Phoebe is 17 years old, half greek and lives in California with her mom, she really loves running, mostly because her dead father and her did it together and she feels closer to him when she runs. Today Phoebe is running in the final race of the USC cross country summer camp and if she winns and keep her grades and running up, she has a safe place at the USC University and a full scholarship at the one university she has always wanted to go on. But just as she crosses the finishline she sees her mom. Why is she here? She is suppose to be in Greece to her father´s family reunien. When the race is finish her mom comes up to her and intruduces Damian Petrolas from Greece. She tells Phoebe that they are getting married and moving to Serfopoula, Greece. But Phoebe are only planning on staying a year until college. Now she is leaving her whole life, including her 2 best friends Nola and Cesca. It´s a long trip, first with 2 planes, then metro, speedboat and yacht. But the craziest news comes on the yacth when Damian and her mom tells her that the greek gods are real and that the school she is beginning in, is a school for children of the gods. And that Damian is a descendant of the gods and goods have special powers. But Phoebe cannot tell anyone about this, because no one is to know. She also meet her evil stepsister Stella when she materialises on the boat right before they get to the island. The first night is not so good with Stella turning her food alive and such and the next day she already has to start in the new school. So she starts the morning by running a long trip and runs into a boy, but she doesn´t get his name. At the school she starts classes with is hard and she is the gossip on the school as being a non half god. But she becomes friends with Nicole and her friend Troy the first day, because they doesn´t hold anything against her like the others.
By lunch she sees the boy from the beach who was sweet enough there, but is now evil towards her, because now he knows she is the non God and his name is Griffin Blake. He is one of the popular´s and he is dating Adara, and the 2 of them keeps breaking up all the time. Later Phoebe try out for for the running team and Griffin is on that team to, he is not nice towards her and when they run he uses his powers and bind her shoes together, so she falls and can´t bind her shoes up and can´t be in the rest of the race. The coaches talk after practice about who should made the team and when Phoebe is going for soe water, while waiting she overhears them and Coach Lenny the running coach, tells the other coaches that Phoebe should be on the team, because she is really good. And they then come to a salution, that Phoebe will permanently be accepted on the team if she is top 3 in the running competition that is about to come. Coach Lenny then tells Phoebe the next day that he wants her to start extra running practice every morning so she can cut down on some of her time, eventhough she is good.

Nicole doesn´t really want to talk about Griffen and Phoebe think that there is clearly history there. After only a week on the island Phoebe has a hard time with her Greek homework, so Stella tells her to do 3 things and she will In exchange be her greek tutor: 1. Never talk to her at school. 2. Get Damian to subscribe to Vogue and Cosmo. 3. To break up Griffin and Adara. Phoebe doesn´t want to get into it with the popular so she says no, but Stella tells her she has hear that Damian and her mom wants Phoebe to stay at the island another year and go to college in England and that Stella herself will convince them to do so if Phoebe doesn´t help her. So Phoebe starts a couple of days after in the cafeteria, when she stands up and ask Griffin to help her with the running team, and he says yes, eventhough he doesn´t say it in front of his friends.
The first day Griffen is suppose to help her, Phoebe ask Nicole again about her and Griffen and she reveals that her and Griffen were best friends ones, but that they got into big trouble and that Nicole´s parents took the fall for it when Griffen blamed them and they got exiled from the Island and that is why she only started at the school 2 years ago. At practice with Griffin that weekend Nicole keeps an eye on Phoebe in the bushes and when she see that Phoebe is not going to do the game plan - acting weak. She sabs Phoebe while her and Griffen are competing and Phoebe hurt her ancle so Griffen carries her home. On the trip home he is not much for talking so Phoebe babbles away because she finds out he doesn´t like that. But she does find out for him that he is the only descendant of Hercules, because there is only one from Hercules every generation and he is caring he home because people from Hercules is compelled to act heroic. When they are back at the house and Griffen is still caring her, he is about to kiss her, but they get interupted by Stella. Phoebe also regularly writtes emails with her 2 best friends, but when she sit and writes with Nicole and Cesca she accidentally sends an message with immortal powers in it to Cesca, but trries to cover it up and she also tells her that there is a secret that she can´t tell.
The next time there is practice at all the different teams at school, Phoebe is parred with Adara when they have to lift weights and stuff in the gym room. When Adara uses a machine and she hurts herself she blames it on Phoebe for not helping, but Adara never asked for help. And when one of the coaches tells Phoebe to go with him, Griffen steps up and says he saw it and that it was Adara´s fault. That week her mother also tells her that her and damian has been talking about Phoebe staying another year and Phoebe freaks out on her mom. That weekend when Phoebe is at practise with Coach Lenny, she cuts down 3 minutes of her time and Griffin shows up and they walk 8 laps of cooldown from the running. He tells her he is sorry for not speaking to her a whole week and that he broke up with Adara. But when they are done cooling down Stella and Adara - who are friends - shows up and Phoebe finds out that Adara and Griffin made a bet to see if Phoebe could fall for him eventhough he in the beginning treated her like crap, and Stella was in on it too pushing Phoebe to break up Adara and Griffin so the 3 of them could have some fun. So Phoebe slaps him and walks away, knowing that she is weak because she actually liked the other him eventhough he treated her like crap. Later when Phoebe tjecks her email she finds one from Griffin saying sorry and if she will give him another chance. But Phoebe is done, she is only going to focus on getting good grades so she can get her scholarship.
Damian/the island also have a search ingine, that makes sure if someone search on the island he will know, so they can protect their secret. And when there is search on it Damian talks to Phoebe and she knows it is Cesca. But when there is a search a second time som weeks later Phoebe knows it is not Cesca, because she knows that Cesca wont tell. So when Damian tells the person blog name that did it Phoebe knows it is Justin Mars, Phoebe´s jerk of an ex-boyfriend, but the question is how did he know. She calls Cesca, finds out that her and Justin have been dating but that she wants to break up with him, when Phoebe ask about the secret email, Cesca knows that Justin have been going through her email and breaks up with him. Meanwhile Stella keeps irritating Phoebe over the bet and fnally Phoebe has enough at one day at dinner, but the girls work it out and Stella says she is sorry. The day before a big running race Phoebe and Griffin get paired together and Griffin keeps trying to apologize, but Phoebe wont hear it. He starts to tell her what happened anyway because he knows she will listen. They are about to start running when griffen tells her they will run another way today and they end up at the beach. Phoebe is still mad, but when they have run half the length, Griffen tells her he wants to be with her and she stop, forgive him and they kiss. The next day Griffen comes up yo her at her locker and kisses her and when they turn around Nicole and Troy are there, and Phoebe tells them to work their problems out. They do after Griffin tells her that he never lied in court about whose fault it was for stealing the things they were stealing, but that his parents told the judge that their son was lying. And his parents and Nicole parents took the fall and they haven´t seen them since.

At the day of the race all the kids at school´s power is grounded so no one will cheat. Phoebe is very nervous for the race, but just before the race Troy gives her a frindship/lucky charm bracelet. When the race is almost finished there is only Phoebe and another girl upfront and Phoebe is so tired. She suddenly sees all her frineds includong Cesca and Nola at the finish line, and to get extra boost she thinks about her dad and is now leading the race. But just before the finish line Phoebe doesn´t feel tired and there is a supernatural glow and Phoebe know she has cheated now and that it was because of the bracelet Troy gave her. She is really mad and confronts Troy after, but he tells her they can´t give their powers to others, but she tells him she wont talk to him when he is lying. Damian tells her he needs to talk to her and that she later has permission to tells Cesca and Nola about the Gods. She comes into the office at the school after the race and her coach, her mom and Damian is there and they tell her that because when she in the beginning of trying out to the running team could put up with her coach, they started investigate Phoebe because it is not possible for a mortal to keep up with a descendant of god like she did, and that they then came to that Phoebe is a descendant of Nike - The goddess of victory - and have godly blood. She kniws that her dad was a football player and dies suddenly on the field under a game, but Damian tells her it was because he used his powers and that it wasn´t allowed in the normal world for descendants of gods to do that so they killed him. But she still doesn´t understand why she could use her powers when tey were grounded, but her mom and Damian tells her it is because she is so close to Nike, since her father was Nike´s grandson and the closer you are to the source the stronger the powers are. She after tells her 2 friends everything and they tells her that they have choosen to go to different college than the one they had planned together. The next day her friends go home Phoebe goes running and Griffen is behind her when she stops and he knows about her descedant. He tells her that before he was born her mother visited a oracle who told her that: her son would find his match in a daughter of victory. - Who is Phoebe. At last Phoebe decide to stay another year, so she the year after can go to Oxford in England with Griffin. And her mom and Damian get married.
This was a really good book. It was a fun and quick book. I like the greek and the god part of the story. And it is pretty cool that they can ground their powers. i also liked how the author made the Greek Mythology and the normal teenage life mixed together. Like if you are like a beautifull godess you are popular and such things.
Sometimes i thought i needed som information: like what is Damian doing on the school?, and then there is one line and the next one doesn´t fit in my head. Like asking who are they, and then they aren´t even discriped before answering. The book definently didn´t have enough explaining of places/person look, i could really have used that because you didn´t really get a picture of how the character looked. For me i was actually pretty sure in the when i started the book, that Phoebe would get some sort of powers and she did.
Grade: 12