fredag den 21. maj 2010

Tempted Review

Tempted By P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
(Book 6 In The House of Night Series)

The escaping group from House Of Night + The Red Fledgling, the nuns and Zoey Grandma, is now resindent in The Abbey. Where they make themself ready to go back to the school. While there at the church, stevie find a hurt Raven Mocker named Rephaim from the fight and help him heal instead of killing him, without telling anybody and she hides him in the tunnels after. Zoey is still major tired and confused about the 3 boys in her life and the fact that there is also Neferet, Kalona and the rest of The Raven Mockers that needs to be dealt with. And on top of that Stark has just had a near dead expirience. After Stark has been taken care of by Darius, Darius tells Zoey that because Stark took the warrior oath he is now bound to Zoey and can feel what she is feeling a much stronger bond than imprint, and Darius tells her that it would be Zoey blood he should drink to heal, but that it wouldn´t just be blood he took it would be spirit. He also tells her that she shouldn´t do it right now and that Stark doesn´t want her to, because she needs to be strong. She checks on Stark and when she is about to go to bed she have a fight with Erik and breaks up with him. That night Kalona appears in Zoey´s dreams again and Zoey wake up screaming with Aphrodite because she has just had a doubble vision, of the world dying with zoey and Kalona doing it, and one of Zoey at the same place, killing the immortal Kalona. Because of the bond Stark shows up at her and Aphrodite´s room and stays with Zoey.

The next morning they have a big meeting, where Stevie also tells that there are other evil red fledglings in the tunnels and that she wanted to give them a chance to come around, but obviously haven´t and Zoey is okay with that. All of them goes back to the school, where they finds out that the school is not at all back to normal. One of the teachers, Anasticia on Zoey´s side is dead, because of the Raven Mockers that went balistic when Zoey and the others escaped, and her mate Dragon also a teacher on Zoey side is absolutly broken. Zoey and her circle goes to the mini hospital on school and help the Fledgling who are hurt, after trying to help Anastacia, and they are apparently not under Kalona spell anymore as the rest of the teachers and students at the school is. After this Zoey group collects in Zoey´s room, where they discuss the new poem on of the Red Fledgling made and where Kalona might be. They connect the visions and the dreams Aphrodite and Zoey have had and the vampyre Twitter pages Jack shows and comes up with Kalona being in Italy. In Zoey´s dream that night, eventhough Heath is with her, Kalona comes to her, because he only has pure intentions. He shows her his past where he was Nyx warrior, but loved her so much he couldn´t do his job, and Nyx eventually let him fall to become a dark angel instead of white. The next day the gang including Heath and without Stevie goes to Venice to see the High council. While they go Stevie wants to give the rest of the red fledglings in the tunnels another change to choose good, so she goes out to see them. Stevie then gets trapped on a rofe by the evil Red Fledgling´s, because they tell her that the have beaten the Raven up and left him there. Eventhought the raven knows it is a trap. Stevie´s skin burns but she and the Raven manage to get away and open a hole in the ground. Here she drink his blood and forms and imprint with him, that is different than the one with Aphrodite, that then breaks.

Zoey and the others stand before the High Council when they come to Venice, but it seems like the council believe Neferet and Kalona that are there too. Zoey friends tries after to tell her that Kalona is messing with her head, but Zoey is confused. Stark is mad and storms of and Heath goes after him, to stop him. But when Heath goes he overheards Neferet and Kalona, about them luring Zoey in, and about Neferet killing the teachers. After Neferet leaves Kalona discover Heath there and Heath knows he is dead and calls for Zoey. Zoey gets there but Heath is already dead when she trows the spirit element after Kalona, and her soul shatters. This leaves Zoey friends left, who was right behind her, and Stark who is devastated.

This book is the first book in the serie, that isn´t just from Zoey´s perspective, it is also from so of the others but mostly of the other is Stevie Rae, because she is becoming bigger in the whole community herself. I don´t really have much else to say to the book than this: I just love Aphrodite, really! She is so much fun and stay on top of things eventhough she is human and i love that her and Zoey are friends now. And what is up with her calling the nuns: penguins? Haha so much fun. And then there is the whole boyfrind 1,2,3 that is so much fun also. I am getting really tired of Zoey going from one boy to the other, I just want her to be with Stark. I really want Heath to fuck of, and Erik to stop being such and ass and for Kalona to stop entering Zoey dreams and just go away, so she can be with Stark.

Grade: 10

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