onsdag den 19. maj 2010

Spirit Bound Review

Spirit Bound By Richelle Mead
(Book 5 in Vampire Academy series)

Rose is still on her plan to make Demitri normal again and she has the plan to break Victor out of prison, she just have to figure out how. Today she became an official guardian and got her mark and after a party with her family and friends. At the party she askes her father Abe about the prison where Victor is and he tells her that it is called Tarasov Prison, and it is in Alaska right now, because it keeps moving. A couple of days after a lot of Guardians is on their way to The Royal Court, because there is going to be a service so the guardians can be assigned to a morroi. one their first day there Lissa and Rose go to see Mia, to see if she can help them break into the headquarters so they can get blueprints of the prison and she agrees to help them later. At night Rose is at a dinner with Adrian´s parents, thigs go pretty well and his mom doesn´t seem to have a problem with Adrian dating Rose. While at the guardian headquarters, Rose has just taken the files over the prison, when a guardian Mikhail Tanner who was involved with Ms. Karp a dhampir, who became a strigoi the same time Demitri did, walks in on her. She tells him his theori and he agrees to do her a favor. At the service the next day Rose ask Eddie, who she knows will do anything to help her, to help her. And by night Eddie, Rose and Lissa meets with Mikhail, who gets the out of the court and to the airport so they can go to Alaska. They break Victor our of prison, eventhough it is hard and he tells them that his brother, Robert Doru lives in Las Vegas. They go there on a private plane and when they get to a hotel they get Victor to call his brother.

A couple of hours before the are meeting Robert, Adrian shows up having tracked them down with the credit cards he gave Rose to go to Russia. He gets mad when he finds out what this is really about (Dimitri), but goes with them to dinner anyway. At dinner Robert tells them that if you charm a stake with spirit and let the spirit user kill the strigoi, then the person will become itself again without being shadow-kissed. As they are one the way to a room so Robert can show this Dimitri and some other Strigoi shows up, they all escape but they lose Victor and Robert. So now there is no more else to do than to go to the court, when they get back her and Eddie gets send to do all the work at court nobody wants, and one day Christian show up and he see through Rose and gets the whole story, after through the boond Rose sees him coming to Lissa, telling her that he can teach her to stake a strigoi, if he comes with her to the college she is visiting the next day, and that they can get help from Mia when they get back and Lissa accepts. While visiting the college that weekend Lissa and Christian guardian teach them some few fighting things and let them use a stake on a pillow. But when Lissa and Christian and some guardians is out to celebrate Lissa´s birthday, they get attackt on the way home by Dimitri and strigoi. They kill all exept Lissa snd Christian whick Dimitri says he will use for bait to get Rose, and Rose sees al of this through the bond. It isn´t long before a lot of guardians is on their way to save them including Rose. While they get there they fight and after a lot of trials Lissa gets a charmed stake into Dimitri´s heart. He is now dhampir again, but the guardians and others have a hard time believing and they lock him up.

The morning after she sees Dimitri, Adrian comes and tells her that the council has decided to drop the age from 18 to 16 when you get gratuated, and that it was that Rose got called into the council to testifide. Rose gets mad and storms down to the court where things are still going on and everything is caos. A couple of our after this Dimitri is outside to get tested if he is still strrigoi, Rose helps him and he gets permission to get a room but still with guards around him. Rose tries to talk to him, but Lissa tells her to give him time, so she does. She after runs in to a man she reconice as working for her father Abe and he gives her a laptop and some papers to follow. It turn out it is a video conference call with Sydney, who tells her that The Alchemists just have had some stolen records of Lissa´s father Erik askes if it was Rose or if she knows who it was. Rose begins to wonder what the hell they wanted with Erik and why when they where in vegas they talked to a man who said he was in vegas a lot. Dimitri and Rose talk some more the next 2 days, once in churcha and the next morning when Rose is going for coffee, but at the cafe a lot of the queens guards suddenly comes wanting to take Rose away, but Dimitri stands up for her and try to fight them of, at last Rose just goes with them and she finds out that queen Tatiana was killed last night, and Rose is the only and main suspect.

Spirit Bound is the fifth book in the Vampire Academy series. This book definently had a lot of things going on, and the ending was just shocking. The book just had so much suspence. And as always i would love to be like Rose with her whole attitude towards things and stuff. It was just such a roller coaster ride and i read it on one day because i knew i wouldn´t be able to put it down to sleep. I really loved that Dimitri came back, but i was so sad for Rose that he wouldn´t talk to her and stuff, because they belong together. And Rose has done so much for him, so i can´t say that i wouldn´t be a little jealous of all the time Lissa gets to spend with him. But i am hoping that it will change in Last Sacrifice, because I love the way that Dimitri stood up for her at the cafe that really seems like a turning point for him. 3 characters i really think bring a good thing to the book is Adrian, Christian and Abe. They have there own way to look at things and that makes it funny and good and makes me like them. I really loved to see more of Rose and Lissa´s old friends and enemies, because it was like a great reunien.
I just loved, loved, loved this book and it may be just a matter of time before this become my favorite in the series, but not quite.

Grade: 12

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