onsdag den 5. maj 2010

Dark Of The Moon Review

Dark Of The Moon By Rachel Hawthorne
(Book 3 In The Dark Guardian Series)

It is now Brittany´s turn to become a full shifter, but as she stands under the full moon nothing happens. She is devastated because she as a person has crawed her whole life to be one. She is now not sure if she is a static or if she is suppose to wait to the next full moon, or what the hell to do, so she cries. The next day she travels back to Wolford, but has decided not to tell anyone and trie to fix the problem herself. But on her way home she come across a trap set by Bio-Chrome. When she gets back she tells Connor, who then goes out to look at it. After she goes to a sacret room, where the book with the history of the shifters lies to find out what is wrong with her. But is interupted by Lindsey, and Brittany confesses to her. The next day there is a lot of fuss, because Britanny has gone through the transformation alone and survived, as an old legend said that females couldn´t go through it alone. She also have a meeting with the elders an suspect that maybe they know about her. After there is a guardian meeting, where they agree to get into teams, to do different things so they can take down Bio-Chrome. Later Brittany goes to the gym,and Connor is there, and after some time there Connor and her are "fighting", and Brittany lets Connor win, she also finds out that it was a test made by Connor, to see if she really was a warrior worthy of his team. At night there is a movie night and Connor seem different around her, and when they are outside he kisses her. Later the next day Lacas tells her that she is now on his team, because Connor kicked her of hers. later that day, Kayla, Lucas and her are on their way back to the cabins, but Brittany is goingto her mom first, who just got home for Europe, to figure out what is going on, and her mom tells her that her dad is human. At night her and some of the others are meeting at the bar, but Britanny gets attackt by Mason and is taken away, and she suddenly finds Connor: knocked out, with her too, beign taksen out by Mason. Mason have taken blood froom them and before Connor wakes finds out that she is human. Mason and his group take them with them to the lab, where they lock them up. They are there for days, Mason drawing Connor´s blood and teling him to change. Then one of the days he lets a Couger get into the cell and Connor has to change, he tell Brittany to change but she tells him she is human, He is shocked but changes, he kills the couger, but is hurt, Brittany tells them to help him and she will tell them everything. She tells them some things and get back to Connor, who is okay with her not beign a shifter, he tells her that the others will save them tomorrow night. The next day just before the others arrive, Mason comes in and tells that the serum is ready. Connor finds out that she agreed to be the first to use the serum, and tells her not to do it and she doesn´t, but Mason does on himself and become not wolf or human. The others come, they escape, brings down the place and after Mason attacks Connor and Brittany and she kills him. 2 days after it is time for the elder and dark guardians to decide if she will continue to be one of them, and they accept her, and Connor declares her as his mate. Now she just have to accept herself.

This is the third instalment to the series and it is written from Brittany´s perspective. This is problably the most deep book of them all, because Brittany really has something to be scared of. You get a feeling that if she isn´t a wolf, she has nothing to be and she can just lay back and die. And you really feel that she feels for the Dark Guardian thing. i have always thought she was enoying, but now you suddenly understand, why she hasn´t been a part of the group, and she almost become my favourite characters in this series. But now i am kind of getting tired of the whole transformaton progress and them beign confused. And i really would have liked also in the other books that the author could have shifted the point of view to their mates sometimes, because you don´t get to know them, like i want to. some funny moment i think was these lines -
Haha "the other pain: Mason." - Brittany. Haha yay the other pain in the ass! OMG and this, so much fun: "So?" Lucas prodded. "Anyone up for a two-legged run in the moonlight?" LOL. I just felt so much for Brittany. She so didn´t deserve this. I just wished that something would happen and she would be wolf, but it didn´t. I am not sure that i would have been okay, and in the future beign with all the others. Thsi is a fun, good and nice series.

Grade: 7

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