onsdag den 16. juni 2010

Swept Away Review

Swept Away By Toni Blake

17 years old 'Kat' Katrina Spencer has just gratuated from high school and wants to loose her virginity to a guy she knows 22 years old Brock Denton, who is dark, mysterious, bad and rebellious and just have the sex vibe. And ever since she first layed eyes on him, she wanted him. Brock works at her father´s gallery doing errands for him to minimum pay and he started 6 months ago. So now on her gratuation day she drives in her new car up to the swamps were Brock lives with his grandpa and Kat knows the way because she ones was up her with her dad, when Brock´s car broke down, but her dad doesn´t like Brock so much because of the way sex oozeses from him. Brock has a thing with calling her Kitten and when she gets out of her car she sees him sitting in a old car seat by the swampy lake and Kat ask him to give her a gratuation gift. He ask her what she wants and she tells him she wants him and then she lets her dress fall andshe only has some underwear on. She then goes and sits on him telling him to take her virginity, and he tells her no and that he isn´t into virgins. She tries to convince him but he says no eventhough she is naked except for panties and is sitting on top of him. She kisses him but he still says no and when she finally ask if he really doessn´t want her, he says she is out of his league. She is crushed but gets up takes on her dress and goes.

A day before Kat´s birthday Spencer Kat´s dad, called Brock into his office and ask him what has been going on with him and his daughter. Brock tells him nothing and he tells him he overheard his daughter talking to a friend about them having a date tommorow. Brock tells him that it is the first and Spencer tells him he is fired. Brock tells him that he knows that Brock has to pay for his grandfather medical bills because he has cancer and Spencer tells him he has A proposition. Right now his lawyer Walt Zeller is making papers so Spencer will be resposible for the medicalbills if Brock leaves town tommorow and never come back and that no he can´t come back for his grandfathers funeral. Spencer tells him he is doing it because he doesn´t want Kat involved with him. And Brock tells him that he wants his grandfatherto have a big tv and homecooked foot. And they agree on the deal.

A week after she has started her summer job at the gallery nd is about to close down the gallery, when Bock comes out from the back. She is mad at him and she has cried more than ones that week, so she just wants to get out of there, but her purse is in the back. She turns around, goes by him into the office and on the way out he grabs her wrist and says sorry and that he will make it up to her this friday on her birthday. She says she has a party, but that he can pick her up there at 10 and before she leaves she tells him to don´t screw it up and he says he doesn´t make the same mistake twice. At her birthday party that friday, her earlier boyfriend Scott who is hot but a person she doesn´t have any feelings for ask her if she wants to have sex since it is her birthday, but she tells him she is into somebody else and goes to meet Brock. But when he finally shows up after 10 i his car he lock the door and rolls down the window and tells her he has changed his mind and it isn´t going to happen, that he is leaving town right, isn´t coming ´back and that he just came to tell her and then he drives away. Kat loves him, but hate him and go back to the party to go home. But Scott suddenly is there and she tells him that she wants to show him what is under her dress which is nothing and they go off to a private place.

Now 10 years later Kat is working at her dad´s gallery, and in her free time she works on pottery projeck and her dad has just hiving her the chance to show them forward in an opening soon, and in 7 days she is marrying her boyfriend Ian. Right now she should be at her bachelorette party in Vegas, with her friends and BFF Nina, but she decided to skip it and not tell her family only her friends in Vegas, that she was taking a trip for herself to a private island off the Gulf Coast of Florida, that her dad bought last year. Normally kat can be wild, but she just didn´t feel like going at the end. And now she is laying on the beach and Nina calls her to remind her that marrying Ian is a mistake because she doesn´t love him and Kat again tells her that she does. After Kat takes up her top and let herself relax.

Now Brock is a undercover FBI agent and right now he is on a boat with The Morales brothers: Francisco and Carlos who is smugglers. His undercover name is Jimmy and he got in by befriending Carlos. Now Brock is in the hottub on the boat with 2 lady, but suddenly Francisco is sure that he is an FBI agent and he comes up on the deck to ask Brock. Brock of course denies it and Carlos get Francisco to back of. But as he sit in the hottub with the 2 ladies he gets lost in lust and when Francisco says, hey Brock he answers and his cover is blown. The brothers leave him in a room bound up and they disappeared up to the deck, so now Brock has just gotten of the robe. He searches the cabin and finds a key he is sure is to the secret place where the Mayan treasures is and then he jumps of the boat.

Kat has just woken up from a nap and open her eyes to see a man walking in from the ocean, but she is sure she is dreaming, but she isn´t because suddenly he is standing before her and calling her Kitten and when she gets a good look at him she can see that it is Brock Denton. He demands her phone and say it is important and Kat can´get her stupid top on so she just leaves it. When the phone doesnt work he demand a charge and they go back to the beach house with him as bossy as ever. When they get to the house he ask if she has a boat and he tells her that she has to drive him to shore, and he runs to the boat while she is getting dressed in the little clothe she has with her, whick alost is nothing. But when he gets to the boat he sees Carlos and Francisco and their boat near the island and Francisco has a gun, he shoots and Brock pretends to get shot. The brothers get to shore and Brock prays that they wont shoot again, but to his suprise they shoot Kat boat and it blows up. Then Kat comes and he whispers for her to be quiet and when the brothers are out of sight of sea again she goes to him and she tells him that she has forgotten her charger to her phone and that no one will he looking for her until thursday and today it is saturday. They go back to the house and they eat and he explains in a short version what he is doing and she tells him she is getting married to her fathers best friend son, but he doesn´t believe she love the guy. He then brings up the fact that they have Unfinished business, and that they could take care of that the next 5 days, but Kat stand her ground eventhough she really wants him and tells him no and he still seem as confident as ever.

Later when they goes to bed Brock gets to sleep on the floor in the bedroom and he tries to get her to let him up in the bed. He think about the fact that everytime he camme into danger on jobs he thinks about Kat and the fact that he turned her down back then and he now regrets it. He ask her about her fiance, because he is sure that she doesn´t love him like she says she do, when he reminds her of it. He tries to seduce her and also ask how sex with him is and she reveals that she haven´t had sex with him and Brock finds it hard to understand that she love the guy and then doesn´t jump into bed with him when she clearly loves sex, and he can see it in her eyes that she is lying about how she loves Ian. At sometime doing the conversation he gets himself up in her bed and holding her hand and wen she doesn´t pull away he tries to kiss her, but she turn her cheek the last minute and tells him to go back down. But he still have 4 nights and days to seduce and he is planning on making the most of it. The next morning Brock is up when she wakes and he has already eaten all of the good doughnuts. They talk about the tatoo he ones had on his arm, which he got removed for the FBI job and about his brother Bruno who is in jail and everytime he gets out he go make some crap and end up in jail again. He also tells her that he has gotten another tatoo, but just in a more private place. After she cant stand sitting at the table looking at him, because she wants so much more so she takes a shower, whick is not so good eighter. When she is ready to go to the beach, Brock wont let her go alone so they go together.

Soon they are laying in a chair each on the beach and Brock can´t keep his eyes of her, and as soon as she starts putting sun lotion on he jumps at the chance at putting it on her back and she let him. Only he takes his time and give her a massage and he an feel that she is close to being his, but he doesn´t want to ruin it. But on instinct he open the straps on her bikini top and she let him, but only for a few minutes before stopping him and telling him that she can´t have sex with him and then go home to marry another guy and that if she wasn´t engaged it would be different and she goes for a swim. Brock still can´t shake the feeling that maybe Kat´s dad Spencer has pushed her into this marriage and that just makes Brock more concerned for her and wanting to get her out of the relationship which she doesn´t love. Later he makes lunch for them and she ask him why he wants her so much and instead of telling her that he wants to save he from a bad marriage too, he tells her he wants what he missed when he screved up and he tells her that he has learn the: Carpe Diem, thing. But she tells him she doesn´t believe him and she thinks it is to get back at her because his family has always been poor and hers always rich. And he tells her she is wrong both now and then, why he did things as he did. He then says to concentrate on the now and he tells her he wants her and that maybe he is selfish for that, but doesn´t care. And she storms inside, thanking him for reminding him of being a selfish, son of a bitch. Brock then decides to let her calm down a little, but not too much, he knows from his experience as an agent. Later after a long bath Kat goes to bed only to find Brock laying in it and he doesn´t want to move, so at last she lays down and tell him to behave, but she has a really hard time relaxing with him right there.

Brock wakes up the next morning to find her sleeping in a hammock outside and he goes to wake her and he tells her that he will sleep there for now on, when she tells him that she is goin to sleep there the rest of the time and she becomes mad that he keeps making things so difficult for her, and after a while she goes for a walk. He didn´t want her to become mad and he wonders if he maybe should leave the suduction alone. He then gets dress in some clothe Nina´s exboyfriend forgot there and for the first time in 10 years try to be a normal guy and he goes fishing and thinks of the thing that Kat´s dad did to him back 10 years ago. But suddenly there is a gun shot and Brock sees the brother´s yatch and hurries back to the house and gets some shoes for Kat. He then finds her and they get into the jungle and he tells her they are finding a hidding place for her and when she ask about him, he doesn´t want to tell her, but she makes him and he tells he is going out to lure them away. kat can´t have that and she begs him for a long time not to do it and to stay with her so she doesn´t do anything stupid and at last he says okay. The goes on in a straght line for a while and can suddenly hear people behind them and they go to the right until they find a cave thing and stay there and Brock ask her if she is sure that Ian is not gay, because she has just told him that Ian isn´t into breats. Suddenly someone is close and they have to stay quite, because Francisco is suddenly there but he moves on. After a while Brock ask her about her life and she tells them she has a cat Vincent after Van Gohg and that she lives alon and what she does for a living. She ask about the FBI, but he cant tell her about that, so she ask how he got into it and he tells her that he went to the police academy and that one instructor took him under his wing and thought Brock could do more, so Brock took some night classes at a community college and then the instructor thought he would be good for the FBI, esspecially since he didn´t really have any family and he made it in.

After a while Kat wakes up from her sleep when Brock wakes her and she knows that the people after them are near. She accidentally moves her foot and makes a sound and a man is right there and Brock tells her to run as the man doesn´t make an attempt to shoot her. Brock taints Carlos and run for it in Kat´s opposite direction with Carlos on his heels, but he soon runs and fall down a ravine. Carlos does the same, but is a little away from Brock so Carlos can´t see him. Brock takes a stone and decde to throw a stone in Carlos direction so he can get away and it works.
Kat is running when she runs into a chest and she is lucky because it is Brock and he takes her to a new hidding place he has found, but soon Francisco the mean one passes their hide out, but he disappears again. Later Kat wakes up again and it starts raining and then Brock ask her if they will die, if she regret nt having sex with him and she say yes and they start to kiss for some time until she stops it, reminding them that they are in danger. He then ask her how sje lost her virginity and she tells him that it is none of his business, but that it was nothing special. It has been quiet for awhile when the brothers come back and finds them and demands they get up to them and brock tells her to wait for his signal to run. They walk her first, then Brock and then the guys. Then suddenly one of the guys fall and Brock tells her to run and she runs, but with Carlos on her heels and after a while he catches up with her.

Brock is going with Francisco and he keeps asking where the key is. Brock gives him an answer and knocks him out to get the gun, but it isn´t quit enough. They struggle for a while until the gun goes flying a little while away. Brock gives Fracisco a blow again and heads for the gun, but a big snake is there. Francisco has stopped too, but Brock thinks WTF and goes for it and Francisco runs and Brock shhots but it doesn´t hit him. He goes back for the dock and finds Francisco there and Carlos with a gun to Kat´s head. He tries to talk some sence into Carlos, because he knows that he is not like Francisco, but Carlos becomes more and more nervous and Brock can see Kat breaking down so he aims and shoots Carlos and run for Carlos´s gun. Kat also runs for the gun and kicks it in the water before fracisco gets it, but he takes her legs. Then Brock comes with the gun and he lets go and Brock tells Francisco to get of the boat or he will shoot him. But instead Francisco takes of and Brock doesn´t shoot. Brock make sure Kat is okay and apologize and tells her he screwed up because Francisco will be back and not just with a few men or guns. But suddenly they hear an explosion and the boat is gone and Brock tells her that Francisco is most certainly dead now. They go inside and eat and have sex on the kitchen table and Brock apologizes for now ruining her wedding plans. And she tells him that yes now she has to cancel the wedding, but that she wants to make the best out of their next 3 days here and in her mind she finds out that for the first time she is really happy. After they take a shower together to get clean and they have sex there too. The next day they enjoy a day on the beach + more sex on the beach and Kat has somehow grown timid with showing her body to him and she is pretty sure she loves Brock, but knows he isn´t a setting down kind of guy and knows she will be sad when goodbye comes. At night she makes food for them and talk about the people they have been with and about settling down and Brock has a hard time beliving in Kat settling down with her wild blood. Little does he know that it is him that brought it up in her all those years ago.

They have sex again that night in a bed - the best they both have ever had. The next day they do it in a chair outside and then they go to lie in the hammock and he tells her about how her dad left them and that her mother blamed him and his brother and how she would disappear for hours locking them into rooms, and then one day she left and they knew it and they ended up living with their grandad. She ask why he left town 10 years ago and he still can´t tell her, but he do tell her that it was because his grandad wanted him too, which is true after his grandad heard about The Thing. At dinner Kat tells him that Ian is problably come with her dad in the boat tommorow and Brock ask her why she agreed to marry him, and she tells him all the same things she has told him before about him being a great guy, but when she meet Brock she realised she didn´t love him. She then tells Brock that her family is having money problems and that if she marries Ian, Ian have enough money for her family and his own family to stay rich. She tells him that her dad didn´t push her into the marriage, but that when she and Ian started dating he joked about how good it would be for the family´s problems if they one day got married. She tells him that she doesn´t have a problem with less money, but that her dad wants to take care of her and that Ian knew about the problem before he proposed before family and friends. Brock tells her he doesn´t know what will make her happy and that he didn´t knew 10 years ago. Brock quickly saves it, a mistake he has done twice today by mentioning about 10 years ago and why he really left, but he doesn´t want Kat to know. The next morning Brock gets Kat´s sea glass out of his pocket from the day before along with the key. Something about the keys and the fact that the brothers came back in the first place to the island after his escape has been nugging him, and when he sees the storage door in the house, a room that is alway closed he gets a crazy idea and tries the key in the door and it actually works and in there he finds the Mayan treasures. That mean that this was the pick up place all along and that Kat´s dad has something to do with it. He then closes the door before Kat comes, because he doesn´t want to make her sad, before he knows for sure. He takes a little stone from the closet with him and the key and when Kat comes he tells her in his work tone that she can´t tell her dad why he is here, he will do that. She gets a little mad but he apologize and ask what his father is dealing. She tells him that ones he imported Mayan artifacts and sold them to collectors and museums, but when it became illegal he switch to something else.

Later they are laying in the hammock and Kat ask him what his problem is and why he is suddenly in such a bossy mood again and that she doesn´t want to leave this as bad as last time. And eventhought she was never going to tell him, she puts herself out there and tells him how he hurt her and how she lost her virginity. And then he fells bad and he tells her that he had some stuff going on and he didn´t just wanted to have se with her and leave and he tells her he sometimes has fantasies about them together. And he tells her he wished he hadn´t turned her down the first time and then she demands to know why. he tells her the reason he turned her down was because she was 17 and if her dad found out he would problably end in jail. He also wasn´t sure if Kat knew what she wanted and that she only wanted him because he was a little bad and it would piss her dad of. And he also tells her why he left town. Kat becomes angry and sad because of the way her dad changed her life, maybe she wouldn´t have been so wild, maybe she wouldn´t have lost her virginity to dumb Scott, Maybe her and Brock would have fallen in love and she could have tammed him down. And most of all she had agree to marry Ian on the fact of her father and the money. She tells him that she was really crazy about him and he tells her he knows and then she confesses that he was the only guy she ever really wanted and if he didn´t want her why not go bad. They have sex and suddenly kat is sad, because she ask Brock why it has to end and he tells her he is not into relationships and Kat becomes mad and storms to the beach saying she could as well marry Ian. Then the boat comes and her mom, dad, Ian and Nina are on it. The doesn´t notice Brock at first but after Spencer ask what he is doing here and he tel´ls them he was out sailing then there was a big storm and he got of his boat as it sank. Then he came here and Kat tried to drive him back, but her boat had some trouble and it exploded. They get on the boat and soon brock goes below deck and Nina comes down there and ask what have really been going on but he tells her to ask Kat. She tells him that she hated Ian and have been trying to get Kat out of the marriage and Brock tells her that Kat had admitted she doesn´t love Ian and tells her to do anything to stop the wedding. Kat can´t stop thinking about Brock and that saturday before her wedding Nina tries to stop her, but it doesn´t help and Kat also admits to her that yes they had sex.

Brock finds himself in front of the church where kat is getting married that saturday. The FBI has collected the treasures and the island is being observed. And then yesterday he found himself driving down here to Florida from Miami and now he is in front of the church Nina told him. He goes inside and is in the shadow as the bridesmaids make their intrance. Then Kat comes and she sees him and follow the bridesmaids with her father and Brock moves closer and consider speaking up, but he soon finds out that that part is skipped. Now Kat is standing up there and knows that he and Brock will never have a relationship like she wants, but she say no and runs out of the church without seeing Brock. Then suddenly he parks in front of her in his porch and tells her to get in. She gets in as she see her family come out of the church along with Nina who is smilling. then she tells him to drive her to her place and she ask her why he was there and he tells her to see if she was really going to do it and if she was he wanted to stop her. He follows her inside and opens her door with a credit card because she doesn´t have her keys. Then as he give her a kiss goodbye, they almost ending up having sex again but she stops him telling him that she can´t do it knowing it doesn´t mean anything to him and he tells her again that he isn´t into relationship and she tells him she is and ask him to leave and he leaves. Later her father comes over and she explains that she doesn´t love Ian and that she kind of agreed to marriage because of him, she also tells him she knows anout Brock but forgives him because he is her dad. Her dad ask about her and Brock and she tells him that she will never see him again. Then Nina and her mom comes up and Nina and her make a deal to hang out tonight.
Later brock is in his granddad´s house one of the reasons he came to Florida and he thinks about how much Kat really likes him and suddenly the name Ian Zeller tells him something. Brock has been asked to take a month vacation and the new agent 23 years old Keith Nichols, who looks up to Brock has now contacted him to know more of the case and he tells Nichols that he is sure Ian is the man behind it all and that maybe Spencer has no idea that the treasures were there. A couple of night after they walk into the gallery, where Nichols now has the job Brock had 10 years ago. Spencer is shocked when he comes out of his office to find out they are both from FBI esspaecially Brock and they goes into his office and ask him questions and Spencer tells them he didn´t know about the treasures being on the island or about the 2 brothers and he is shocked to know Kat was in danger. Brock finds himself wanting Spencer to pay and at the same tme not wanting to hurt Kat so he tells spencer that eventhought it is up to Nichols, that if he tells them enough information he may not be put in jail.

2 weeks have gone by and Ian is on his way to trial were after he will be put behind bars for a long time. Brock has spent the last couple of weeks fixing up his grandfather´s place and decided not to sell it and he has also been thinking a lot about Kat. Now he goes to visit Bruno who he hasn´t visited since christmas and he tells Bruno when he ask about his job that he might be giving up FBI sone to do something new. And Brock tells him that the next time Bruno gets out he wants to try and help him get better and not go behind bars again.
The night of Kat´s big opening she is at the gallery making pot´s and looking at the mayan stone that is missing a peace that her dad gave to her a long time ago. His father got it cheap from a lady and there is a legend to it: That there are 2 pieces and that they got separated because the lovers got separated and they never found out what happened to the other piece. Then when the piece got back together the old lovers and the one who found the pieces would be reunited for eternity.
Suddenly Brock is outsíde and he comes in and tells her he wanted to give her a peace of stone, he took when he found the treasures in the house and now he has the permission to keep it so he wanted her to have it. To Kat´s suprise the stone looks like her stone and she hurries to the wall where her stone is hanging and see that the 2 pieces fits together, eventhough the look whole without each other it looks even more amazing wíth each other. She then ask why he took it and he tells her it was something that caught his eye. Kat is so suprised and she tells him the legend. But becomes a little embarredes and tells him so much for legends. He seem to get mad and tells her he loves her, but can´t have her because being FBI everyone that is close to him could be in danger. But kat becomes mad too because she doesn´t want to be second and that is what she is too him and she tells him to leave.

The week after on saturday Kat is working with the children and after she is suppose to get ready for a night out with her friends to become wild again. Nina then calles and Kat tells her that she needs to do some things first before they meet up.
Brock is working at his grandpa´s house and does what he does always think about Kat. And the fact that he wasn´t going to say i love you, but that he do love her but he doesn´t know how to love a women. He then hurts hmself with a hammer and decide to take a break and go outside with a beer.
As Kat drives up to Brock grandpa´s house, she sees when the house comes into view Brock sitting at the same car seat out by the lake he did 10 years ago. She gets out of her car and goes to give him the 2 pieces of stone explaining that everytime she looks as the she still feel like the pieces are seperated. She turn to leave and tells him to quit calling her Kitten, eventhough he tells her that that is what he calls her. When she storms toward the car he gets up and grabs her wrist and tells her he miss and love her. And tries to explain how much she means to him and tells him to give him another chance and that she will come first from now on. And she agrees to frogive him and tells him that today is her birthday and that he still owes her a present from 10 years ago, and they have sex in the chair. After he looks at her belly were she has gotten a tatoo, because Nina told her to do something as a token, of a cat and under there the words kitten is written. He tells her that he has been thinking about quitting the whole going on a mission and then stay on the investigations. And Brock gets her to call Nina to tell her that she wont be coming tonight.

I thought that the things in the book could have been a little bit more spread like you can divide the book up in 3 parts: 1. getting chased and almost die. 2. Sex, Sex, Sex and then some talking. 3. finding out he loves her. I would have liked that 1 and 2 was a little bit more mixed together, because #1 was exiting and then you get to #2 and then the whole things just kind of drops because it is all sex. But i liked the fact with the stone and i would have liked it to play maybe a bigger role. I also liked the fact that it ended and started in the same place in the chair and i could just imagine that place.

Grade: 7

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