søndag den 2. maj 2010

Moonlight Review

Moonlight By Rachel Hawthorne
(Book 1 In The Dark Guardian Series)

When Kayla was little her parents got killed in the forest in a national park, because some hunters had mistaken them for wolfs. Since then she has had adoptive parent, and last year they took her to the national park, so she could get over the fear of her parents dying there. So this summer she is working in the national park as a sherpas - a kind of guide. Last year she became really good friends with another Sherpas, Lindsey, it was her who convinced Kayla to work there. But Lindsey isn´t the only sherpas, there is also: Rafe, Brittany, Connor and the leader Lucas Wilde, who Kayla likes, but he doesn´t seem to notice or talk to her much. They have all lived their whole life in the city Tarrant up the road. Kayla is turning 17, so the guys have made a suprise party out in the woods at night, but the whole walk there with Lindsey, she feel like she is beign watched. Lucas askes about it when she get to the party and on the way back to the cabins, he feels it to. The next day, her birthday, is her first official day as an sherpas, and all of the guys are leading a group with a professer - Dr. Keane and his student out in the park, so they can explore wolfs. Among the student is Dr. Keane´s son, Mason who quickly turns out to like Kayla. One night after a couple of days Mason and Kayla sees a black wolf, while looking at stars away from the camp at night. After a couple of days in the woods, they come to a river with a lot of stream. But while Kayla is going over the robe breaks and Kayla almost drowns. When she gets out of the water, she is a long way from the other, and then a bear comes, but she is saved by a beautiful wolf. Later that night Kayla goes a little bit away from camp and finds the wolf, who is not hurt, as it was earlier. They travel on and when they get to the place where the Dr. keane, has to make a permanent camp for 10 days, Kayla says she can stay, knowing that one of the sherpas has to stay behind. ´Lucas gives her permission, but is angry. The days go by, while the other sherpas makes there way back to the cabin. And Kayla is borred. One day Mason and her go to the mountain, but when they get their Mason kissed her and holds her down against her will, then her wolf shows up and Mason shoots it with stunning darts and puts it in a cage. She then finds out that the group really is a Bio-Chrome research team, who believes that some humans can turn into wolfs and that, that wolf is Lucas. And that Mason has just been playing. Kayla thinks they are crazy, but plays along for the evening, because she got to get the wolf out. At night she get it out, it shifts and it is Lucas. They escape and Lucas tells her she is one of them, that she is his mate and that she will have her first change in 48 hours and that she have to accept him as a mate in order to survive. Now she has to choose and accept it and Lucas. But will she be able to do that? And what about the black wolf?

So i really liked this book. It was a fast, easy, but really good read. But one of the things i didn´t like was the prologue, that kind of ruins the whole book with spilling every detail of the mysterie and suspense, so i could really have done without it. I also thought that the last chapter was kind of rushed and that it ended way to soon, with loose ends. And the characters could have been a little better. This is one of those books that is perfect for a rainy day or whenever actually. With romance and fantasy thrown in with teens.

Grade: 10

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