tirsdag den 15. juni 2010

Save The Date Review

Save The Date By Tamara Summers

'Jack' Jakarta Finnegan is 17 years old and has 5 older sisters who are all married/or getting married, but Jack is never getting married, but if she is it will be a vegas wedding. Jack has always been a bridesmaid for her sister´s but after wedding number 2 she found out that the Finnegan family has a curse.... well at least Jakarta does. To the first wedding when she was 14 years old, the best man got stuck in a snowstorm in june, it rain with seagulls when they cut the cake and the organ player got sick. And after Jack´s boyfriend Patrick broke up with her.
At wedding number 2, she asked her new boyfriend David to be her date and on that day the groom broke his wrist in tennis and all the wedding invitations got sended back because they were missing 2 cents. The day before that wedding she told David she loved him, and then her uncle called and told her the hotel burned down. And on the way to the wedding when she kissed David the limosine got struck by lightning and that caused an accident, but no one got hurt. After this David broke up with her too.

Jack´s parents name is Ken and Kathy and they travel the world with their kids and they make books about it called Ken and Kathy’s Travel Guide series. Her parents has also named all their children after places they have been and Jack, got the far worst name. Now with almost all children out of the house they mostly travel themself, but Jack sometimes gets with them because she is easy and when she doesn´t want to stay at home with Paris for too long.
*Her sisters names is Alexandria: who is the oldest and 28 years old and is a lawyer. She got married 2 years ago to Harvey another lawyer who is totally boring.
*Sydney is 26 and a half, She’s athletic, short, full of energy, a pediatrician, and got married to Marco a tennis instructor 1 year ago.
*Victoria is the romantic sister and was always sweet and quite until she found out she was getting married. She works at a elementary school where she teaches art.
*Paris came 10 months after Victoria and is totally different. She has a nosering and want to become the world’s most famous female glassblower. And the world will not be able to survive 2 Paris´s, because she is like the acting out kid. Paris still lives at home and doesn´t pay rent, but she isn´t home that often because she is all over the place finding new things to do. When there is a argument with her parents, which there is often she wins and she just love to have the attention on her and making scenes.
*Sofia is 21 years old, is Jack´s best friend and the biggest genius in the world and goes to college. *Jack is an easy child because she has always tried to stay under the radar, because if she was loud and a naughty, Paris would be it more and if you were sweet Victoria would be much more and so on.

Now it is soon Victoria´s turn to get married to Kevin, the world weirdest guy, so saturday in early may her bridal shower is being held at a tea room in town. Jack has used her entire night yesterday wrapping things around candles and when she shows up the receptionest doesn´t seem to think that Jack is Victoria´s sister, and who would when they are all so different. But her mom comes out and of course she uses her name Jakarta, but she only let her parents call her that. Then her mom thinks she has forgot the candles, but why would Jack do that when she has spend her whole night on them? And of course no one of her other sisters have time to do it, so it ended up being Jack. Of course to this wedding they have a wedding planner named Carolina Trapelo, because at Sydney´s wedding her mom was going crazy, because it stressed her out all the different things there where to choose, because Sydney choose to do it herself. Suddenly her mother is worried about the cakes that Sydney is suppose to bring and like always Carolina appears and calms her down. Jack turns her attention to the parking lot and see the most gorgeus guy outside standing against a car with a yo-yo and then Sydney pulls up at the lot. Jack wants to get closer to see the guy and goes outside to help Sydney with the cakes and suddenly Sofia comes and Jack whispers to check out the guy. Sofia ask her if she should hold the cakes so Jack can get his number, but Jack reminds her that she doesn´t date guy doing the wedding. Sofia of course follows her to tell her that there is no curse, but Jack tells her that if she ever want a serious relationship, she has got to wait until the sisters are done getting married. Sofia tells her she doesn´t hope she waits to after she gets married because that could take a long time, as Sofia doesn´t date a lot because she is studying at college. But Jack tells her that after Vicky´s wedding she figure she has 2 years until Paris´s so she can begin dating again at that time. Jack has forgot her present so Sofia makes sure that Jack´s name is on her gift too.

By 2 Victoria comes, but there is no sign of Paris - but no suprise there. While they are opening present Jack has to make a list of what Victoria is getting and from who, eventhough Alex is doing it too. Jack thinks it is because Alex sent a thank you note to the wrong person, and the person who was writting things down then was of course, Paris. In this time Jack can´t eat anything and when she gets over to the food table after it is all gone. Of course there is the cupcakes, but she can´t eat those until they have played the game Alex came up with, where Alex ask Vicky a question to see if her answers matches Kevin´s and Jack and even Sofia is laughing out their pants without showing it, because maybe then Vicky will give Jack an even uglier bridesmaid dress. After they have to play another game in team and one of the person in each team has to be made a bridal dress on from toilet paper and of course Jack´s team insist it must be her and halfway through it Paris shows up making her grand intrance. And introduces them to her great new who just can´t wait: Jiro her new boyfriend who she has brought to the shower for girls. Jiro is from Taiwan. He’s a model and they are getting married. Their mom then faints and every one of her dauhters runs to her except Jack and then Paris and Vicky starts going at each others throats. And it ends with Vicky saying that Paris is always jealous and making scene´s so she tells Paris to get pot and that Paris isn´t a bridesmaid anymore. Vicky storms out with most of her friends and Paris yells and goes over to kiss Jiro and announces that they are getting married on the beach in 3 months - august. Then Sydney and Alex tells her to shut up and tells her that they have spent a lot of time planning the wedding, eventhough Jack has done much more than them. Sydney then goes to take care of Vicky and Alex tells Jack to clean up because the place is a mess and that she is taking their mother home. Then it is only Paris, her Sofia and Jiro. Sofia helps Jack, while Paris just eat cake and sits in a couch. Paris tells them they met in New York at that photo shoot she went to 2 months ago. Jack ask how she knows that he has proposed and Paris tells her that she just know because they are in love. She also tells them that the 2 of them, her and Sofia are going to be the only bridemaids, because they are the only 2 supporting her. But Jack and Sofia just shares a look that says clearly: really, are we??. Jack curses herself for not storming out of there and Jack tells Sofia that she can wait until august and that C´est la vie, that she can´t date yo-yo guy now.

The next day and the night before food is cupcakes and Paris is fighting with their parents at any moment. Sofia tells her that if she can eat 8 cupcakes in a row, she will plan Paris’s bachelorette party instead of Jack and their mom. So and half hour later Jack is full and she announces to Paris that Sofia will take care of the bachelorette party. Later they go to the fitting of the brides dress and all the six bridemaids = the sisters except for Paris who has been replaced by Kelly one of Vicky´s friends. Then Carolina shows up asking her to go pick up some tiara´s in the front of the shop and there the yo-yo guy is, without yo-yo. he is by the tiara´s and he says hi to her and she finds out his name is Leo and tellls him about her sisters and the fact that she uses a lot of time in bridal shops. And he says she must be on of the Finnegan´s, and Jack is wondering how the hell she know about them, when Carolina comes and tells her that Leo is her son and that he is helping her this summer, and that she is available for Paris wedding. Leo helps her pick out tiara´s, they talk and he ask if he can see her dress who she says she hate, but she says that he can not. Jack then goes to try out the ugly bridesmaid dress and when Carolina tells Vicky they can start on the favors and the place cards next weekend, Vicky says okay and says that Jack can help. Sofia gets back to school that night to work on her finals and by tuesday Paris walk into Jack´s room eventhought Jack is doing homework and demanding that they look for dresses and places online for her wedding. On saturday Paris comes inside her room really early in the morning and tells that the 2 of them has a meeting with Carolina and her assistant this morning and when Jack finds out it is leo she is out of the bed in no time. They pick up Leo and Carolina and Leo tells Jack that that must be the crazy sister she talked about. Jack finds out that Leo is a junior like her, but at the Ben Franklin Academy and Jack finds out he actually like the kind of job his mother does, with fiding locations and such, but he has also grown up with it all his life. When they get to the first place a country club with a beach, Carolina tells Paris it is quite prizy, but Paris tells her that she is doing her own catering with Jack and Sofia´s help. At the place Jack can quickly see that Paris doesn´t like it and when Paris is ready they go to the next places and Carolina tells Paris she knows the perfect place. There is a little arguing but Paris drives to the place which turns out to be a national park. Paris is not happy, but when she sees the beach she is totally lost in happiness and runs to it with Carolina on her heals. Jack tells Leo that she could never be a wedding planner, but he tells her he thinks she would be good at it since she is a pretty good observer.

The next day sunday Vicky has decided for them to start amking favors at 8 in the morning. Paris wanted Jack out dress shopping, but her dad told Paris that Jack had to be here today so Paris went out. But Jack doesn´t want to wake up yet so she goes to sleep again and a half an hour later, she is awakened by Leo standing in her door while she is in bed, pyjamas and totally messy hair. He comes in and sit down on her bed and Jack tells him that she knows that he get paid for this, but she doesn´t so it is going to take a lot more than the 20 bucks an hour he just said he got to get her out of bed. He then tells her how about dinner and Jack knows that she cant date hime so she says she has wedding stuff all week, but feels bad and tells him that on Sunday there is Paris´s engagement party and since Carolina is practually family he can come too. She joins them dowstairs when she has thrown on a hoddie and suprise Sydney is there and the only place Jack can sit is next to Leo. And Vicky has choosen the most complicated, artsy, elaborate and fucking annoying thing to make as favors because Sydney and Alex already did the easy ones at their wedding. Suddenly her mom and Vicky gets into an argument about the seating and Vicky tells her mom that Paris and her date are not invited and that Sofia and Jack has to bring a date each to fill the family table. Jack starts to protest but Vicky wont have it and says that Jack better not start explaining about her wedding curse again, because there is no such thing. And Jack really regret telling her, but she was alone without Sofia a year ago at Sydney´s wedding and she just accidentally told Vicky, but she never told her about the whole David break-up and she s glad she didn´t. Leo then ask what curse and Vicky tells him that Jack thinks that if she brings a guy to a wedding it will destroy the relationship and wedding and that Jack doesn´t plan to date until all her sisters are married. And when Jack look at Leo he has an a-ha look on his face that Jack, so doesn´t like and then Sydney says that Jack doesn´t have any romantic bones and Jack knows that it is so not true. And soon after Leo saes her from the conversation hermom and Vicky is right back arguing.

At wednesday Jack is at work at the ice cream shop Yummery, Leo comes by (when they were out with Paris she told him were she worked) and he has 7 different cake pieces with him from and earlier cake tasting his mom had with another bride, not from her family and he ask her to eat it with him. He also tells her that he is lactose-intolerant, so he can´t eat ice cream, when she ask him if he wants some. They eat the cakes and she tells him that there problably wont be a cake she can get at her weddinh in 200 years because by then her sisters will have taken all the cakes there is. When they are done he ask her about the curse, when she goes around turning of all the lights in the shop. He ask if she really doesn´t want to date any guys until all her sisters are married and she tells him that she just think something wiill go terrible wrong and he tells her she hasn´t heard his argument and when she ask what it is, he kisses her. The kiss gets deeper, but then there is a car outside and Jack breaks it because it could be her parents and as they hurries out of the shop it turn out to be worse, Paris. She ask what they have been doing and Leo tells her Jack asked his advice on wedding photographers because Jack was going to give Paris a book about them, so Paris didn´t have to check them out. Paris gets happy but tells her that she has tons of photographers as friend and that she will get one of them to do it. But Paris tells her that she can research on where to rent tents and chairs ect. and Leo promise to help and Paris drags her to the car and Jack thinks about the amazing kiss.

By Saturday morning Vicky drags Jack with her to help her choose table linens: color of tablecloths. And in the afternoon Paris drags her out grocery shopping with her to her party she is catering for 12 people the next day. By sunday Paris drags her out of bed early to help her make food. Then later Leo and Carolina comes, after them Sydney, Alex and their husbands and then Jiro and Sofia, who looks really happy. then at the party much to everyone and esspecially Paris surprise they finds out that Jiro is vegetarian. Later Sydney and Marco is out playing frisbee with the damily dog Dublin and when Dublin takes the frisbee and hide in the bushes at the edge of the garden by the forest, the 2 of them comes back and Jack runs after Dublin and when she turns arounf Leo is there and before she can say anything he kisses her. But as good as it is she stops it and says that she really like him and that will just make things worse. But he tells her that he wanted to be with her from the first moment he saw her and why they shouldn´t give it a chance. She say she can´t and he ask her if they can still be friends and she say of course because they are going to be seeing a lot of each other all summer.

The next weekend it is Sofia’s college graduation, but no one except from Jack seem to remember with all the weddings. Jack present for Sofia is a photo album of her life, since she couldn´t afford a weekend away for the 2 of them. The week has been crazy since things has hone wrong for both Vicky and Paris this week. The origional plan was for, her, mom, dad, Paris and Vicky to drive up there together on saturday and stay on a hotel to sunday the day of the gratuation. But when Jack gets home from school friday she takes the car and drives up to Sofia and it doesn´t occur to her to call Sofia and tell her she is crashing a night more with her at her dorm, because she has done in before. But to her suprise when she opens the door to Sofia´s room she finds a naked boy with Sofia and he runs to the bathroom, while Sofia starts laughing. Jack waits out in the hall and think about the only guy Sofia has ever been serious about a boy named Ben from England who had a semester at Sofia´s college sometime the last couple of years and then he had to go home. To Jack suprise when she comes back into the room the guy is Ben, and Sofia takes her for a milkshake, where she explains that ben has been back for 3 months when he one night stood outside her college window and telling her he couldn´t live without her. And Sofia tells her she didn´t tell her because of the whole Jack not dating vov and Jack tells her that she shouldn´t worry about that. Sofia also ask her if Jack could sleep in the comen room at her dorm tonight as she wats her last night with Ben, because from sunday she is going to be home all summer and Jack says it is fine and that she has studying to do anyway. At 10 at night when she is studying her phone rings and before checking the number she takes it and it turn out to be Leo, who got her number from Paris. He tells her that he has already done the research for the renting for Paris, because his mom had a whole map of files of it. She ask why he called and it turns out to be just to talk, but if she is with Sofia he wont interupt. She tells him she is not and they talk until midnight.

One week before Vicky´s wedding on a saturday morning Vicky comes by early with Lucille and Kelly to take Sofia and Jack with her for a spa day. Jack doesn´t really like spa´s after the 2 other weddings and she doesn´t want to spend time with Lucille who threats her like she is 9 or something, but she has no other choice. Vicky has choosen the most cheap services and Jack are suppose to get a facial. She ask Vicky for a pedicure and Sofia who has gotten that one tells her they can exchange cards, but Vicky doesn´t want that so Jack has to get a facial. So Jack meets up with HELGA who is doing her facial and after she has gotten steam in her head HELGA says it is bad and starts doing something to Jack´s face that hurts like hell. Jack doesn´t care this is Vicky´s wedding not hers and she wont go through this torture. She tries to get up but doesn´t win. When she is finally done her face hurts and she is red all over and she just want to go home and hide under a pillow, but no because when she gets home Leo is there. Vicky freaks, but Leo tells her he just came by to drop of a list of band and music and her, Kelly and Lucille disappears into the house, while Sofia goes to talk to the phone with Ben. Jack sits beside Leo on the porch with a sweatshirt over her head and they talk and he touches her for a while until Vicky screams her inside. When she gets inside all the bridemaids including her parents are in her room, because she has the best sound system and they listen for songs the most of the day. When she goes out to walk Dublin she finds a package fro Leo at the front door to her with a face cream and note from Leo inside.

The day of the wedding Vicky is freaking out. She has slept at the house that night and luckily Paris is in Florida with Jiro to buy wedding rings this weekend. When Vicky wakes up all hell breaks loose because she haven´t slept good and her eyes looks like crap and Vicky says she can´t possible get married this day, Sofia tells her as she hurries inside Jack´s room that morning. So Jack call Carolina who allready know what is going on before she even answers. Later Jack and Vicky is in the manor of the botanical gardens and Vicky tells her that she appreciate how she has been there for her and Jack is suprised and happy she noticed because Alex and Sydney certainly didn´t say thank you. Then Carolina and Leo comes in and Vicky announces that Leo will be her date for the wedding and she whisper to Jack that Jack problably didn´t even notice him - if she just knew. Carolina has some flowers with her and as soon as they get beside Jack she starts sneezing and Carolina concludes that it is allergies. Leo takes her outside, but eventually she has to go back to the room and her face doesn´t look good and Sofia tries to save her make-up in 15 minutes. Then it is time for the foto´s in the gazebo, but as soon as Jack gets near the bouquets her eyes starts watering and she starts to sneeze. Then Leo comes and replaces the hyacinths flowers in her bouquet with fake silk flower and of course Vicky gets mad, but Carolina explain that Jack can´t breath through the wedding if she has to have those flowers near her. And Vicky accept and they change all of the flowers in the bouquets. Then Leo pulls her to the side and tells her that maybe they beat the curse and if she can frgive him for being the suprise date and he gives her a quick kiss before running of. After it is time for the ceremony and the shoes Vicky has choose are killing Jack, because it is the first time she wears them because Vicky didn´t allow them to wear them before and the ceremony takes an hour. Then it is the reception and no bad thing has happen yet, and soon it is time for the bride and bridemaids first dance with their dates. As Jack and Leo dance they talk about the song choice and he observe to her that she think a lot about how her wedding is not going to be. And he says he actually does it too and that when he was 12 he also choose a song for his first dance, but that he has matured since then. Jack begs him to tell her and he tells her it was The Backstreet Boys: I Want It That Way, and Jack totally cracks up laughing. He then takes her into
the dark garden and starts kissing her, and Jack is sure that this is different and not like David and that the wedding curse will be okay.

As they are kissing there suddenly comes a crash from inside and her and Leo hurries inside to see two players from the band in a fight and soon the other joins in. Several members of her family tries to stop it including Kevin the groom and he gets punched in the nose. Vicky tries to run to help him, but her heals break and she goes flying into the 6 layered cake. There is candles on that table and suddenly Vicky´s dress is on fire. Jack is closets and she doesn´t think before she acts so she just throws herself at Vicky to try to put the fire out, but her dress goes on fire too and the Leo comes with a tablecloth to put out the fire and Jack faints. Jack wakes up at the hospital with Sofia and Leo by her side and her hands hurts and they are wrapped in gaze. Sofia tells her that there were so many layers in Vicky´s dress that it could have burned for 2 hours without getting near Vicky. Jack tells them she feel kind of peacefull and Leo tells her it is the painkillers and she then goes to call their parents who had to go back and deal with things. Leo tries to kiss her but she blocks it. Then Sofia comes back and gives the phone to Leo, whos mom wants to talk to him. Then Sofia starts to cry and tells her that she should be focusing on Jack instead of her own relationship problems. Jack tells her to tell her and Sofia tells her that she thinks her and Ben broke up. Under the wedding Ben joked about their wedding and she told him if he wasn´t a little too fast. Then he told her she should come with him to England for a year and postpone grad school, but she told him that they only just got back together and such and then he said he doubted her commitment in their relationship right now and she told him it would be a hugh step. He got mad and left and Jack got on fire. Sofia and her talk for a while and then her parents come.

The next day she wakes up at the hospital to Paris who wants her to help with invitations and she uses the next 2 days on this at home. On day number 2 Leo shows up and she tells him she can´t date him right now and he tells her she is just being superstitious and Jack says maybe but that she just cant right now. He then help her with the invitations and later leaves. Then when Jack gets the bandages of they are celebrating at dinner a night, but Paris soon starts talking about her wedding and the fact that it will he bright, yellow leotards. Sofia soon starts planning the bachelorette party for Paris, and as Jack and Sofia are out walking Dublin Jack tells her that with Paris there better be a stripper and bars or she isn´t going to be happy. Sofia suggest they and Paris 10 closest friends go to the pottery-making in town and after dinner and Jack thinks it sounds found and they send and email to the 10 friends, who thinks Paris deserves more and they tells them that they will be planning the rest of the night. Sofia reminds them that her and Jack doesn´t want strippers but they doesn´answer back. When the day of the party comes Paris seems to think that there can come strippers at any time and instead of choosing the resturant Sofia and Jack has choosen, Paris friends chooses a resturant were the drinks has dirty names and it becomes clear that everyone except Sofia and her are going to be pretty drunk. Later they follow one of Paris´s friend directions as Jack and Sofia drives them and they end up in that friends appartment were there suddenly are 2 male strippers and Jack hurries down the stairs and out on to the street were Sofia catches up with her and Jack tells her she is going to wait in the car, and that Sofia can go up there to keep and eye on them, eventhough Sofia wants to go up there as much as Jack wants. Sofia doesn´t want to leave her because it could be hours before they get on the road again and she hints to call Leo. Jack says kind of no, but Sofia tells her that they will get Paris to pay Carolina for it, because that is the least Paris can do and she then calls Carolina. Leo comes 5 minutes after and gets into the cars and they talk about the fact that there are strippers and that Leo got invited to a bachelor party to a strip club, but turned it down this summer. Then Jack mention David and leo ask if she is sure the wedding curse doesn´t have something to do with the boys she has taken with her to them. And she says problably and he tells her mayby if she takes a decent date with her that she has choosen herself the curse will break or something. They talk for 3 hours until Paris and her friends comes and they drive them home and Sofia and her has to drag Paris to bed and Sofia gets Jack to promise no strippers at her party if she gets married.

Thursday night in August, a week and two days before Paris’s wedding at 11 at night Sofia comes into her room while Jack is talking to Leo and is so happy and say that Jack better get up and get clothe on and pack, because her and Ben are eloping to Las Vegas to get married. Jack is shocked but get up to pack and Sofia tells her that she was out walking Dublin and that he was outside and that he said that he should also show a commitment if she should go to Vegas with him so he dropped down and asked her. Leo is still on the phone when Sofia disappears to get her stuff and Leo says that her family really is crazy and that he is coming with them and will meet them at the airport. Jack is not sure but Leo reminds her that it wont be so nice being alone, when the newly weeds go to do what they do. So when they get to the airport Leo is there, they order their ticket and hurries to the plane. When they get to Vegas it rains and is almost morning and they go to the hotel in a cab and Sofia and Ben goes to their room and Jack tells Sofia that she can share the other room with Leo and that he has promised to behave. They go to their rooms and before they part Sofia tells them they can go to sleep and they will call them later. In Jack and Leo´s room there are 2 beds and she is tired so she falls asleep quickly. Leo wakes her at 2 in the afternoon and tells her that Sofia hasn´t called yet. Jack tries to call her but she doesn´t pick up. They shower, dress and watch tv until Sofia calls and tells them that they have found the perfect chapel and that they figure the ceremony will be tonight, but that her and Ben has to sort out some things first. Jack ask about Sofia calling mom and dad and she tells Jack that she called them but only said that her and jack needed a weekend away but nothing more.

After Leo and her go out for a couple of hours and when they get back to the room eo is wet because they had to protect Jack´s self choosen bridemaid dress. Sofia then calls and tells her that her and Ben are still talking and that the wedding will be the next day instead. Then they are trying to get dry and is both half naked and suddenly Jack can´t control herself and she starts kissing him. He stops her, but she says it is okay and they have sex. They wake up in each others arms at midnight and they do alot of things until Sofia calls the next day and says that they are not eloping, because they are only 21 years old and it was a bit sudden and that she is okay about it and that they are leaving tonight because that will be cheaper. Everything goes great until they are back in town and Leo ask her if it means that he is her date to Paris wedding and she says no because she doesn´t want to ruin it. He then gets mad and tells her he has been patience all summer and waited for her, because he is crazy about her and believes in love at first sight, but that she obviously doesn´t care for him that much and that it was her who kissed him. He tells her he doesn´t understand her and walks away. When they come home there are shouting from Paris in the house and their father tells them to take care of Paris and Paris tells them they are no longer bridemaids and they are so so happy about that. The rest of the day Jack is helping their mom with Paris´s wedding and she always thinks about Leo.

The next week eventhough her and Sofia are no longer bridemaids, Paris gets them to do all the same things as before and every day Jack calls Leo but it goes straight to voicemail. Thueday morning at 6 in the moring Paris comes crashing into her room and makes a lot of noise and calls Sofia who comes into Jack´s bed and she tells them a hurricane is heading for her wedding. When paris leaves Sofia tells her that a natural disaster is heading their way, and ask Jack if she is dating anyone and if it is her fault, sarcastically. By friday her and Sofia are doing things all day and at night it is time for the rehearsel dinner where Vicky and Kevin shows up and Paris doesn´t freak. The morning of Paris´s wedding saturday Jack wakes up at 10 and the house is quiet and she thinks she has gone deaf. She goes down to the kitchen and find her mom and Carolina enjoying the piece and quiet and they tells her that Paris is still sleeping and the weather seems great for now. Sofia comes down and her and jack goes outside to pick flowers in the forest behind their house. Sofia ask about Leo and Jack tells her the story and Jack admit that she loves him and Sofia tells Jack to go find him right now and takes the flowers Jack is caring. So jack takes her bike and go there and she ask him to be her date to the wedding, says she is sorry and says she loves him and he tells her he needs some time to think. By noon the doorbell rings and it is Vicky in her wedding gown and she goes up to wake Paris and there is no screaming. 1 ½ later Sofia, her and their mom drives to the place the wedding is being held with stuff and Paris still hasn´t come out of her room. While Jack is doing something with some cards the wind takes half of them and she has to chase them and suddenly Leo is there helping her and she kisses him after. Then some of her sisters arrive and soon the guest and groom comes. They have been sitting in the sun for 10 minutes when the music begin and they turn around and see Paris and the ceremony starts and in the distant they can see the storm moving in. The ceremony is quick and after Jack finds out frim her dad that it is only a storm now. And as the dj represent the married couple she also introduces Kevin and Vicky who comes in, in their wedding gear and Jack is suprise together with some other people. It turn out that while they were in Vegas Vicky and Paris became friends again and Vicky listen to Paris complain and therefore Paris decided to share her reception as Vicky´s got ruined. Soon Leo and jack is dancing and he almost falls into the chocolate fountain, but Jack saves him. And he says you saved me and he says that mayby the curse is broken, she says it is not and he says it is perfect and then he kisses her.

This was a really good, sweet, fun and romantic teen book.
I would really have loved if Jack had a flip out on all of her sisters and family at the same time because it doesn´t seem like they really see how much she does for them. Sometimes it just seems a little unnatural that she didn´t do something. Sure i would problably have done the same, but i am not so sure that i would could take it how much they depend on her and doesn´t see it, they just thinks that she want to do it. I really liked the whole curse thing and i liked the crazy sisters and finding out what they did now and etc.
I would also really have liked if you could have seen all the sisters together sometime and feel their bond, because you can really feel that Sofia and Jack are close, but what about the others? That just kind of annoyed me.
and what about the whole Yo-Yo??? I would have liked t have heard more of that, because it seems weird to call him Yo-Yo guy and then never mention it again

Grade: 12

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