mandag den 7. juni 2010

Suite Dreams Review

Suite Dreams By Rachel Hawthorne

Alyssa Manning lives in Vermont and is a really smart girl who is soon to be a sophomore, but now it is winter break, which she was suppose to spend with her boyfriend Rick. But a little while ago Rick told her that he thought there was something missing in their relationship and they broke up and Rick took to Australia for the vinter break, swapping couches with someone so he has a place to stay. So now she doesn´t have any place to go, so she is staying at campus and is suppose to take 2 mini classes on the next couple of weeks. Today it is the beginning of vinter break and Alyssa is on her way home from work - The Chalet, a resturant - to the college. Suddenly she see someone in the shadows by the dorm door. She pulls out her peberspray and uses it on the person. While he is on the ground in the snow with pain in his eyes she asks him who he is and he tells her his name is Jude Hawkins from Australia and that he has been swapping couches with Rick and he ask her if she is Alyssa, when she tells him she knows Rick. Jude tells her that Rick just told him to find her if he had any trouble, and Alyssa is completly confused, but not suprised that she didn´t know anything about it. They take care of his eyes and they go up to Rick´s room, but his roommate Chad is having a lot of friends and brothers there and for the rest of the break, so he can´t stay there. So Alyssa tells him he can crash on her sofa tonight, because her roomie is not there.

Next day Alyssa wakes up and she goes out to wake Jude, Stephanie her suitemte comes out of her room and Alyssa ask her if it is okay if Jude crashes on the couch, and it is. They uses their day building snowmen and later at night Jude walks her to work, where he gets a free meal. But the place is really expensive and he tell Alyssa that it is to much, so she tells him that he can work for it because a couple of their busboys is sick and it is going to be bussy for the waitresses when they aren´t there. Mel Gibson, Alyssa´s friend, who also works there also ask them if they want to go to the club where her boyfriend Boomer´s band is playing after work, and they say yes. And Alyssa tells her about the situation. When they get to the club, The drummer to the band hasn´t showed up so Jude offers Boomer his service and rock it on stage. When the club closes down at 2 Alyssa has had a really good time, and Mel tells her that she has order the spa for them tommorow and Boomer tells Jude he can come out and ski with him, when Alyssa goes. On their way home Jude tells her that Alyssa´s boss has told Jude he can work as a busboy, get tips, a meal as long as he is here, he just have to do it the same time as Alyssa.

When they get back to the dorm, Susan, the dorm monitor is there so Alyssa goes up to her room and get Jude to crawl up a tree outside her window so he can come up without being seen. Jude gives her a foot massage and they almost kiss, but is interupted by Stephanie. The next day Jude goes skiing and Mel and Alyssa goes to the spa and she tells Mel about her and Rick´s break-up. Later Jude and Alyssa work and when jude is in her room at her computer uploading some pictures that night, to be spotanious she tells Jude he can sleep in her roomie´s bed tonight. The next day Jude and her go shopping and cook and Rick calls and tell her he is in love with Marly, Jude´s sister and ask her to tell Marly that they are over. She does and Jude gets to talk to her sister too. Alyssa aren´t so sad because she was already certain that they wouldn´t get back together and certain that they never really had anything. Later they go to a party at Mel´s house, where Jude and Lys kiss outside, but is interupted by the the others and they all go to the pool at the college. The next day Lys goes to class and Jude goes out to become and official Polar Bear (swimming in a cold lake), with Boomer.

The next day Boomer, Mel, Lys and Jude go Extreme sledding in the mountains/forest, but they can´t stay there for long because a big storm is coming. A little while before they have to head back to the car, they split of in 2 and sled together. Suddenly Lys sees something and her and Jude go to see what it is, and it turn out to be a moose. They didn´t keep track at where they where going so now they are lost. They walk around for hours and the radion doesn´t work, but they find and old barn, where they stay. The next morning they make a hugh fire and a rescue helicopter shows up, and when they get out of it a news team is waiting for them and they make the news. The next day Lys needs to study and she doens´t really has time for Jude. Friday after a big test Jude is waiting for her outside with flowers and he tells her he is moving in woth Boomer so she can study. When she comes back to her room, she is suppose to do a paper and sees that Jude has already done all the research for her, so she is done is record time. She then dresses up and goes to the restuarant where she finds him talking with the annoying girl Hailey, who´s father is the dean at the college. She storms out of there and goes home and eat chips. Suddenly there is a knock on the window and it is Jude who has hust crawled up the tree. He explains that he only was talking to Hailey, because she is a costumer and she gives big tips so they can all share. He tells her she is not boring and that he loves her and she tells him she loves him too.

This was one of the books by this author that i didn´t like so much as the others. It was funny because this is one of the only by the author where the person isn´t comig from Texas. I found the book pretty boring, but it did have something that the other books also have. But it is not really a book i want to read again.

Grade: 4

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