mandag den 31. maj 2010

Oh. My. Gods

Oh. My. Gods By Tera Lynn Childs (Book 1 In The Oh. My. Gods. Series)

Phoebe is 17 years old, half greek and lives in California with her mom, she really loves running, mostly because her dead father and her did it together and she feels closer to him when she runs. Today Phoebe is running in the final race of the USC cross country summer camp and if she winns and keep her grades and running up, she has a safe place at the USC University and a full scholarship at the one university she has always wanted to go on. But just as she crosses the finishline she sees her mom. Why is she here? She is suppose to be in Greece to her father´s family reunien. When the race is finish her mom comes up to her and intruduces Damian Petrolas from Greece. She tells Phoebe that they are getting married and moving to Serfopoula, Greece. But Phoebe are only planning on staying a year until college. Now she is leaving her whole life, including her 2 best friends Nola and Cesca. It´s a long trip, first with 2 planes, then metro, speedboat and yacht. But the craziest news comes on the yacth when Damian and her mom tells her that the greek gods are real and that the school she is beginning in, is a school for children of the gods. And that Damian is a descendant of the gods and goods have special powers. But Phoebe cannot tell anyone about this, because no one is to know. She also meet her evil stepsister Stella when she materialises on the boat right before they get to the island. The first night is not so good with Stella turning her food alive and such and the next day she already has to start in the new school. So she starts the morning by running a long trip and runs into a boy, but she doesn´t get his name. At the school she starts classes with is hard and she is the gossip on the school as being a non half god. But she becomes friends with Nicole and her friend Troy the first day, because they doesn´t hold anything against her like the others.

By lunch she sees the boy from the beach who was sweet enough there, but is now evil towards her, because now he knows she is the non God and his name is Griffin Blake. He is one of the popular´s and he is dating Adara, and the 2 of them keeps breaking up all the time. Later Phoebe try out for for the running team and Griffin is on that team to, he is not nice towards her and when they run he uses his powers and bind her shoes together, so she falls and can´t bind her shoes up and can´t be in the rest of the race. The coaches talk after practice about who should made the team and when Phoebe is going for soe water, while waiting she overhears them and Coach Lenny the running coach, tells the other coaches that Phoebe should be on the team, because she is really good. And they then come to a salution, that Phoebe will permanently be accepted on the team if she is top 3 in the running competition that is about to come. Coach Lenny then tells Phoebe the next day that he wants her to start extra running practice every morning so she can cut down on some of her time, eventhough she is good.

Nicole doesn´t really want to talk about Griffen and Phoebe think that there is clearly history there. After only a week on the island Phoebe has a hard time with her Greek homework, so Stella tells her to do 3 things and she will In exchange be her greek tutor: 1. Never talk to her at school. 2. Get Damian to subscribe to Vogue and Cosmo. 3. To break up Griffin and Adara. Phoebe doesn´t want to get into it with the popular so she says no, but Stella tells her she has hear that Damian and her mom wants Phoebe to stay at the island another year and go to college in England and that Stella herself will convince them to do so if Phoebe doesn´t help her. So Phoebe starts a couple of days after in the cafeteria, when she stands up and ask Griffin to help her with the running team, and he says yes, eventhough he doesn´t say it in front of his friends.

The first day Griffen is suppose to help her, Phoebe ask Nicole again about her and Griffen and she reveals that her and Griffen were best friends ones, but that they got into big trouble and that Nicole´s parents took the fall for it when Griffen blamed them and they got exiled from the Island and that is why she only started at the school 2 years ago. At practice with Griffin that weekend Nicole keeps an eye on Phoebe in the bushes and when she see that Phoebe is not going to do the game plan - acting weak. She sabs Phoebe while her and Griffen are competing and Phoebe hurt her ancle so Griffen carries her home. On the trip home he is not much for talking so Phoebe babbles away because she finds out he doesn´t like that. But she does find out for him that he is the only descendant of Hercules, because there is only one from Hercules every generation and he is caring he home because people from Hercules is compelled to act heroic. When they are back at the house and Griffen is still caring her, he is about to kiss her, but they get interupted by Stella. Phoebe also regularly writtes emails with her 2 best friends, but when she sit and writes with Nicole and Cesca she accidentally sends an message with immortal powers in it to Cesca, but trries to cover it up and she also tells her that there is a secret that she can´t tell.

The next time there is practice at all the different teams at school, Phoebe is parred with Adara when they have to lift weights and stuff in the gym room. When Adara uses a machine and she hurts herself she blames it on Phoebe for not helping, but Adara never asked for help. And when one of the coaches tells Phoebe to go with him, Griffen steps up and says he saw it and that it was Adara´s fault. That week her mother also tells her that her and damian has been talking about Phoebe staying another year and Phoebe freaks out on her mom. That weekend when Phoebe is at practise with Coach Lenny, she cuts down 3 minutes of her time and Griffin shows up and they walk 8 laps of cooldown from the running. He tells her he is sorry for not speaking to her a whole week and that he broke up with Adara. But when they are done cooling down Stella and Adara - who are friends - shows up and Phoebe finds out that Adara and Griffin made a bet to see if Phoebe could fall for him eventhough he in the beginning treated her like crap, and Stella was in on it too pushing Phoebe to break up Adara and Griffin so the 3 of them could have some fun. So Phoebe slaps him and walks away, knowing that she is weak because she actually liked the other him eventhough he treated her like crap. Later when Phoebe tjecks her email she finds one from Griffin saying sorry and if she will give him another chance. But Phoebe is done, she is only going to focus on getting good grades so she can get her scholarship.

Damian/the island also have a search ingine, that makes sure if someone search on the island he will know, so they can protect their secret. And when there is search on it Damian talks to Phoebe and she knows it is Cesca. But when there is a search a second time som weeks later Phoebe knows it is not Cesca, because she knows that Cesca wont tell. So when Damian tells the person blog name that did it Phoebe knows it is Justin Mars, Phoebe´s jerk of an ex-boyfriend, but the question is how did he know. She calls Cesca, finds out that her and Justin have been dating but that she wants to break up with him, when Phoebe ask about the secret email, Cesca knows that Justin have been going through her email and breaks up with him. Meanwhile Stella keeps irritating Phoebe over the bet and fnally Phoebe has enough at one day at dinner, but the girls work it out and Stella says she is sorry. The day before a big running race Phoebe and Griffin get paired together and Griffin keeps trying to apologize, but Phoebe wont hear it. He starts to tell her what happened anyway because he knows she will listen. They are about to start running when griffen tells her they will run another way today and they end up at the beach. Phoebe is still mad, but when they have run half the length, Griffen tells her he wants to be with her and she stop, forgive him and they kiss. The next day Griffen comes up yo her at her locker and kisses her and when they turn around Nicole and Troy are there, and Phoebe tells them to work their problems out. They do after Griffin tells her that he never lied in court about whose fault it was for stealing the things they were stealing, but that his parents told the judge that their son was lying. And his parents and Nicole parents took the fall and they haven´t seen them since.

At the day of the race all the kids at school´s power is grounded so no one will cheat. Phoebe is very nervous for the race, but just before the race Troy gives her a frindship/lucky charm bracelet. When the race is almost finished there is only Phoebe and another girl upfront and Phoebe is so tired. She suddenly sees all her frineds includong Cesca and Nola at the finish line, and to get extra boost she thinks about her dad and is now leading the race. But just before the finish line Phoebe doesn´t feel tired and there is a supernatural glow and Phoebe know she has cheated now and that it was because of the bracelet Troy gave her. She is really mad and confronts Troy after, but he tells her they can´t give their powers to others, but she tells him she wont talk to him when he is lying. Damian tells her he needs to talk to her and that she later has permission to tells Cesca and Nola about the Gods. She comes into the office at the school after the race and her coach, her mom and Damian is there and they tell her that because when she in the beginning of trying out to the running team could put up with her coach, they started investigate Phoebe because it is not possible for a mortal to keep up with a descendant of god like she did, and that they then came to that Phoebe is a descendant of Nike - The goddess of victory - and have godly blood. She kniws that her dad was a football player and dies suddenly on the field under a game, but Damian tells her it was because he used his powers and that it wasn´t allowed in the normal world for descendants of gods to do that so they killed him. But she still doesn´t understand why she could use her powers when tey were grounded, but her mom and Damian tells her it is because she is so close to Nike, since her father was Nike´s grandson and the closer you are to the source the stronger the powers are. She after tells her 2 friends everything and they tells her that they have choosen to go to different college than the one they had planned together. The next day her friends go home Phoebe goes running and Griffen is behind her when she stops and he knows about her descedant. He tells her that before he was born her mother visited a oracle who told her that: her son would find his match in a daughter of victory. - Who is Phoebe. At last Phoebe decide to stay another year, so she the year after can go to Oxford in England with Griffin. And her mom and Damian get married.

This was a really good book. It was a fun and quick book. I like the greek and the god part of the story. And it is pretty cool that they can ground their powers. i also liked how the author made the Greek Mythology and the normal teenage life mixed together. Like if you are like a beautifull godess you are popular and such things.
Sometimes i thought i needed som information: like what is Damian doing on the school?, and then there is one line and the next one doesn´t fit in my head. Like asking who are they, and then they aren´t even discriped before answering. The book definently didn´t have enough explaining of places/person look, i could really have used that because you didn´t really get a picture of how the character looked. For me i was actually pretty sure in the when i started the book, that Phoebe would get some sort of powers and she did.

Grade: 12

onsdag den 26. maj 2010

The Red Diary Review

The Red Diary By Toni Blake

Lauren Ash has been working hard the last couple of years to get a good position in her dads company, that isn´t just given to her. She lives next to her father Henry Ash, in a smaller house than her dad. When Nick Armstrong was 12 years old his mother died and his father became sad. And because of that his father´s business partner Henry Ash cheated his father out of the company they had started together Double A Construction. After that his father became a more and more failure. Nick is 32 years old, and has 2 siblings, a big sister named Elaine who is 33 years old and a little brother named Davy, who is 27 but has a disseas so he act like a child. Nick has his own painting company named HORIZON PAINTERS. He has always recented Henry Ash and his whole family for doing the thing he did to his family, but over the years he had been forced to do most of his painting business with Ash company, because they payed the most. And now he is going to paint Lauren Ash house, Henry´s daughter. When Lauren the first day is out Nick goes around hee house looking into the windows and he accidentaly nocks over a plant and finds a key, he is intriged and sees her house. He walks into the office in hope of mayby finding some sort of papers that can prove that her father forced his father out of the company, but quickly realize its stupid, instead he finds a book and read the first page and finds out it is Lauren Sex Journal. The next day when he is painting Lauren have Carolyn and some of her friends over and Carolyn invites him to a party that Phil a employed at Ash is having the next day and he says yes, to get closer to Lauren.

At the party a lot of men is asking her out, so Nick saves her by taking her to a beach were they kiss, but she stops him from going any further, eventhough they could have and he drives her back to her car. He then shows up the day after at night when she is nude swimming and they have sex inside in a chair and after he leaves without a word. Monday morning Nick sister calls him and tell him that his father is in the hospital, because of a heart failore for the heavy drinking. That Monday when Nick goes to Lauren´s house she ask´s him why he hates her and he tells her the truth and that he doesn´t hate her, just her father. Lauren can not believe that her father would cheat a fellow partner out of business so she calls he father and ask stupidly about it, and it turns out he did cheat Nick´s father. And she tells him the next day that he was right and she is sorry. When she a little while later cuts herself on a rose Nick helps her clean it in the bathroom and they ends up having sex there. The have sex on another occasition and he stays the night. They also go on a boat trip that friday night and he stays again. The next day Lauren leaves and Nick have the house to himself, and as he look through her book again, he after finds papers and he put two and two together and finds out that Phil a man from the Ash company who own 25 % of it is stealing from it using Nick company´s name in it. He decides not to tell her, but the day after she tells him that the company one day will go to her and he knows that he wont hurt her like that, so he plays innocent and asks to see her office and he then looks at her desk and sees the papers and shows her. They then go to the office and finds more evidence and Lauren later goes to tell Phil´s wife about it and about him cheating on her. Lauren and Nick sort of start a relationship eventhough Nick has from the start said to himself that it wasn´t going to be like that and that he didn´t fit into her world. He also meet her father and they have a confrontation, when Nick goes with Lauren to tell him about Phil. Nick also begins to share more secrets with her and he even takes her to see his sister snd brother, but things don´t go as planned when his dad shows up drunk.

Through the time Nick reads the diary a couple of times, but he is also very guity for doing so, and sometimes that guit stoppes him from doing it. He also goes to ask his father, because Lauren tells him that he should get things of his chest, why he when they were kids after their mother died, he hit Davy with Nick´s baseball bat and that is why he is that why today. And his father tells him that he had thought it was Nick. Nick becomes very upset, but drives to Lauren and tells her everything and he stays the night talking. The next day when Lauren is at the office, he starts writting his own fantasi in her diary about the day they met. He hopes that it will show her that he knows and is sorry for keeping it a secret and he hopes she can´t forgive him. But before he is done, Lauren caughts him in her office and she breaks up with her, tellig that it has all been a lie. 3 days after he saves an abandon he cat, and brings it to Lauren because he knows she has a cat and that she likes them. But the next couple of days Nick makes a plan to get Lauren back, and starts painting picture of her fantasies and planning on taking her to and island. She agrees to go with him and sees the picture and he tells her he loves her and they make up. In the end he tells her to marry him.

A okay book, but te cover is a little boring, but describes the book well.

Grade: 4

Firespell Review

Firespell By Chloe Neill (Book 1 InThe Dark Elite Series)

Lily is almost 16 years old and used to live in Upstate New York, until her parents who are philosophy professors, told her that they were going for a job in Germany And that she wasn´t going. They told her she was going to Chicago to go on St. Sophia’s School for Girls. So now she is her on a school for rich girls. One of her roommates is Scout, a girl who by the instant Lily sees her become her friend, but Lily is suspicius when Scout that day goes out (which she isn´t allow too) and comes back at about 1 at night. The next day is the first school day and Lily asks Scout about her sneak out, but Scout wont tell her. The first day in the lunch break Scout takes Lilly out seeing the buildings around the school, and there is a garden who ones belonged to the school and there they meet Michael and Jason, from the brother school Montclare. Suddenly a girl in jeans and hoddie appear not long from them and the boys and Scout sems mad and frustrated about it, but they wont tell Lily what is going on. That night when Lily is in Scout room, Scout get a call and is going to dissapere again, but this time Lily follows her through the school to a big metal door, that Lily cant open, so she wait for Scout to come back through the door. When she does there is something crashing on the other side of the door, but Scout only tells her that she is a member of a club for gifted kids.

By Thursday Lily is called into the headminister Foley´s office, where she tells Lily that she knows her parents and there genetic research, but Lily knows that it aren´t that kind of research so she is confused. Is there something that her parents haven´t told her? Or is Foley confused? That night when Scout goes The Brat Pack: Amie - one of her roommates, Veronica and M.K ask her if she wanna come down in the basement and see their stash of candy, mangasines etc. (Because the school is organic) Lily knows that they aren´t nice to her by purpose, but goes with them anyway. When thay get down in the basement Veronica opens a room, that used to be a janitors office and in there is a big replica of Chicago. The Pact locks Lily in there, but she finds a key in the room and goes on out to investigate the basement. Suddenly she sees Jason and Scout running and that there is 2 persons after them. They all start to run but Lily falls and suddenly she is face to face with the 2 people: The girl with the hoddie and a boy, and the boy throws some green thing from his hands that collides with Lily and it all goes dark.

Next time Lily wakes up she is at a clinic with Scout and a little while after Jason and Michael comes. Scout tells her that she was hit by a firespell, and that some people have magic - Those people are called the Dark Elite - but there is different kinds of magic. The magic begins to show in the puberty, but along the way you get crazy by having magic and when you do you have to suck souls to not become crazy if you want to keep using the magic. The 2 people who followed them where Alex and Sebastian, who is members of the group called The Reaper who soul suck people, people who are extra vulnerable. Scout - who is a spellbinder, Michael and Jason call themself Adepts. They have magic too, but they have choosen not to soul suck, so when they are about 25 they are going to give up magic. They tell that The Reaper´s finds kids with magic and tries to make them see their way, while Scout and the others try to get them to give up magic, by finding them and protecting them from The Reaper´s finding them. When they are about to leave Lily ask to talk to Jason alone, and ask him who growl before she got hit, he tells her that as she know they each got different kind of magic, but that he is different. His eyes change colours and Lily think that it have wolf to it, and then he leaves.

When Lily gets home the next day, she takes a shower and discovers a mark on her back from the spell that hit her and it isn´t just a bruise it is like a tatoo, but she doens´t tell Scout. The next day Veronica and Amie ask her if she wants to go to the mall and she goes with them. While being there they meet a guy Veronica knows named John Creed who is with Jason, but Lily kind of ignores him. Scout finds out about her gonig out with the 2 others when they get back and she gets mad and thinks that their friendship is over, but then Lily shows her, her mark and by night Scout drags Lily to a meeting in the tunnels under Chicago that starts in the basement under the school with 7 other Adept including Michael and Jason. But they are all dismissive of Lily, because she hasn´t gotten any powers. The next day in the lunch period when Lily and Scout are out in a store buying some ice, Lily meets Derek the one working at the shop and Scout tells Lily after that he had ones been Soul Sucked on. When they get back to the school Jason is there and he apologize for agreeing with the other yesterday, saying that he cares about her and he doesn´t want her mixed up in this and when she ask if he is a wolf he comfirms that he is. Later that day when Lily and Scout come into their dorm, The Brat Pack is sitting with Lily´s file from Foley´s office, they snatch the folder and when Lily look at it she finds out that there is a letter from SRF - that is medical research and it is from her parents. Lily now knows that something is up with her parents work and her and Scout investigate more when they go to Foley´s office to put back the file, and there they finds out that Lily do have magic - when she manipulate the light with her emotions.

The next day Scout gets called in in the middle of lunch which never happens, but she goes anyway. When Lily comes back to their dorm after the day, she finds Scout room trashed and Scout missing, Foley shows up and reveals that she knows about The Dark Elite and if Lily can do something she should do it, so the police wont get involved. Lily knows that the Adept´s have a meeting that night so she goes to it. But when she tells them that Scout is missing the college kids Smith and Katie, do not want to save her because then they might be caught and the others agree with them. Lily storms away, but goes back to tell that she has magic, and she tries again to get some of them with her to save Scout, and this time Paul, Jill, Jaime, Jason and Michael goes with her eventhought the Katie and Smith says no. They successfully gets to Scout who has been soul sucked, but the Reapers attack. When The Reaper´s closses in on them, the boy Sebastian makes eye contact with Lily and tells her with his mouth to let go of trying to control the magic, and when she does she makes a firespell and they escape, but Lily knows she will see more to Sebastian. After Jason and Lily almost kiss, but is interupted by Scout and Michael. Scout then after tells that she has done research on Lily and that there is 12 Contingency Adepts, 6 who can wield electricity like Lily. 2 days later Lily is officially accepted into the Adept when a new member named Daniel shows up and they soon get another assignment.

I really liked this book, in the beginning i thought it was going to get boring, but the more i got into it the more i liked it. I thought the plot was different, and that it was good to read something differnt for a change. And i am really looking forward to the second and to see how the loose ends connect and to see Lily´s dark side and at the same time see if this Sebastian guy really is evil, because he doesn´t seem that way toward Lily. I like the way that Scout and Lily sees the school from the beginning as not fun, because my reaction would be the same. But i sometimes fought that there wasn´t any suprises, like Jason´s wolf part, that wasn´t really a suprise. And in the beginning i didn´t really thought that Lily had any guts, because i wouldn´t just have walked away in the beginning with Scout. It was a really nice starter book. With teenagers, magic, frindship and a little romance and mysterious. I liked this first book in this series than i did with the Chicago Vamps.

Grade: 7

Uninvited Review

Uninvited By Amanda Marrone

3 months ago Jordan´s ex-boyfriend Michael Green died, and 2 days after, Michael showed up at night outside her window asking her to let him in and he told her about his so called dead, and Jordan knows that he is now a vampire. Last summer Jordan babysat some kids and a boy moved in next door to the boys. That boy was Michael and her and Jordan started dating. But when school started again Jordan Dumped, the quickly very popular Michael, because she has a thing with people, Like: she can´t make small talk, she would have to sit and smill to all Michael´s popular friends. And Michael went on really fast already kissing a girl that day. And had since gone out with many girls, until his so called dead, being called suicide. Now he has for 3 months kept showing up at night asking Jordan to let him in, telling her he loves her and that they can be together and Jordan knows that if he comes in he is going to change her, but she can´t help but wonder if he really do love her and she really loves him. Jordan´s daily rutine is to get drunk and high. Eighter with her so called friends: Janine, Gabby and Rachael. At parties or alone in her room. Jordan has a crappy family life were her family doesn´t pay attention to her and let her do whatever the hell she wants. Her mom writes her notes, without knowing to what, so Jordan half the time skip classes. Last summer Jordan was on the running team, with a boy named Danny who she really liked and kisses with at a party. He called her after, but because of Michael death and him showing up, she never called her back. Now Jordan friends is teling her to go out with them at a party at one of the kids from school, but if Jordan go out at night and Michael comes and she isn´t in her room, is he then going to follow her?? She doesn´t know and for the first time at a party she doesn´t wanna get too drunk or have sex, but she almost doesn´t follow that rule. Suddenly Jordan sees Michael outside the party, so Jordan drags a friend who is too wasted to that person car, so she can get out of there. They drive all night until Jordan sees her message´s with a message from Lisa, her old best friend who has just gotten out of rehabe, telling her that she is at Jordan´s house, is scared and that Michael is alive. She talk to Lisa and finds out that Lisa was at the hospital instead of rehabe, because of some diseas. Lisa tells her they have got to do something about Michael, but that Jordan has to wait for Lisa before she does it. When Lisa is gone Jordan makes a stake out of the tree outside her window, she also calls Danny and they decides to start over. That night Michael comes and she finds out that he doesn´t love her, and she tells him she broke up with him because they had nothing in commen. When Michael says he is going to go after Lisa, Jordan invites him in, but he tricks her and tells her he is going after Lisa anyway and that he will just come back for her anytime. Jordan calls Rachael and tells her everything, and she brings corse and holy water and go after Michael. They find Lisa with him, but they ends up killing him. 3 month after Jordan and Rachael aren´t friends with the other 2 anymore. Jordan is going out with Danny and Rachael with Danny´s brother, and Jordan has been sober for 3 months.

So i was really looking forward too a great, mayby with action and scary things, book. And guess what??...I didn´t get it. I didn´t thought that this book was well developed, there could have been so many other things in it, but there wasn´t. Sometimes you where one place in the book and then a person say a sentense and then you are a whole other place. I didn´t thought that the book knew how to discribe its suroundings. I thought that there was going to be more in the fact with Michael been outfront calling for her, but i just got a pathetic feeling out of it, you know, and it was only like 2 times he showed up, made a bad effort and their conversation lasted for like 1-2 pages? Really a letdown. I thought it was going to be an exiting book, but it was just: party, stupid people, and kids who suddenly knew how to defend against a vampire and you don´t even get to know how they know to do it. I also didn´t thought that the characters were developed well as well as the story And the whole thing just happened way too fast. The author might have thought to make the book longer and better developed.

The only 2 things i really like was the fact that she put down the tree in the end. And the cover that is really beautiful. When i look at the cover and the title, i thought it was going to be a different book, with more suspence, more scary, better discriptions of things and then i read it and it was such a letdown.
A thing for insects?? ...cockroaches!!! Now that is just weird plain weird, and utterly disgusting. So really not a book i wanna read again and i definently don´t recommend it.

Grade: 2

House Of Night Video - With Kristen Cast and P.C. Cast

A little video with the authors about Untamed the fourth book in the exxelent series.

mandag den 24. maj 2010

Burned Review

Burned By P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
(Book 6 In The House of Night Series)

*-*Zoey is now in the Otherworld with Heath, because her soul has shattered and her and Heath moves further and Further into a grudge that Kalona can´t enter, but Zoey slowly looses more of herself and she can´t stop moving. Suddenly Stark is there calling Heath and telling him to move on, so he tells Zoey goodbye and move on. Stark comes out and talks to Zoey, but she is totally looseing it, esspecially when Stark begins to move out of the grudge and he goes to face Kalona, who is outside and Kalona creates a arena. In the arena Kalona and Stark fight and seeing her Stark almost dying makes her go back to the grove and get herself back together. She comes back to the arena, but before she can do anything Kalona puts his stick through Stark´s heart and he dies. This makes Z more mad and she attack Kalona with air. Kalona has a immortal spirit, so Z tells him to give something of it to save Stark. He wont do it, but then Nyx appears and tells him to do it and he does it. But breaks something in Stark´s body on purpess when he does it and then disappears. Zoey take him with her back to the grudge were he drink her blood several times, they kiss and she accept him as her guardian and that makes some of her soul his and the other way around. Zoey also get her tatoo´s back and when she does she can feel her friends and their elements. After Zoey returns to the normal world, where she get Stark to come back by stopping the warrior who is still cutting him and then she kiss Stark and tells him its over. But at the same time Nyx tells her that it isn´t over.

*-*Meanwhile Kalona soul is hurt after the Spirit ball, Zoey threw at him and is terrible sad because Zoey was never ment to die. Neferet as always uses this to her advance, since Neferet has gone totally evil and is almost immortal herself. She influence Kalona to return only his spirit, because his body is forbiden, to the Othreworld. Where she wants him to make sure that Zoey stays there and doesn´t put her soul back together. If he doesn´t succed Neferet will have control over his soul and body, so he can´t return to his body. Neferet then shows up in the chamber of the High Council after and plays innocent, telling them that he is in the same state as Zoey and that she wants to take him with her to a speciel place and she is allowed as long as she has som warriors with her.

*-*In the High Council Stark, Darius, Aphrodite - The Prophetess, The Twins, Damien and Jack tries to find a way to get Zoey back because they wont let her go. They are told by the 7 High Priestess there are there that Zoey will die in 7 days. And Aphrodite tries to come more in contact with her powers, so she can save Zoey - (Who she think of as a sister she never had). They find out that Stark has to go to Scotland to Isle of Women, where warriors originaly trained. Until some time they were spead all over the world so they could be in training at the different House Of Night. And in that casttle he has to talk to Sgiach the women warrior, who doesn´t wanna let anybody in and they has to find out about bull´s and Darkness and Light. So Aphrodite calls Stevie to find out if she can find something. They research and Stark then tells them that his last name before was MacUallis, and they finds out that that is his way into the casstle. Him, Zoey´s body, Aphrodite and Darius goes and they come in. Stark undergo massive pain as a warrior has to cut in him for him to get to the Otherworld and when he finaly gets there he has to fight his evil self, but before he does it he comes back to the normal world where Aphrodite - who has just tried to get a vision herself and got it tells him that he need to get Heath away from Zoey and make him move on, or else the world will go under if Zoey doesn´t come back.

*-*Stevie Rae also gets the new about Zoey and through the imprint between her and Rephaim, he feels it too and calls to her, 2 days after her accident. They talk and come up with the fact that Neferet is using Kalona - which he is. She calls Aphrodite and together they find out about Neferet´s darkness and her trapping Kalona´s body and making sure Zoey dies. So they talk about finding a way to get Stark´s soul to the Otherworld so he can protect Zoey and they can come back. She also vists Rephaim. Aphrodite then calls her again so she can find out something about the Light And Darkness bulls, through her earth element. But when Stevie calls a circle she calls the White bull who is darkness. He give Stevie her answer but want payment inform of blood so Stevie almost die, but Rephaim and the Black bull shows up and help her. When her circle is broken all the black smoke dissaperes and Dallas who was with her hurries to her sight, and Rephaim flyes away. But Dallas of course sees him. After when Stevie is back on the school and on the hospital, she calls Aphrodite with the news. Later Stevie and the others go to the tunnels to throw out the evil Red fledgling, Stevie sends all the good fledgling home after, but Dallas stays and they almost have sex, but Rephaim shows up, because he can feel what she is about to do through the bond. Dallas acts crazy, when he finds out that Stevie has something to do with a Raven Mocker and the darkness takes him over, so Stevie calls the school and tells that he gave over to darkness and that anything he tells them is a lie. Stevie then goes back to the house where Rephaim lives right now and it seems like they almost admit their feeling, esspecially when they sit outside by the fountain the day after and Rephaim reflections changes to a hot indian guy. But they are interupted when Rephaim feels that Kalona is back in the world and when Stevie feels Zoey being back. She then tells him that he can come back when he will choose Love over darkness.

Arhh Stark love her - see that is what i have been waiting for. Now Zoey has just to open her eyes and forget about the other boys, who is actually out of her way now. So finally they have a change to be together.
Words they day a lot is: Dang, oh goddess and Zoey always says Ah Hell - esspecially in the end of the chapters.
I really didn´t understand the scottish - just very little of it and that annoyed me. It was also a little difficult to understand the american southern slang sometimes.
I Thought it was a little boring hearing about was Stevie was doing all the time, because she had a lot of time in this book, and i would rather want to hear more about saving Zoey. Of Course the others have to have some time too, but then let it be Aphrodite - she is so funny and i like her a lot, or Stark.
Sometimes i thought it was alittle to annoying that we didn´t hear about the person emotions, like Stark and Aphrodite sometimes. Mostly it was just the things that was good discriped and not the things the person thought and felt.
I am really hoping that Zoey wont screw it up with Stark, because he loves her so much and we all know that she loves him too and that she herself have suggested soul mates! i am just saying. So it really piss me of the whole reincarnation of Heath thing they talk about. Just get it in your head Zoey, Heath doesn´t belong in this worls and he never will and he was really a pain in the butt, when i wanted her with Stark and Heath just keept showing up putting everyone in danger trying to protect him. Now he is dead so move the hell on!
I am really looking forward to the next book and to see with Zoey and Stark, i just cant believe we have to wait until January 4 2011.

Grade: 10

Burned Trailer:

fredag den 21. maj 2010

Tempted Review

Tempted By P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
(Book 6 In The House of Night Series)

The escaping group from House Of Night + The Red Fledgling, the nuns and Zoey Grandma, is now resindent in The Abbey. Where they make themself ready to go back to the school. While there at the church, stevie find a hurt Raven Mocker named Rephaim from the fight and help him heal instead of killing him, without telling anybody and she hides him in the tunnels after. Zoey is still major tired and confused about the 3 boys in her life and the fact that there is also Neferet, Kalona and the rest of The Raven Mockers that needs to be dealt with. And on top of that Stark has just had a near dead expirience. After Stark has been taken care of by Darius, Darius tells Zoey that because Stark took the warrior oath he is now bound to Zoey and can feel what she is feeling a much stronger bond than imprint, and Darius tells her that it would be Zoey blood he should drink to heal, but that it wouldn´t just be blood he took it would be spirit. He also tells her that she shouldn´t do it right now and that Stark doesn´t want her to, because she needs to be strong. She checks on Stark and when she is about to go to bed she have a fight with Erik and breaks up with him. That night Kalona appears in Zoey´s dreams again and Zoey wake up screaming with Aphrodite because she has just had a doubble vision, of the world dying with zoey and Kalona doing it, and one of Zoey at the same place, killing the immortal Kalona. Because of the bond Stark shows up at her and Aphrodite´s room and stays with Zoey.

The next morning they have a big meeting, where Stevie also tells that there are other evil red fledglings in the tunnels and that she wanted to give them a chance to come around, but obviously haven´t and Zoey is okay with that. All of them goes back to the school, where they finds out that the school is not at all back to normal. One of the teachers, Anasticia on Zoey´s side is dead, because of the Raven Mockers that went balistic when Zoey and the others escaped, and her mate Dragon also a teacher on Zoey side is absolutly broken. Zoey and her circle goes to the mini hospital on school and help the Fledgling who are hurt, after trying to help Anastacia, and they are apparently not under Kalona spell anymore as the rest of the teachers and students at the school is. After this Zoey group collects in Zoey´s room, where they discuss the new poem on of the Red Fledgling made and where Kalona might be. They connect the visions and the dreams Aphrodite and Zoey have had and the vampyre Twitter pages Jack shows and comes up with Kalona being in Italy. In Zoey´s dream that night, eventhough Heath is with her, Kalona comes to her, because he only has pure intentions. He shows her his past where he was Nyx warrior, but loved her so much he couldn´t do his job, and Nyx eventually let him fall to become a dark angel instead of white. The next day the gang including Heath and without Stevie goes to Venice to see the High council. While they go Stevie wants to give the rest of the red fledglings in the tunnels another change to choose good, so she goes out to see them. Stevie then gets trapped on a rofe by the evil Red Fledgling´s, because they tell her that the have beaten the Raven up and left him there. Eventhought the raven knows it is a trap. Stevie´s skin burns but she and the Raven manage to get away and open a hole in the ground. Here she drink his blood and forms and imprint with him, that is different than the one with Aphrodite, that then breaks.

Zoey and the others stand before the High Council when they come to Venice, but it seems like the council believe Neferet and Kalona that are there too. Zoey friends tries after to tell her that Kalona is messing with her head, but Zoey is confused. Stark is mad and storms of and Heath goes after him, to stop him. But when Heath goes he overheards Neferet and Kalona, about them luring Zoey in, and about Neferet killing the teachers. After Neferet leaves Kalona discover Heath there and Heath knows he is dead and calls for Zoey. Zoey gets there but Heath is already dead when she trows the spirit element after Kalona, and her soul shatters. This leaves Zoey friends left, who was right behind her, and Stark who is devastated.

This book is the first book in the serie, that isn´t just from Zoey´s perspective, it is also from so of the others but mostly of the other is Stevie Rae, because she is becoming bigger in the whole community herself. I don´t really have much else to say to the book than this: I just love Aphrodite, really! She is so much fun and stay on top of things eventhough she is human and i love that her and Zoey are friends now. And what is up with her calling the nuns: penguins? Haha so much fun. And then there is the whole boyfrind 1,2,3 that is so much fun also. I am getting really tired of Zoey going from one boy to the other, I just want her to be with Stark. I really want Heath to fuck of, and Erik to stop being such and ass and for Kalona to stop entering Zoey dreams and just go away, so she can be with Stark.

Grade: 10

Hunted Review

Hunted By P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
(Book 5 In The House of Night Series)

The escaping Vamps/Human/Fledglings/Animals from The House Of Night, is now hidding in the tunnel under Tulsa, Oklahoma. The first thing they do is to make sure that the dart get out of Stevie chest and that they have enough supplies. They all get introduced to each other and decide to guard the tunnel entranse. Stevie need blood when the dart is taken out, so she takes from Aphrodite with her permission and they imprints. They all starts to settle in and when Zoey and Erik are alone they make up, but are interupted by Jack and Kramisha. And the three of them goes with Kramisha - a fledglings room where they read some poem she has written the last couple of days, things that just come to her. But as they read them they all become aware that they are about the Ravens and Kalona. When Zoey goes to sleep, somehow Kalona enters her dreams and tells Zoey stuff like that she is his love, his A-Ya and they should be together. When Zoey wakes up she cant sleep so she goes to the basement above the tunnels where she meets Erik, who is becoming very possesive of her. Suddenly Heath shows up to make sure that she was safe, and when Erik pisses her of Zoey agrees to go outside to talk with Heath. They talk and when he tries to get her to drink her blood she walks away, but suddenly they are attackt by a Raven that gives Zoey a deep cut over her chest, but she manage to use the elements to get it away, before she almost lose consiness. Erik comes and they get her inside, where Darius starts working on the very bad wound. Heath also haves to give her blood, so they imprints again. After when Zoey comes back Darius tells that Zoey need to be around adult vampires.

So her, Aphrodite, Damian, The Twins and Darius goes to the school, but not before Erik kisses Zoey and Heath kissed Zoey = Issues. At the school The ravens are there when they come and Darius takes Zoey to the medical room, where Kalona and Neferet akes sure her wound is healing. When Zoey wakes a Raven is standing over her, so Darius comes to fight him of, Kalona also comes into the room as well as Stark, while Zoey only has a sheet, which she accidentally drops and Kalona cuts Darius in his face for attacking one of his sons, he also kiss Zoey before leaving. Afterward Zoey and Darius is left alone and they decide that it is time to get the hell out of there, but first they have to clean his wound and get some clothe. The find Stark by the girls dowm attacking a girl, while Darius get the girl inside, Zoey talk to the not normal Stark and even kisses him. Zoey and her friends agree when they are at Zoey´s room that night that something is wrong with all of the kids and that they need to get the hell away. Zoey tells them that she overheard Neferet and Kalona talk about taking over the High Council and that can´t happen. Her friends are not really happy with Stark eighter, because he is acting like a jerk and they think he he more under Kalona´s spell than the others. The group agree that they will get out tommorow, because Zoey is to tirried to make them invisible so they can get out. That night Zoey has a dream with Kalona again, and wakes up screaming with Stark by her bed. They talk and something seems to change within him when he is with Zoey. He tells her that if a guy (him) stays and sleep with her, Kalona can´t come into her dreams, so she let him.

When Zoey the next day is on the way to the stabbels before her class Stark is there and they fight about his humanity and the fact that they are falling for each other. Stark then makes the choice to become a Warrior for Zoey who is in training to be a High Priestess, he chooses light over dark, and he become a red adult vampire and is good again. Zoey tells him that they have to escape soon and that 3 prof are on their side, and that he needs to go to one of the to do the ritual you do when you change to adult. And they tells each other that their heart belongs to one and another. After Zoey friends comes to the stabbles where Zoey and the horse teacher has found out the poem to chase Kalona and Neferet away. They then make and escape plan so the 3 good teacher can help them get out of the house, and to The abbey where they will chase Kalona away. They do a distraction with the horses and they manage to escape on 3 horses. When they come to The Abbey their friends are waiting for them and they do the circle when Kalona, Neferet and the raven Mockers show up. And they chases them away. With them is Stark who almost gets hit by one of his own darts, but Zoey saves him with some element, but he gets badly hurt

Great series. HEATH NEEDS TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS SERIES, seriously he just showed up, he didn´t need to do that.

Grade: 10

Untamed Review

Untamed By P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
(Book 4 In The House of Night Series)

2 days ago Stevie became vampyre, but a whole new kind of vampire with the moon tatoo in her head red instead of blue. Now Aphrodite comes back when they are eating and sits down at Zoey´s table. Aphrodite is aparently vampyre again with her mark back on her forehead. Zoey friends is not happy with Aphrodite, but they aren´t happy right now about Zoey eigter after she lied about Stevie. A new boy also begins and he is taken care by Zoey´s group, his name is Stark and is the best archer, he is a transform from Chicago House Of Night and is a 6 former. When Aphrodite is about to leave from the table she tells Zoey to meet her after. When Zoey comes to her room Aphrodite and her gets Stevie in the room from the window, and they tells that no Aphrodite isn´t vampire she is human, but not a normal one because she still has visions and her latest one was of the war between human and vampyre and the reason for it was because Zoey is dead. Aphrodite tells that she has 2 visions: one where Zoey drown somewhere maybe is Europe and a guy, the new kid Stark was with her not long befeore. The second is Zoey all alone being killed by blackness. They all talk about Stevie´s new ability - like that she can control humans minds (But not Aphrodite´s), that she can crawl up walls and that she burns up if she goes out in the sun. And what her and Aphrodite has been doing, Stevie also tells that she has to get back to the tunnels because she want´s to help the others. When Stevie leaves and Aphrodite and Zoey are one their way to Aphrodite´s room they run into Zoey´s frineds and Aphrodite tells them that they need to become friends with Zoey again because she had a vision with Zoey dying because they weren´t there for her, Zoey also tells them that she can´t tell them everything because the adult vampyres can listen to their thoughts, but not her and Aphrodite´s. And Zoey and her friends become friends again. When they come to Aphrodite´s room they try to see if she still has the feeling for earth, but she don´t so Zoey calls Nyx and she shows and tells that she love Aphrodite still and that she was holding on to the earth feeling for Stevie, that Aphrodite is human, but not really. And the reason Aphrodite save Stevie is because of her big humanity ( Aphrodite who hates humans). She also tells that Neferet doesn´t listen to her anymore, that she is listening to another thing. And that Aphrodite and Zoey will go on this jurney together if they chose to.

Afterward The council member of The Dark Daughters go to a meeting with some of the teachers and they here meet Shekinah the high priestess of all vamps. She tells that there will be no war and that she will stay at the school to theach Loren´s class and that Erik who she just saw in the airport will that Nolan´s class. And Zoey tells the Priestess that tommorew her and Aphrodite will do some charity and go talk to Street Cats. Afterward Zoey goes to the stables, where she meets stark he tells her about his powers that he never miss, like when he trows a dark he hits the center if that is what he wants, eventhough he don´t always know what he wants. They connect in a weird way and when Zoey is on her way out her starts rejeckting the change. Zoey flees to him and hold him in his arms and they kiss while he coughs up blood and there really seem to be something inexplainable between them, she also tells him that it is not sure he will die, that maybe he will wake up as another vamp like Stevie. With the help of her powers Zoey calls her friends and Aphrodite takes Zoey to her room and let her bath there and she tells Aphrodite what happened.

The next day Aphrodite and Zoey goes to the Street Cats and Stevie Ray comes too. Aphrodite gets a cat who chooses her and Zoey and Stevie talk about Stevie coming to the school and doing the ritual they have to do in front of the school the next day. Zoey tells her about Stark and she tells Zoey to keep and eye on the mourge and take Stark body, because he may wake up. When Zoey and Aphrodite is on their way back to the school, they have to get some food and bumbs into Heath, who tells Zoey that he is in pain, still loves her and always will, but that he don´t ever want to see her again. When they get back to school Zoey has drama class wit Erik as teacher and Erik puts Zoey up on the stage to do a play with him, but it ends being more about the thing that has happened between them, than the actual scene and they kiss passionet twice. After Darius (A Son Of Eden and Aphrodite´s boytoy) finds Zoey and gets her to go to Aphrodite. When Zoey finds her in her room she has totally blood red eyes and has just had a vision of a poem she has just written down. And the poem has the writting of Zoey grandma, but it is Aphrodite who has just written it. So they call Zoey´s Grandma, who tells them the poem is about Cherokee demons/witches - terrible things. Zoey and Aphrodite tell hers grandma she has been hearing raven´s at night, her Grandma tells her that they are Raven Mockers - the spirits of the demon children of Kalona (and that they can´´t hurt people unless they are close to death) - who is told about in the poem. And her grandma is afraid that the poem is the Ravans song, that tells that Kalona will soon return and get his revenge on human women. Zoey and Aphrodite agrees that her Garandma need to come to them tonight and that her grandma has got to play a role in this somehow.

Afterward Zoey find the twins, Damian and Jack and bring them to Aphrodite´s room where they tells them everything, even about the other dead kids and about Aphrodite. They agree that the poem is a prophecy and that Neferet and Stevie might have something to do with it. Zoey also gets Jack to go to the morgue to install a nanny cam so they can keep an eye on Stark. Afterward when Zoey is on her way to ask Shekinah if her Grandma can stay on the school, she gets attackt by the Raven but her friends power help her, she also overhears Neferet telling Shekinah lots of lies about Zoey. And when Zoey´s Grandma gets there they all tell her everything. Before Zoey gets to bed one of the ravens is outside her window and her and her Grandma fight it away. The next day when Zoey awakes she is visitet by Shekinah, Neferet and Aphrodite who tells her that her Grandma was in an accident because of a bird (A Raven Zoey figures). Afterward Zoey and Aphrodite goes to the hospital, later Aphrodite goes to the school and Zoey stayes with her Grandma until a non from Street Cats shows up.

When Zoey gets back it is time for the ritual. Aphrodite, Damian, Zoey and The Twin stands on their place in the circle while all the teachers, Sons Of Eden and Vampyre Fleglings stands outside and Erik is in the middle of the circle with Zoey to read a poem and sacrifice blood. When it is Earth and Aphrodite turn Stevie appears and takes her place. Zoey explain that her and the other fledglings who comes into the circle are a new kind of vamp and Aphrodite tells that she is human but special. Suddenly Neferet is there with Stark and tries to give Zoey the blame for everything. And everywhere there is caos. Neferet gets Stark to shot stevie with a dark in the chest, but they hold the circle because Aphrodite and Zoey have a bad feeling about closing it. Suddenly Aphrodite tells to move the circle and as they do Kalona appears from the big oak tree, and he call the Ravens and Neferet appears as his queen and the Ravens begin to become human and feed on all of the people who is not is the circle. The circle moves with Damien, Jack, Erik, The Twins, Stevie, Zoey, Darius (Son Of Eden), Aphrodite, the fledglings, Stark´s dog and 3 cats. The disolve to a mist and makes it to the underground tunnels where they hide and has to start making plans.

I just think the books gets better and better. This is a really exiting book, because so much happens and all the exitment is in the end of this book. I like the whole friendship thing going on between Zoey and Aphrodite and i am totally loving Stark the new character and i hope that him and Zoey will be together for real, because he is a really good character. I also think this is my favorite cover of all the House Of Night books.

Grade: 10

Chosen Review

Chosen By P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
(Book 3 In The House of Night Series)

It is now 2 month since Zoey has been marked, and a month since she fund out that Neferet was evil and that she changes the vampyre kids who dies to monsters. It is christmas, december 24 and also Zoey birthday. When you have birthday that day most people come up with gifts with a christmas/birthday theme whick Zoey doesn´t like, but doesn´t tell anyone. So when her friends holds a party for her they give her does kind of gifts, only when a package from Heath with a bracelet shows up in the middle, they get mad that Zoey didn´t tell them that she didn´t like the theme. Zoey goess out with her Grandma and have a good evening except for her mom and loser-stepdad who showed up in the store they where. Before Zoey gets back to the school she finds Stevie and with hard work get her to meet her the next day so she can clean herself. When returning to school her and Erik makeup, but in the middle of their makeup session they are interupted by Loren, and Erik tells Zoey he don´t like the way Loren looks at her. When Zoey the next morning go to the library, Loren finds her and they end up kissing and he gives her a present, earrings and tells her she was the reason he came back early from his holidays.

Zoey has to replace Stevie´s position in the circle when they do the ritual in The Dark Daughters, so she askes Erik, but as it turns out the circle rejects Erik and Apfrodite who is just nearby become the new member of the circle as the Nyx has given her the feeling of earth. After when all of her friends and her are going to the movie, Zoey tells them she will meet up with them so she can talk to Apfrodite. The 2 of them agrees that they have to save Stevie and they have to bring down Nefert. Apfrodite tells her they can bring Stevie to her house guest apartment because her parents are on vacation. Zoey pack up blood and some of Stevie´s things, drives to Apfrodite´s house with her, and Zoey then drives to get Stevie. Stevie ans Apfrodite is at each others throaths, but they agree to settle a truth all 3 of them so they can find a solution to this problem. When Zoey and Apfrodite is on their way back to school, Zoey drives her to the secret passage to the school so they wont be seen together, but here they discover Prof. Nolan´s dead body. They hurries back to the school and runs right into Neferet, Loren and another teacher and Apfrodite breaks down and Zoey tells them what they saw. Zoey goes with the teacher to show it and Loren takes her back to school were he tells her it was the People of Faith (her loser stepdads organization) who did it, because there was a note.

The next morning The Sons of Erebus shows up to protect the school against the war there are coming with The people Of faith and the vampyres. Zoey is going to meet Heath, who has just gotten home to break up with him, and she has to get the blood Apfrodite comes with in the morning to Stevie. When Zoey arrives back at the school, Neferet do a ritual so no one can leave or come into the school without her knowing. After it is time for Zoey´s The Dark Daughters Full Moon Ritual and when they are finished Erik breaks down and they think his is dying, but instead he complets his change to vampyre. They all leave and Zoey breaks down. Then Loren comes, he comforts her, they kiss, they drink each others blood so Zoey´s inprint with Heath is broken and that she now has one with Loren, and they have sex, and she tells Loren almost everyone of her problems. After Erik finds them, and when Zoey walks back to her dorm Erik comes, breaks up with her and tells her Loren is using her. Zoey is sad so she goes to Loren´s apartment, but she finds Neferet there and listen to what her and Loren are discusing. She finds out that Loren has been using her and that he is on Neferets team and loves Neferet.

Zoey breaks down outside and her friends comes to her been dragged by Apfrodite. Erik is also there and he blows in their faces that Loren and Zoey has just had sex. Erik walks away, while Zoey tells that Loren is a asshole. Suddenly Stevie comes and Zoey tells them what Stevie are, but leaves Neferet out. The twins and damien get mad, but they have to do the ritual and call Nyx so they can fix Stevie. Under the ritual Stevie attacks Apfrodite and takes her blood. When the ritual is done Stevie is herself again and has completed the change, but Apfrodite has lost her mark. Apfrodite runs out of the school and Zoey gets Stevie to follow her and make sure she is okay. Then Neferet calls a meeting, but just a minute before Zoey gets pain all over her body, but the meeting gets interupted when they find out Loren is dead the same way as the other prof. and that was why Zoey had the pain because the bond got broken. Neferet and Zoey talk after, not so friendly. Erik overhears and Zoey tells him that yes Neferet is evil, his only answer is that it doesn´t change things between them, and Zoey says she knows. After Nyx gives her a message to be ready.

Issues... they all got some dang issues. Well just like the other 2 a good series. And i totally understand that Erik is breaking up with Zoey, because she really has to stop with all the guys and just choose one. That is what is the most irretating about Zoey that she can´t seem to choose the right guy and when she does its the wrong.

Grade: 10

torsdag den 20. maj 2010

Betrayed Review

Betrayed By P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
(Book 2 In The House of Night Series)

Zoey is now the leader of The Dark Daughters, is going out with Erik (who right now is at a international Shakespearean monologue contest), has the best frinds in the world, and has finally found a place where she belongs. It is that time of the month where family comes to visit and Zoey parents shows up and it doesn´t go well when they insult the school and Neferet, so they walk out. After her parents and Grandma are gone Zoey overhears Aphrodite and her parents talking about getting her place back on the school and bringing Zoey down, eventhough Aphrodite tells them that Zoey is better fittet, and Zoey get the feeling from the way her parents are, that it is their fault she is as she is. As the new leader of the Dark Daughters Zoey wants to change things so the next day she goes to the library to searce her idea´s. While there she meets Loren Blake the young and hot poet teacher, and they talk. Later Zoey is walking back to meet Neferet about her new idea´s, but walks away after she overhears a big fight between her and Aphrodite, about Aphrodite´s visions being wrong. About the same time Zoey also find out that Chris a boy she new from her old school is gone missing and Zoey has a feeling that he may be dead. Later Zoey meets Loren again outside when she is going to her dorm, he is writing and ask if he an see her tatoo´s on her shoulders to inspiration, and there seem to be a moment when they almost kiss. Later Zoey finds a poem from Loren in her locker and she tells it all to Stevie, and they afterwards finds out that Chris is dead and that Brad another one from her school is missing. Zoey gets enough of all of it and takes a walk where she runs into Aphrodite and stays with her because she is having a vision of Zoey´s grandma getting killed and a lot of other people when a brigde collaspes.

Zoey tells this to her friends and they come up with a plan to call the FBI and make a bomb treat on the bridge so they will close it so no one gets hurt. Right after 2 detectives arrives to ask Zoey questions about the boys that is missing and show evidence of a Dark Daughters group necklace whick was found on Chris´s body. Later that day Zoey goes out into town where she meets Heath, who stopped smoking and drinking and wants her back. She says no and he follows her to her car where he gets in, pull out a knife and tells her to take his blood, she tells him no but when he cuts his throat she can´t hold back. Before they can get any further like have sex, they are told to leave the parking lot and Zoey agrees to meet Heath the next friday. She calls on the bomb threat when she gets home and the bridge gets closed. Later that night Zoey is on her way to the dorm, when she sees a mysterious person, she follow and finds out it is Elliot - who is not dead, but something entirely else and Neferet is with him, letting him take her blood. Zoey i is very torn right now as she obviously like Erik, Loren and Heath who she hasd imprinted on. the next day is sunday and the day with Zoey´s first ritual as the leader of the Dark Daughters and Erik coming home. Erik performs at the school and is informed that he made 1 place in the compitision, and after they go to Zoey´s ritual, where they find out that all of Zoey´s friends has a feeling of one element each. the ritual goes really well exept for Neferet taking all the credit for what Zoey has come up with, so Zoey is starting to get suspicious. But a terrible thing happen shortly thereafter as Stevie´s body rejects the change and she dies. When Zoey goes to bed that night she has a dream about Heath being at House Of Night and being taken away by four (Non vampyre, non Human) things, one Stevie, one Elliot. And when she wakes up she finds out Heath is missing. Her and Aphrodite also have a talk like they have had a cuple of times before about something being wrong with Neferet and to not trust her.

To blow up some steam Zoey goes to the horse stables and Erik walks her there, and she tells him she has imprinted on Heath and that she took his blood the other day. Erik tells her that they will figure things out, and that she should try and focus on Heath through the connection so she can find him. After he goes Zoey goes to heath in her mind and finds out he is in the tunnels under Tulsa. Aphrodite comes out to the stables having just had a vison about Heath and the creature, she tells Zoey to take the horse and he her make it ready. Zoey also calls her freinds teling them to focus their elements on her. Zoey rides through the snow and finds Heath, and there is more than just 4 creatures. Stevie Ray is there and Zoey can see that she is like the others but better when Zoey convince. When they are in a tunnel alone her and heath having just destroyed some of the tunnel, Stevie comes teling Zoey to kill her, that she will never be herself again and that it is Neferet that is doing this to them. when they are out of the tunnel Zoey calls detective Marx who has a vampire twin and tells him to come get them. After Neferet shows up and erase Zoey and Heath memory of the encounter. But the godess contacts Zoey and she uses her pover to get the memory back and at the school she promise Neferet that this isn´t over

Like the first one, I really enjoyed the book and i think the series is getting better and better and developing. The series isn´t The Vampire Diaries or Vampire Academy, but i like this book, but i also like it another way than i like the 2 other series. So not much else to say.

Grade: 10

onsdag den 19. maj 2010

Spirit Bound Review

Spirit Bound By Richelle Mead
(Book 5 in Vampire Academy series)

Rose is still on her plan to make Demitri normal again and she has the plan to break Victor out of prison, she just have to figure out how. Today she became an official guardian and got her mark and after a party with her family and friends. At the party she askes her father Abe about the prison where Victor is and he tells her that it is called Tarasov Prison, and it is in Alaska right now, because it keeps moving. A couple of days after a lot of Guardians is on their way to The Royal Court, because there is going to be a service so the guardians can be assigned to a morroi. one their first day there Lissa and Rose go to see Mia, to see if she can help them break into the headquarters so they can get blueprints of the prison and she agrees to help them later. At night Rose is at a dinner with Adrian´s parents, thigs go pretty well and his mom doesn´t seem to have a problem with Adrian dating Rose. While at the guardian headquarters, Rose has just taken the files over the prison, when a guardian Mikhail Tanner who was involved with Ms. Karp a dhampir, who became a strigoi the same time Demitri did, walks in on her. She tells him his theori and he agrees to do her a favor. At the service the next day Rose ask Eddie, who she knows will do anything to help her, to help her. And by night Eddie, Rose and Lissa meets with Mikhail, who gets the out of the court and to the airport so they can go to Alaska. They break Victor our of prison, eventhough it is hard and he tells them that his brother, Robert Doru lives in Las Vegas. They go there on a private plane and when they get to a hotel they get Victor to call his brother.

A couple of hours before the are meeting Robert, Adrian shows up having tracked them down with the credit cards he gave Rose to go to Russia. He gets mad when he finds out what this is really about (Dimitri), but goes with them to dinner anyway. At dinner Robert tells them that if you charm a stake with spirit and let the spirit user kill the strigoi, then the person will become itself again without being shadow-kissed. As they are one the way to a room so Robert can show this Dimitri and some other Strigoi shows up, they all escape but they lose Victor and Robert. So now there is no more else to do than to go to the court, when they get back her and Eddie gets send to do all the work at court nobody wants, and one day Christian show up and he see through Rose and gets the whole story, after through the boond Rose sees him coming to Lissa, telling her that he can teach her to stake a strigoi, if he comes with her to the college she is visiting the next day, and that they can get help from Mia when they get back and Lissa accepts. While visiting the college that weekend Lissa and Christian guardian teach them some few fighting things and let them use a stake on a pillow. But when Lissa and Christian and some guardians is out to celebrate Lissa´s birthday, they get attackt on the way home by Dimitri and strigoi. They kill all exept Lissa snd Christian whick Dimitri says he will use for bait to get Rose, and Rose sees al of this through the bond. It isn´t long before a lot of guardians is on their way to save them including Rose. While they get there they fight and after a lot of trials Lissa gets a charmed stake into Dimitri´s heart. He is now dhampir again, but the guardians and others have a hard time believing and they lock him up.

The morning after she sees Dimitri, Adrian comes and tells her that the council has decided to drop the age from 18 to 16 when you get gratuated, and that it was that Rose got called into the council to testifide. Rose gets mad and storms down to the court where things are still going on and everything is caos. A couple of our after this Dimitri is outside to get tested if he is still strrigoi, Rose helps him and he gets permission to get a room but still with guards around him. Rose tries to talk to him, but Lissa tells her to give him time, so she does. She after runs in to a man she reconice as working for her father Abe and he gives her a laptop and some papers to follow. It turn out it is a video conference call with Sydney, who tells her that The Alchemists just have had some stolen records of Lissa´s father Erik askes if it was Rose or if she knows who it was. Rose begins to wonder what the hell they wanted with Erik and why when they where in vegas they talked to a man who said he was in vegas a lot. Dimitri and Rose talk some more the next 2 days, once in churcha and the next morning when Rose is going for coffee, but at the cafe a lot of the queens guards suddenly comes wanting to take Rose away, but Dimitri stands up for her and try to fight them of, at last Rose just goes with them and she finds out that queen Tatiana was killed last night, and Rose is the only and main suspect.

Spirit Bound is the fifth book in the Vampire Academy series. This book definently had a lot of things going on, and the ending was just shocking. The book just had so much suspence. And as always i would love to be like Rose with her whole attitude towards things and stuff. It was just such a roller coaster ride and i read it on one day because i knew i wouldn´t be able to put it down to sleep. I really loved that Dimitri came back, but i was so sad for Rose that he wouldn´t talk to her and stuff, because they belong together. And Rose has done so much for him, so i can´t say that i wouldn´t be a little jealous of all the time Lissa gets to spend with him. But i am hoping that it will change in Last Sacrifice, because I love the way that Dimitri stood up for her at the cafe that really seems like a turning point for him. 3 characters i really think bring a good thing to the book is Adrian, Christian and Abe. They have there own way to look at things and that makes it funny and good and makes me like them. I really loved to see more of Rose and Lissa´s old friends and enemies, because it was like a great reunien.
I just loved, loved, loved this book and it may be just a matter of time before this become my favorite in the series, but not quite.

Grade: 12

mandag den 17. maj 2010

Marked Review

Marked By P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
(Book 1 In The House of Night Series)

Zoey Montgomery was just a normal 16 years old teenager going to Broken Arrow's South Intermediate High School, who wants to be done with school and get the hell away from that city. Everyday she has to stuggle with her crazy God obsesed stepfather who is totally fake, and she has hated him since her mom 3 years ago married him. Her mom, who hasn´t been her mom since she married him, who is always on his side. Her 2 sibling, who pretends to be happy, but really isn´t. Zoey is coming down with a cold and then one day at school she gets Marked with the symbol of a dark blue crescented moon, by a vampyre Tracker. She knows that she now has to move into the House of Night, in Tulsa's Midtown, a private vampyre school and go there for 4 years or else she will die if she doesn´t complete the change. Her best friends Kayla is with her when it happens in the abandon hall, but she quickly flees, being as scared as everyone else by the vampyre thing, eventhough Zoey is still Zoey. She tries to talk to her mom when she gets home, but before long her mom has called her stepdad and her stepdad called the priests and shrinks and blaming Zoey for everything. So Zoey runs away to her Grandma Redbirds house. Zoey and her Cherokee heritage Granma are close and share the same opinions, a heritage Zoey also have.

When Zoey tries to find her Grandma she trips a hits her head and gets her spirit out of her body. In her spirit she meets Nyx The vampyre Goddess, who names Zoey her eyes and ears in the world today. When Zoey wakes up she is at the House Of Night with her Grandma and gets introduced to her mentor and full vampyre high priestess of Nyx, Neferet. What the 3 of them can´t seem to figure out is why the tatoo in her forehead is fully grown with color, and that is unnormal for a girl her age and a girl who has just been marked. Neferet shows her around, but when she has to go away for a minute, Zoey accidentally sees a girl trying to give a guy a blowjob. The guy tries to get the girl of, and after sees Zoey who runs. When Zoey gets to the girls dorm a girl named Aphrodite is friendly, but as soon as they are alone she is a cold bitch who thinks everything is about her, and Zoey realises that she was the girl with the guy. Zoey then meets her roommate Stevie Rae Johnson, and later at dinner she meets her friends, who quickly become Zoey´s friends: Damien, Erin and Shaunee - who is called the twins. She gets explained that she herself is a third former and that it goes up to six and then you are done with school That night she gets invited by Aphrodite who is kind of leader of the popular to join The Dark Daughters/sons, who Stevie explains is a group for the most popular kids who thinks they run the school. Eventhough Zoey doesn´t want to have anything to do with them, Stevie and the other says that it is best because Neferet already has approved of it. The next day Zoey has her classes who is much more interesting that it was in high school. At The Dark Daughters ritual that night, as part of the ritual they al drink something from a cup, she after finds out it was wine with blood and gets mad at herself and thinks she is a monster, because she really wanted the blood. Zoey then runs into a cat outside who chooses Zoey as her person, as cats does. While outside Zoey thinks she sees a girl who died today, because she couldn´t complete the change, ghost. After that Heath her almost exboyfriend and Kayla shows up wanting to bust her out, Kayla is only interested in Heath, but Heath loves Zoey, and zoey ends up drinking some of his blood before they leave and he doesn´t freak out. Erik the show up having seen the whole thing and tells her that it is only at your last year of the change when you are sixth former, that you get bloodlust, and that Zoey like everybody else says is speciel, he also tells her he is interested in her.

Zoey and Stevie talk at night, where Zoey tells her that under the ritual in the temple earlier she felt the elements when they were being called, Stevie tells her that Zoey is the first priestess ever to feel all the elements, and that she needs to talk with Neferet about it all. Zoey also thinks that she has been giving these powers so she can take the bitch Aphrodite down, so her and her friends do a ritual, were they all see that Zoey really can feel all the elements. Later Erik shows up, they kiss and make a date. The next day a boy dies from the change too, but later Zey see him thinking he is ghost too until he shows his eyes that is red, just like the girls and you can actually touch him. And by night it is time for another ritual with the Dark Sister, but something goes wrong with the summoning to celebrate and spirits comes and think they can kill heath who suddenly shows up. Zoey friends shows up and Zoey has to take the lead and close the ritual, when Aphrodite wont, and by the end Zoey has a lot of tatoo´s on her shoulders, arms and face. Neferet shows up having seen the whole thing and makes Zoey the new leader of The Darkest Sisters. In the end Aphrodite tells her that from the vision she had that Zoey saw earlier, things have only just begun.

I liked the humor Zoey had in her thoughts and in person. I also liked the fact that the language was so modern and young, because that also gave it humor. I know that many people think the way it is written is immature and too young, but i just think that it made it more funny and better. But i must say that NOBODY says: poopie. I thought it was a good idea that the book and the other books in the series, is written so the story is over a couple of days, because it isn´t rushed and you get a better feeling about the story and characters. I also think that some people judge the book too fast, because like we all know that Aphrodite is bad and that Erik is the perfect boyfriend, but all of that changes if you just read the next couple of books. Okay so a thing i can´t handle is the whole God thing, it was so ridicules. And i really hated Zoey mom and stepdad - Parents doesn´t know everything. So I totally understand Zoey´s feelings, i would want to get out of that house imedietly. And how can they blame this on her and her behavier? Really horrible parents. And shouldn´t a good mom think about her children before she marries a stranger and total asshole. What about the children is just what i am saying. I totally love the whole cat thing, that they have lots of cats there. I just love cats and it just seems so nice and sweet, and the fact that the cat chooses you. I thought the book had so good characters, and lots of new idea´s to the whole Vampire thing, like getting marked. What i didn´t really understood completly was the whole getting marked thing, with the vampire tracker, because the author doesn´t explain it at all, so i was just so confused. and i thing i really hate is that they call it Vampyre instead of Vampire

Grade: 10

søndag den 16. maj 2010

Sea Change Review

Sea Change By Aimee Friedman

16 year old Miranda has always like science over being a pretty girl, and she was about to start her dream internship at The Museum Of Natural History in New York City where she lives, but her grandmother just died and left a house on Selkie Island, Georgia to her mom, eventhough her mom and grandmother haven´t spoken for 30 years. So her mom asked her to come and help her clean out the house so it could be sold, ánd then Miranda would start her internship later. So Miranda takes the faire to the island, where she on the way gets told stories from the sailer about kraken, mermaids etc. When her and her mom arrie at the house, her mom tells her they have gotten a invitation to the Heirs party the next day. At the party she meets her moms old friends, and her back then best friend Delilah. Delilah daughter 15 year old CeeCee is all over Miranda pretty fast and gets her dragged over to her girl and guy. Miranda thinks that CeeCee and her friends are not her type, but a boy T.J seems a bit inersted in her. Instead of hanging out with them Miranda takes a walk on the beach where she meets a boy named Leo Mccloud, they have barely said hello when Míranda´s mom comes suprised that Miranda just walked away. But what Miranda can´t understand is why her mom is suddenly so good friends with everybody again, when she just yesterday could scream of the thought of being with them. The next day CeeCee shows up and her and Miranda have a day together, where at Miranda´s request they first go to the science center, where she finds out Leo works. He finds out that she likes biologi and stuff, and tells her she should come by at 6 to do a beach walk and she agrees. On the walk it is only him and her and they share their first kiss. At the same time Miranda finds a book in her grandmthers studie with tales of the mystical creatures that lives on Selkie, like mermaid/mermen and how you can discover them, like if a person last name on the island is Williams/Mcclead or if the person lives close to the water and swim at night.

That monday her mom has invited, what Miranda now know is her mom old boyfrind Mr. Illingworth, T.J dad, and T.J over for tea, where Miranda shares af kiss with T.J. Miranda can´t understand why her mom is suddenly so different toward her old frinds and why it suddenly seem like she wants to set her and T.J up. After T.J and his dad goes, Miranda wants to be by herself so she runs to the beach, where she finds Leo and they talk and take her out to eat at the Fisherman´s village, but when he tries to shows her his house, Miranda drews back and realise she doesn´t even know him. So her and Leo ends up fighting. The day it is 4 july, Mianda gets dressed up with CeeCee and her 2 friends, because by night when thre will be fireworks they will be on a boat with the 5 guys. But while on the boat Miranda finds out that T.J doesn´t really wants her for who she is and then realises that she was o fast to judge Leo. The next day she is about to find Leo to apologize, but he bets her to it, she then tells him about how her best friend and ex boyfriend 2 months ago had sex, because she wouldn´t. They get interupted by her mom and they decides to meet that evening. Miranda finds and old box with letters from a guy and a gown, and she begins to think that her grandmother had an affair before her mom was born with a local called Henry Blue Williams. Miranda know that it is crazy, but as she connect the dots it seem like Leo might be a merman, that night she almost drowns trying to prove to herself that Leo when he gets in water becomes a merman, but she ends up even more confused. The next night her mom tells her about her past, and how she knew that her father is Henry Blue Williams. Miranda then tells her about the box with the letters and the gown, that is her mothers. And finally her mom tells her that they are keeping this house.

This story was mysterious, enjoyable, sweet anf fun. But it was missing some closure, because the point of the whole story is the creature and we are left with nothing than a tale. I definently loved the whole water part of the whole story, the island and stuff. I don´t know why, but i really love water/swimming and that just made the book more interesting and drawing. I will definently make a good vacation book, when it is also one it self.
When talking about her grandmother and her mom and Miranda, i don´t know why but i kind of get a picture og the movie The Princess Diaries with Clarice, Mia and Mia´s mother and how they at first mom and daughter hated Clarice and stuff like that.
I really hope there is going to come a sequel, because the story is not even finished. The book was a lot about Selkie´s mystical creatures, but we doesn´t know yet if it is true? Or if Leo is one? Or if she herself is one?
I thought that the cover was really beautifull and you kind of get the feeling of the sea, and that they are underwater at the cover. I really hope she is going to make a sequel, because there are so many things that i think is half finished, because you don´t know if it is real or not, even the main character was confused. But the lose ends also make the book on the same time more mysterious. I also thought that we actually would find out if he was a sea-creature or not because of the discription you get of the book and all kinds of homepages.

Grade: 10