back to Wolford. One night they camp in the woods, and by night Hayden go out in the woods and sees a black panther. When they get there, they are put into sword fighting lessons with the other Guardians to defeat The Harvester. The day before Hayden transformation her and Daniel go out to a cave he know and shows her that he is the black panther. When the next day at night Daniel declare her as his mate in front of the others and elder, she says no and tells the elder that Daniel is the on who brouht The Harvester to Wolford and her, she does this as a way to protect him from going. And the elders lock him in the dungen. The others go to a clearing in the woods and when her time come The >Harvestes and six hounds from hell shows up. They fight them, but the Harvester is strong. Daniel shows up and take on The Harvester and Hayden kills it. Hayden accepts Daniel as her mate and go through the transformation. After Daniel and Hayden decide to go out and find other shifters like Daniel

This is the fourth instalment to the series and it is written from a new character Hayden´s perspective. Some of the things i really liked was the fact that we got introduced to a new character and got away from Wolford. And that we got to see a shifter who wasn´t a wolf. Also that we got to see Kayla, Lindsey and Brittany doing things together. Some funny lines; Love these lines: “What are you? A writer for bad horror movies?”, and "Did you not get notified that I’m on the harvester’s playlist?”, and "Suffice it to say that we had our own daytime soap going on back at Wolford." and “I like to live dangerously,” he said. “Yeah, well, then, take up bungee jumping.” and “I do believe it. We don’t know everything about the harvester. It’s not as if it’s been on Oprah." This book was a lot more fun than the others.

Grade: 7

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