onsdag den 12. maj 2010

Spells Review

Spells By Aprilynne Pike
(Book 2 in Wings series)

Laurel who recently discovered she is a fairie, has just got a message that she has to spend 8 weeks in Avalon to studie all the things about beign a fairie. She gets settle in her old room in the Academy Of Avalon, and has to read a million books before she can begin classes. After a week of studing, Tamani finaly comes to visit her and showing her town and she meets his mom Rhoslyn and niece Rowen. She learn a lot of things about the fairie society, like Spring Fairies is the lowest in the rank, as they shop elsewere and when the 2 of them walk in public it is like Tamani is her guard and nothing more. Also that it is only Spring and Summer fairies that lives/knows their parents, because fall and winter are important to the society, so their parents leaves them at the academy so they can get trained. When she starts classes Katya, tells her that the girl named Mara was Laurel good friend, but because Laurel got choosed to lived with the humans instead of her, she hates Laurel now. The first day in class Yeardley the fundamental instructor comes and tell her that they will work on defensive herbology, and Laurel knows it is because of the trolls. When the day of her return to the human word comes, Jamison tells her that Barnes probably soon will try a new move, and that she has to practice all she have learned. Laurel comes home just before school starts and reunite with family and friends, but her mom is still very distant from her, because of the fairie thing. And things doesn´t seem to get better with her fairie poisons, as she keeps not getting it right.

When David and her are at a party at their friend and Chelsea´s boyfriends house Ryan, Laurel see a troll outside, the of them hurrie to get to Laurels house, that is guarded and protected from most trolls. The car gets stuck on the way, so they have to run to the forest. There they get surrended by 3 trolls, but is saved by a woman named Klea Wilson, she knows Laurel´s name and she ask them to give her a ride to her camp, where she ask them qustions, ask about Barnes and tells them that she works for an organization that tracks trolls and other creatures. The 2 of them pretends that they don´t know about trolls and tells a fauls story abot Barnes. She gives them each a gun, because they wont take the protection. David is very facinated with the gun and woman, and he doesn´t really understand Laurel´s concern about them hunting supernatural beings and her being scared that one day someone will be pointing a gun at her. Next day she goes to clean the cabin and tell Tamani about what has happened. A couple of days later she gets an invetation from Tam, to go with him to a festival in Avalon. She doesn´t tell anyone about her going, and she have a good time at the festival. Suddenly Laurel and Tam are kissing and then he tells her he is in love with her, that loves her and that it isn´t fair that he has to wait for her. Laurel hurries to the gate with Tam on her heals, when they are on the other side Shar tells them that David is there. Laurel rushed ahead to him, but Tam stops and kiss her, right in front of David. Laurel´s world is crashing and as if that wasn´t enough, she gets a message from the trolls trown through her window at night saying that if she doesn´t show up at a lighthouse by 9 her friend Chelsea will die. She hurries to get David, and they go to free Chelsea. They almost loose but then Klea comes and shoot Barnes, after Chelsea tells them that she know Laurel´s secret.

I think it was a good enough second book, where the character developes and things happens between them. I did find it quite boring hearing about her time in in Avalon, because i didn´t think anything really happened. But with the ending in this, I can´t wait for the third book it is going to be so good. I think that Tam will get settle in the human world and go to Laurel school. Can you imagine the tension between him and David, that is going to be so good.

Grade: 7

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