mandag den 14. juni 2010

Love At First Click Review

Love At First Click By Elizabeth Chandler

Hayley Caldwell goes to Saylor Mill High as a sophomore and is the photographer for the school paper: The Courier. She loves to take picture and feels confidence doing it, because then nobody is looking at her, but the camera. Her friend is Gabriel a sports writer for the school paper and she has a sister named 'Breeze' Brianna, who is into clothe and doesn´t really think before she speaks. Breeze has dated half the school and right now she is dating Jared a football player. Her and her sister have their own credit card and uses the same size of clothe, so sometimes her sister gets her to buy things because her sister uses a lot of money and then she borrows it from Hayley. They also have a widowed father, because their mom died when Hayley was 3 and their dad is working al the time. Hayley is crazy about taking picture of Flynn and love looking at him but have never talked to him. Flynn and Jared are some of the best players at the football team and can possible come up and get schoolarships.

Hayley is out taking picture of the football team before school starts after summer vacation when Flynn Delancy falls on top of her trying to get the ball. He doesn´t even says anything to her until Breeze´s now boyfriend Jared ask her if she is allright. Later at home Jared calls Breeze to say that he can´t hang out because the coach wants them to go to bed early so Breeze gets really mad and almost takes it out on Hayley. After her and Breeze goes to the mall where Breeze finds a hot bikini for Hayley and Haykey decides to buy it and uses it the nect day when she goes to the community pool to swim. There she meets Jared who ask her to talk to Breeze about the pressure coach is puttung them on. She doesn´t tell Jared that she has already explained that, and that she is tired of being the messenger for he sister and her boyfriends. By friday it is time for the big first football game and a lot of people shows up because people like it. Paige a feature writer at the paper ask Hayley if she knows that Jared and Breeze has been fighting and if they are breaking up. Hayley is tired of the question and just says she doesn´t know. At the game Flynn gets hurt and it is later reported that he has a concussion and a broken arm so he can´t play. By monday Breeze and Jared is back to fighting and by thuesday when Flynn comes back to school, Breeze kind of flirts with him right in front of Jared. When Hayley gets to the school paper´s office wednesday morning, Paige comes too and announces that Nicole has dumped Flynn. And later when Hayley gets home she finds out that Breeze and Jared has broken up, because with Flynn out Jared are going to be even more tied up and that isn´t fair to Breeze so they broke up so she could date other boys. By friday there is a new game at another school, but the game doesn´t go well because Flynn can´t play. When Hayley gets home Breeze is there with Flynn and Flynn actually ask if they go to the same school totally no ecognizing her as the girl he hurled over at football practice and he become a little embarresed when he find out it is Hayley, (and her sister tells about the big blue mark on her butt she has gotten) and he didn´t recognize her, but Hayley just tells him that the coach tells them to have their heads in the game so obviously he is listening. He says he is sorry and Hayley just says it okay and hurries to her room. After Breeze comes in and they talk and she ask Hayley for pictures of Flynn from previous games. By sunday Flynn comes over to see Breeze again while Hayley look like crap moving the lawn so she can earn more money to buy her 1000 dollars camera. And on monday the newspaper is grilling her for news about Flynn and Breeze.

At the game the next friday, Hayley is taking pictures n the sideline as alwasy when a little girl nemed Emma suddenly is beside her with her barbie camera wanting to take pictures and seems to have a passion for photography too and Hayley is following her a little away from the sideline when her mother shows up to take her back, because Emma suddenly went of. After the game Emma comes to her wanting to see Hayley´s picture and they start watching them together, with Emma´s mom not long from them. Suddenly Flynn comes over and Hayley finds out Emma is his little sister. When she gets home, Flynn and Breeze comes after her some minutes after and while Breeze changes clothe Flynn and Hayley talk about photography and the fact that one minute people are dating one guy and then the next minute the person is over it and dating another. The next day Hayley is suppose to play minigolf with her friends when Breeze ask her to baby.sit Flynn´s 2 younger siblings so her and Flynn can go out. Hayley says no but not long after Flynn mom calls and tells her thank you for agreeing to baby-sitting and that Emma and Meg are thrilled, Hayley doesn´t know what the hell happened, but she feels bad about saying no so she agrees to come and babysit them, but slams the door in her sisters face when Breeze says thanks. Later it goes well enough babysitting the girls and they put make-up on all three of their faces, so ayley ends up looking like a clown. At 10 Flynn comes home and together they get the make-up of and put the girls to bed. Since he can´t drive her home because of the girls she stays and watch tv with Flynn and she gets to see his feet when she ask if his sisters have painted them and he gets to see hers. When she gets home Breeze s there asking her why she didn´t come home when Flynn came and Hayley has to explain the situation to her, but Breeze tells her she could have called her. Hayley also tells her that Breeze has nothing to worry about because the guys are interested in Breeze not her. By monday Jared comes by the school newspaper, where her, Paige and Katleen is hanging to get some picture of himself that he asked for at and earlier game. He also tells her he miss hanging out with her and Hayley first thinks it is because she isn´t much at the football field, but then remembers that they used to ahng out when he was over waiting for Breeze to get done. (Hayley always ends up entertaning Breeze´s dates because she always let them wait extra time) and she reminds Jared that he can´t tell anyone she has done the special picture because then everyone wants some.

The next day Hayley is at Breeze´s locker to drop up lunch to her, when Flynn shows up with Breeze´s chemistry book and he sees a picture of himself in Breeze´s locker that Hayley has remade in photoshop and Flynn having been told by Jared ask her to get a copy for his sisters and the topic with Breeze going from Jared to Flynn who are friends comes up before Hayley hurries away to catch up with Gabe. Friday it is time for a new game and Hayley notice that Gabe and jenny might have something going on because they seem to like each other. Meg and Emma also comes by and she talk with them for awhile. Flynn comes over to give her a message from Jared asking her if she is coming to the players party after the game at Jared´s house. Hayley is suprised because it is only the cool, bold and beautifull who gets invited. But Hayley says no because she already have plans with her newspaper friends. A little while after Flynn comes back with another message telling her that her newspaper friends can come too. The coach looks their way and she tells Flynn that it is okay. But Hayley tells him that the coach doesn´t like having her in the field in the first place when the players are suppose to concentrate and eventhought Him, Jared and the Coach has and understanding, she doesn´t and she tells him to stop bothering her. After the game Gabe tells her, Jenny and Kathleen that Jared has just invited them to the party afterwards and then they all go. Breeze is suprised when she sees Hayley at the party and Flynn is at her side not smilling like he usually does and suddenly Jared´s arm is around Hayley´s waist and Hayley suspects that he is trying to make Breeze jealous and he takes Hayley away to meet his family because they loved the pictures. Somehow her and Jared end up at his dad´s office looking over old football history and Jared´s arm is suddenly around her shoulder. Then Breeze opens the door and Hayley is gratefull and ask her to come see the pictures and soon a lot of other people comes in, including Flynn who has a weird expession on his face.

Saturday Flynn comes over and thinks he has a date with Breeze, but Breeze is out having stood Flynn up and Hayley knows it is because he didn´t spend much time talking to him instead of the jocks last night. Flynn comes inside when he ask to and he ask her if she had a good time the night before and Hayley says she had a nice time at the party and she is sure he knows that Jared was using her to get Breeze´s attention. Then the doorbell rings and it is Jared and she tells him that Breeze is out, coming inside he sees that Flynn is there and Flynn tells that he is waiting for Breeze, and Jared tells him that he has been stood up and that he might as well go home. Then Gabe comes because her and him are going bowling, and she tells the guys they can stay and watch the game in the tv. When they hear they are going bowling, and the guys says it is forever since they have done that, they both ask to come and eventhough Hayley is trying with her expession to make Gabe say no he says yes, not catching on Hayley´s expression. Later when they get home Breeze is on the porch shocked to see the guys with Hayley. By night when Breeze comes home from a movie with Flynn she ask her why Jared was over and Hayley honestly don´t know. Then she ask Breeze if she is trying to make Jared jealous and Breeze tells her at first she was but now she don´t know. Hayley remind her sister that it is evil to go around with the guys like that, but Breeze tells her she takes things to serious and that the guys no what they are doing and is number 1 in the game like her.

The next morning Emma and Meg calls asking her to come over and see their new kitten Fang and the girls fight over the phone, then Flynn is on the phone telling her that he could come pick her up because the girls want to show her the kitty and then Breeze burst into her room having seen the caller id and takes the phone as Hayley tells him that Breeze wants to talk. And Breeze ask Hayley if she wants to see the kitten and an hour later they are there. Breeze and Flynn hangs out while Hayley goes out to take pictures of the kitten in the backyard. But the kitten suddenly chases a squirrel and is far up in tree and Hayley starts to climb it but soon finds out it is hard with all of the branches not good because the tree is rotten. She tells the girls to get Flynn and when he comes out she almost has Fang, and Flynn tells her she shouldn´t have climbed up there because the tree is rotten and his family is about to take it down because of it. Hayley gets the kitten and 12 feet from the ground it jumps down from her and Flynn keeps telling her to be carefull but a brach snaps and she falls on top on Flynn and when she tries to get of she hurts him more than she did with the fall. Then suddenly his finger is trasing her lips and they lean closer, but is interupted by Meg. Breeze comes out and Hayley goes to her camera and Flynn and Breeze disappears inside. After hayley and the girls go out to the kitchen to get something to drink and they hear Breeze and Flynn inside the other room. Breeze ask him if they are dating and he ask if it isn´t obvious. And she tells him that she can see that he likes to play around and he says that she does more than him, but she says not under a tree. And Breeze tells himshe is worried about who he is playing around with, because She's very innocent, naïve and vulnerable and doesn´t want to see her get hurt. Hayley knows they are talking about her and tells the girls that they can go outside, but then Meg calls to Flynn what playing around means and the door opens and answers her.

The next 3 days Hayley lays low until wednesday the day when she late is on her way home from school and is in the school parking lot Flynn drives up beside her and ask sort of why he ha´ven´t seen her the last couple of days and she tells himshe has been bussy and he ask if she wants a ride because of the storm that is starting but she says no. A couple of minutes after another car comes up beside her and it is Jared and when he ask if she wants a ride she thinks what the hell and get inside the car and Flynn drives by. When they get to her house Jared ask her to go to the fall dance with him because he can only be there for an hour because of coach and then when he leaves she can take pictures. Hayley thinks what the hell again and it would actually work out for her to take pictures like that. Later when Breeze is plannig how Hayley should look for the dance she tells her he is going with Jared. And Breeze ask her if she is aware of him trying to make Breeze jealous and she tells Breeze she is and that it is not like they have the hots for each other, but it is just a good deal. On saturday the day of the dánce Flynn comes before Jared and when Jared comes and say hello to Flynn he brings up the whole, Flynn nocking into Hayley and not even knew who she was and all that. Hayley gets uncomfortable and tells Jared that they are hungry so they leave. When they get to the resturant not long before they have sat down Breeze and Flynn comes to and sit at another table. Then suddenly Jared is saying what a perfect fit she is for him and Hayley tells him that he forgot to ask what she wanted and that she didn´t thought he saw her this way, she just thought he was trying to make Breeze jealous. He then admits that at first he was and therefore he and Flynn made an arrangement, but then he suddenly realized that he liked her. Hayley ask what arragement that was and he tells her that everyone know that during football season he has to stay in the game and not at Breeze. So he knew that Breeze was going to wander to another guy so Jared pretended he wanted to break up with Breeze and Flynn pretended he wanted to date Breeze after he broke his arm and then at the end of the season he was going to break up with her and Jared could get back together with her. But yesterday Flynn told him that he couldn´t keep pretending, and Jared says it is because he is in love and everyone at the team knows it because Flynn has totally lost his focus and is in another world, so yesterday Jared told Flynn he could have Breeze, because she is to much trouble. But Hayley is mad now so she takes his salade and dumbs it in his head and then heads out. Flynn starts to laugh and she goes over there and does the same to him and tells Breeze that when she finds out what has been going on she hopes that she will understand.

Then she runs out of there, take a taxi home and gets out of the clothe and sits outfront with her father. Then she ask her father to drive her to the dance now is her jeans, heals and top. She comes to the dance and talk to the coach who has giving the players and hour more to be here. She tells coach that the camera is in Jared´s car and she then she Jared and Breeze by the foos table and coach tells her that the camera is at the news office and he gives her some keys. She goes to the office and closes the door behind her and let the light be off. Then a voice, Flynn´s voice says hello and tells her that coach let him in. He tells her that she problably saw that Jared and Breeze is back together and she tells him that she didn´t knew that eventhought she saw them standing together and she says that she guess he took one for the team again since he is in love with Breeze. He tells her that when Jared came up with the idea he thought it was stupid, but that he had just been dumbed and his chances for being scouted early and getting a college offer was zero, so if it would be easier for Jared he would do it. He knew what he was getting himself into, but he didn´t know the dating game queen had a sister. He then says he had no idea he would fall for Breeze´s sister. he then says, But with the whole game thing going on, how would she believe him if he told her he was falling for her. He then ask her why she think that he always came earlier and came over when Breeze stood him up and Hayley tells him that guys is smitten with Breeze. She then says that Jared said he was in love with Breeze, but Flynn tells her he says he was in love and that Jared just thinks that other people thinks what he does. And he ask her if he is alone feeling like this and then they kiss.

This was a really good, sweet, fast, fun and romantic teen book and it reminded me of movie: Whatever It Takes, in some ways.
I was really confused through this book but in a good way, because one minute i think that Jared actually likes Hayley in a romantic way and the next i think that he is trying to get back at Breeze and make her jealous. At the same time there is Flynn who Hayley likes and who Breeze is dating, but is Flynn maybe intersted in Hayley and not in Breeze so much as when he started. And what if both of the guys is into Hayley? Hell that would be bad for Breeze. Or is both guys using Hayley to get to Breeze? Because obviously Breeze, Jared and Flynn are kind of players going from one girl/boy to the other, without really being sad about it. But i like that it is confussing about this because that makes what there is going to come in the end of the book, which i doesn´t know yet, so much more suprising.
Okay see the ending, that i am disapointed about i would have liked something more than the kissing and then saying each others names. I don´t know what, maybe i wanted them to go into the dance and dance and give everyone a shock or something, just something.

Grade: 10-12

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