lørdag den 5. juni 2010

Teen Idol Review

Teen Idol By Meg Cabot

Jen is a junior at Clayton high school. She works at the school newspaper named the Register, where she does the layout and write the secret collum: Ask Annie. Ask Annie is a collum a senior usually writes and the Annie is a hugh secret, but on the Team building camp, Mr Shea asked her to be the new Annie and it is actually a good thing because people has all her life come to her with their problem, no mater if she wanted it or not and i mean EVERYBODY. And everyone thinks that nice little Jen will never do anything wrong. So it is only Scott, Mr Shea and Ms. Kelloggås the school counsiler (because she has to know about people´s proplems and sometimes ask Jen if she knows who sent the letter or such things.), that knows she is Annie.
The papers editor is Scoot Bennett. He used to go at this school until 5 grade and Jen always saw him at the library because they borrowed the same "uncool" books. Then his parents split and he moved away and she didn´t see him again until last summer when the staff of the paper went on a team building trip, and she was waiting on the bus in the parkinglot when he came out of a car. Scott has decided to live with his dad and Mr. Shea the staff advisor, had let him in on the staff. And at the end up the retreat Mr. Shea asked Scoot to be the editor-in-chief, because of his writting and leadership abilities. But he might not have gotten the position if Geri Lynn a senior, who has a temper, on the staff had been on the retreat, but she was at journalism camp and she took it pretty well when school started again and she even started regulary making out with Scott, and every time she does she makes a heart and a date in her notebook and since her and Jen eat lunch together, she knows about it. Jen is also in the schoolchoir as a backgroud singer, because her best friend Trina (who loves Luke Striker) thought it would be a good idea. Every year the school´s senior makes a prank and this year they (Kurt the most popular guy/jock) have taken a teacher Mrs Mulvaney´s doll, Betty Ann. The teacher loves that doll and is very sad and the seniors sends ransom notes.

Then the next day she gets called into Ms. Kellogg´s office and she thinks it is about the doll and them wanting to hear who it is, but Jen knows she can´t tell them. But when she gets in there a lot of teachers at school is there and some people she doesn´t even know. They tell her that Luke Striker - Hollywoods most famous teenage star, who Trina is totally in love with - is coming to Clayton the research for his next film. He is going to be there for 2 weeks and be under disguise as a transfer student named Lucas Smith and they want Jen to be his guide. The next day she meets him and he is suprised at how high school is, and he first wakes up when he gets some espresso, which is hard to get in Clayton because it is a small town. All the girls thinks he is good looking, and He sits with Jen at lunch together with the rest of the newspaper staff and other people and is really suprised when the popular kids muhs at Cara (a girl who is fat and trying to dress and act like the popular kids, because she wants t be a part of them, and doesn´t have any friends), Cara as always tells them to stop and runs crying out of there and Jen as always goes after her.

Then after a week it is saturday and there is a carwash to raise money to the choir at a restaurant. Many people are there and Scott and Geri shows up in his car to get a wash and Scott helps with his car and he and Jen gets into a discussion about a book and other things like they always do. Then Scott and Jen gets into a waterfight, but Geri gets mad about it and other things and she breaks up with Scott. Luke then shows up and suddenly he thinks it is hot so he takes his shirt off, but doesn´t think about the fact that he has a tatoo with his previous girlfriends name - Angelique, which everyone knows about - on the arm and Trina sees it and almost screams but Jen hauls her into the restaurants bathrooms. Geri is there crying so they both finds out that he is Luke Striker and they both had a feeling about it because of the things he did. She tells them to keep quite, but they are both up in the air and Geri wants to ask Luke to the Spring Fling.

Geri and Trina runs out of there and Jen finds Luke surrounded on top of a car with many girls screaming around him and Scott tells her when she ask that he call the police. Luke´s limo and the police shows up and he gets into the car, and then open the tag window and calls to Jen and she goes with him to his condo. He then tells her that he thinks that she is the only person at school who care about people and who is sweet, and that the people in the school is really evil. He then tells her that he thinks that since everybody likes her she could make a change. Yes she did comfort Cara after the caffeteria accident, but she didn´t do anything to stop it. And he thinks that she could, if she just stopped being everyone best friends, but of course still sweet. Then after he ask her to the Spring Fling, because he wants to have the experience and because she is the only person that is his real friends and she says yes for him. She begins to try Luke teorie: Like telling Trina to stop breaking up with Steve (her boyfriend who also has feeling and is in love with Trina) and get back together with him whenever she wants, just because another guy is avaliable and Trina becomes mad at her. But her new attitude seems to work and people is talking about her everywhere. Not just because she is going with Luke to the dance, but because she is changing and she becomes famous with all of the magasins after her She also goes home with Cara on day and make a makeover on her and the next day at school it works, and the things she told Cara to do. The only person who isn´t threating Jen differently is Scott.

Then that week on wednesday she is sick of the choir teacher always yelling at her for not doing things right and blames it all on her. When what she is doing that day is correct and it is Trina that doesn´t take the stupid hat she throws. So when he gives her a choice to become better or walk out she walk out, because she is the new Jen. Eventhough they have a big competition friday and she has just spend a lot of money on a ugly dress, they all had to have. So she throws the dress out and nobody comes to check if she is okay, because nobody cares other than her. The newspaper staff makes her laugh about it and Scott offers her a ride home since she can´t go with Steve now that he has dumb Trina. And suddenly she realize that it is the first time her and Scott are completly alone together, without anyone and she becomes nervous and suddenly thinks about how Trina always tells her that her and Scott are perfect for each other and how Trina seems to think that she likes Scott because she talked a lot about him sometime last year. And Jen become uncomfortable and scott is about to ask her soomething, when they get to her house and is surrounded by paparazzi. When she comes home sure a lot of people from the choir calls, but not to make sure she is okay, but to make her come back because they can´t find a replacement.

Luke also calls her and tells her he has his sources and that he has heard of the things she has done and that he is proud and knew she could do it. He also reminds her about the missing doll, which she totally forgot and tells him she is working on it. The next day she goes to Ms. Kelloggs office and ask the secretary for her locker combination, but tells Kurt´s locker number to the person instead. She doesn´t find Betty Ann in Kurt´s locker and when she ask him he says it is at home. Then at lunch half the choir comes over to her and Cara tells them to leave Jen alone and Karen Sue calls Cara - the name they call her behind her back and before right to her face - Cara Cow. But then Scott stands up and a guy on the "news" named kwang does too and they leave. Later Scott gives her a ride and she start to wonder if she maybe has a crush on him, and they goes to Kurt´s house and get his little sister to give her the doll, so Kurt will get his diploma and Scott is impressed with the way she has changed and tells the sister to say it was Scott and Jen who was there, so Kurt won´t hit face. The next day Mrs. Mulvaney is really happy and Kurt looks at Jen but doesn´t tell her anything, so she must have a lot of power on this school. Then later as she is skiping choir again, Trina comes up to her and tells her she quit choir too and that she is sorry and that Jen was right and that she has realize how much she loves Steve.

Then as Scott, Jen and Trina is going to the car, the bus with the choir comes, way to early and Steve comes out and yells at Trina that he is going to quit acting and choir, because he only did it for her and that next year he will do what he wanted baseball and she says that he can do whatever and that she loves him and they kiss. When they are almost at her house Scott keeps asking her what is up with her and Luke and she keeps telling him that they are just friends, but Scott doesn´t seem to believe it. That night Trina calls and ask what is up with her and Scott and if she knows who the girl Geri thinks that Scott likes is and how fun it would be if it turned out to be Jen. Luke picks her up at his motorcycle and him and her get crowned king and queen. He tells her he knows she likes Scott and that he knows he is Annie, because of his sources. He ask for her advice and she sees Geri coming in, without Scott, so she doesn´t know what Geri is doing there. When she gives him the advice he lets her go and goes to kiss Geri. He then comes to her after and tells her how he has been talking with Geri over the phone because she gave him her nr at the car wash and he wanted to make sure she was okay and then it became less and less about he and more about them. He then tells her she can take the limo and she goes in the limo with her friends to the anti-prom party. Her and Scott talks and goes off and he kisses her and tells her he wanted a chance and she tells him she never liked Luke the way she loves him, and they kiss again and goes back together.

Like always i love Meg Cabot books, i love the subject and the way she writes and i love love The Princess Diaries and the movies too. And Jenny was really enjoyable.

Grade: 10

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