torsdag den 3. juni 2010

Lament: The Faerie Queen's Deception Review

Lament: The Faerie Queen's Deception By Maggie Stiefvater (Book 1 In The Books of Faerie Series)

Sixteen-year-old Deirdre Monaghan is a very shy girl and is invisible to everyone. She plays the harp and only have one friend, her best friend James, who also plays aan instrument. Today it is the 26th Annual Eastern Virginia Arts Festival, where Dee will play on her Harp. Dee always gets nervous and trows up, and this time is no exeption. But while she is trowing up a boy comes into the bathroom and holds her hair, and Dee recognize him from her weird dream she has had that night. He introduces himself as Luke Dillon, and takes her outside and they rehears together, and they decide to do a duet together instead when Dee is suppose to perform in a half an hour. Luke also tells her that she should do something out of the ordinary, and she feels like she can do that with Luke there so she take a change when they do their duet and when they are done, the audience goes wild. Luke quickly disappears and tell her see ya at the reception. At the reception when Dee has just gotten there she talks with a boy with freckles that smells like herbes who suddenly disappears when Luke shows up. Luke and Dee also win the big prize and a man comes over to Dee´s mom giving his business cart: Thornking-Ash - telling her that he is interested in Dee´s talent, and Luke and Dee plans to see each other again. The next day is the day Dee´s family will be celebrating her birthday, since they couldn´t do it yesterday on the real day. At the morning Luke shows up and takes her for ice cream at Dave´s Ice where Dee work in her spare time. Dee is also beginning to think that there is something up with him and that he isn´t always telling the truth, letting her believe he doesn´t know something, when she is sure he actually does know - like how does he know where she lives? And what does he have against her 4 clover she finds in her pockets and everywhere? - That he says is good for example seing fairies. While at the ice cream shop Luke givess her a key, from his keychain with like 20 keys. After they come back to her house and her Grandma is just getting out of her car, when she sees Luke she tells him to get out of her and that he smells of Them, when he tells her that he is not one of Them. Luke takes of and Dee is mad at her Grandma. But her Grandma just gives her a present: an old ugly ring that her Grandma wears and tell Dee that it has been past through her mother side generation, to wear it, and that one day Dee will thank her. Earlier that day and later Dee also moves the clovers across the ground to her hand. Like telekinesis, James tells her when he sees.

A little while after James shows up and she tells him about Luke and shows him the ring and key, which James metions is both made of iron: supposably something that ward against evil supernatural creatures, mark James. 2 days after Luke still hasn´t come by and by night her mom comes up to her room telling her to practice. Dee takes the ring of and goes outside with her harp. Luke shows up minutes after, but just before she sees the freckles boy. The next day when she is working at the ice cream shop, Luke comes to pick her up and she finds another 4 leaf clover in her tip jar. As soon as they are walking to his car the Herbal smell comes and both Luke and her hurries to the car, because of the smell eventhought Luke haven´t admitted anything to her, but she know that he is not normal. And that there is something abnormal going on around her. they drive likes something is after them and when the smell disappears about 20 hounds that identical with Dee´s dog Rye jump out in front of the car and Luke is suprised that she see them. When they get to her home he ask her to go with him to the city the next day so he can explain, she say yes and he walk her to her house. Dee pretends to go inside, but doesn´t and hear Luke talk to no one, about her. She wakes up at night and freaks when she sees a shadow in her room, she thinks that she want light and her light switches on. She calls James, but when he pick up the shadow disappears and she tells James what happened. he tells her he cant tell her anything, so she has to guess. She comes up with, that fairies has been wacthing her, that the hounds and her dog is their, that the four-leaf clovers is giving to her by Them and that the clover will help her see Them until she can. They also so kiss several times and in a church safe of fairies Dee shows him her telekinesis, which she knows he knows, because he insinuated it the first time they met. The next morning she is out walking Rye when she sees Luke´s car and him sleeping in it, they talk and suddenly there is a rabbit outside the car (Fairie - don´t do anything in front of it.) she gets out and when she has walk a little down the road she tries to use her telekines. She hears a voice talking to Luke about fucking her and then finishing her of.

Later that day she is at a gig, at a weeding in a church and after she is waiting for her Grandma to pick her up outside. Before when she threw up in the bathroom she lots her ring in the sink and she isn´t wearing the key around her neck, because her mom told her to take it of. Suddenly outside she is attackt by a big cat thing, but is saved by Luke who is suddenly there and he kills it. He disappears when her Grandma shows up, and her Grandma takes Dee with her home, where she tells her that Fairies has always been a problem on their side of the family, that her mom and her annoying sister Delia, had trouble with them too. She also tells that she saw Luke 20 years ago and that he hasn´t aged a bit, but Dee tells her that he isn´t with the fairies. Grandma also tells her that she will come by later with something she is making against the fairies. James comes by and takes her out to eat, and she seems to read his mind with images when she focus on his eyes. That night Dee can´t sleep and Luke comes by so she goes with him outside, where he tells her he isn´t one of the, but that he can´t tell what he is. Dee tells him that she can try to read his mind, but first they have to get to the cemetery in her back yard, because there is a weird mist thing in the air and there is iron at the cemetery. There she read his mind and see that he is a murdered who have killed a lot of people, but he wont tell her anything and she wont forgive him. He walk her home, but when they jump over the fence, Eleanor, the women from the first day she met Luke shows up. She wants him to kill Dee, but he wont, because he tells her that he loves Dee - he tells Eleanor she can say that to Her. And Eleanor can´t kill her, but we don´t know why. Eleanor disappears and Dee is suddenly very tired, and she suddenly sees all of Luke´s memories. He takes her home to bed and tells her that he sees her memories too.

The morning after James calls her to tell her he has one of his weird feeling about her Grandma, and when she goes down in the kitchen her Mom and Delia tells her that Grandma is at the hospital, because she fell down the stairs. Luke calls and ask if they can meet later, she know she shouldn´t but she tells him that she want to meet anyway. She also tells him about Grandma and he tells her he will go to see her, to see if it is the fairies. Later when Dee is at work Freckle boy, who Dee knows now is a fairie, comes in and taunts her, but James comes and saves her and her co-worker Sara. When James after takes her to the hospital he tells her he did some research on Thornking-Ash, and that he found out it is a school for kids with musical talents that have "Gifts", like Dee with the telekinesis and James being psychic - and that the man that was to the reception could tell if people have girfts from hearing them play. He also tells her that that must be why the faries want her. She calls Luke to pick her up from the hospital, because she has to go to a gig, but at home when she gets her harp, she sees Luke´s scares, but he suddenly breaks down in pain in his body and tells her that She is doing it and that Dee can´t use her powers to make the pain go away, because then She will know of Dee´s powers, and will get even more jealous of a person stronger than Her. They arrive early at the gig and they sit and play together, when 2 Daoine Sidhe fairies, Luke calls Una and Brendan, suddenly shows up and for at tune, Dee asks one of them to tell her Luke´s story. They tell her that at one solstice when Luke was out the fairie queen took Luke´s soul and caged it long from his body, when he wouldn´t marry her. And made him her assassin. To murder her enemies. Because fairies can´t go near iron, but a human can. Now he lives forever without living, and he kills, until Dee came along, the girl he wouldn´t kill. The girl he loves. If he doesn´t She will give his soul to hell, so he ones tried to kill himself, but it didn´t work, because the queen named Deidre wouldn´t let that happen. The women at the gig shows up and tells that the gig isn´t until next week, and Luke and Dee goes out to eat and suddenly Dee gets called home and at home her mom tells her that Grandma is dead. Luke tells her he will go to her Grandma to find out what she made to protect Dee against the fairies, and Dee get a message from James telling her he loves her.

The next morning Dee can´t get a hold of Luke or James, and then James´s brother calls telling her that yesterday when James was on the way home from a gig, he drove into a tree. His car is totally broken and James wasn´t in the car, but there is blood and the police thinks he is somewhere in the woods dead. Luke doesn´t answer, so Dee calls Sara and ask her to take her to the place James had his accident. When she is there she calls Luke and a phone rings in the woods... Luke´s. Una shows up and tells her that they are both alive but that the Fairie queen has them. She tells her to look for Thomas Rhymer. One of Hers. A human. Who should be near Dee´s house. She finds Luke´s car, where she remembers one of his memories and finds the stuff her grandma made against the fairies. But when she get home and Delia sees what she is researching on, she takes the ring of Dee´s finger and Dee knows now that she is with the fairies. She gets chased by a hunter and a lot of hounds, when Delia throws her out the house. But she finds Thomas and uses her powers to hold them away for some time so she can talk to him. He tells her that the reason the queen wants her dead is because the fairies, including herself is drawned to her energi and the queen can´t have that. Finally the hounds break through, but the hunter can´t kill her because she is wearing iron. She then tells him to go back and tell then queen that she want James and Luke. He goes and she faints and have a dream with Luke in it saying goodbye.

When she wakes 3 fairies are there and they tell her: O´brian and that the end is at the beginning. She runs home takes Delia´s car and go to the school, were she first met Luke. And on the way she saves a tarbh uisge. Here she finds James near dead on the stage in the theater there and suddenly Freckle Boy and Eleanor are there to taunt her, and tell her that if Luke get his soul he will die anyway, because he is 1000 years old. The queen comes and freckle Boy traps her in a trap so she hangs with her legs in the air, he pulls the ribbon with the key of her, and cut the robes so she falls down and a long nail goes trough her hand. She kills freckle boy with the nail as he turn into flowers when it cut his skin. Then Eleanor brings Luke out, and Dee remember the name O´brian, and is sure that that is the queens last name. - fairies doesn´t use names, because that means power. Luke tells that he has called out Daoine Sidhe and Dee demands to see them. They tell that she has the right to tell them to save a life, because Dee saved one of theirs. Luke tells her to save James and she does, and when she tells the queen that the fairies doesn´t love her and that you can´t force love, she tells them to show Dee they love her. Instead they kill her and make Eleanor the new queen. Eleanor give Luke the cage with his soul = a white bird - he gets his soul and because he ask the Daoine Sidhe - he becomes one of them bound by music.

Okay seriously bad parents, Jmaes supposebly died and they doesn´t even comfort her or anything. They just say we have heard that the police says he is dead, and then they go back to their things = there is just something really wrong about that.
OMG´!!! Luke dies!! That really just killed the book for me. Or did he die?? What did he become?? i cant figure it out. There were just some things in the book i didn´t understand like the end. Like there where something hidden between the lines and i don´t know what.
I thought the male character in the book was flat. You don´t hear about James much eventhough he is her best friend, you doesn´t really hear anything about him or their story. Dee father you first meet near the end which is a little weird. And Luke, yay you hear about him being tormented through Dee´s guessing, but not much more. It is really a book were Women dominate. But i liked Dee really much, and she was really human: like she gets nervous when playing on stage and such things. It is through the little things in this book that you get to learn Dee.
If i should compare this series with her other series: The Wolves of Mercy Falls, i definently like the wolves much better. But as i always say I HATE FAIRIE stories, but i keep reading them anyway. It is like i have a button inside of that say click when a fairie story comes up and then you can read: I dont like this story much. It was a good enough story, just not as interesting for me... Not that i was bored reading it, because i wasn´t. But it isn´t so much a story for me like The Wolves.

Grade: 4-7

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