torsdag den 17. juni 2010

The Best Girl Review

The Best Girl By Emma Harrison

Eighteen-year-old Farrah Jane Morris goes on the Colorado University and is reporter and member of the club cross-country team there, and one day she want to be a reporter at ESPN - The sports network. She is about to take her final exam of the first semester of her freshman year, before she gets vacation. In less than 2 weeks her brother and best friend 22 years old Jonah is getting married to Marni Shay at the River Lodge, whos father is Brendan Shay, the most successful preppy clothing designer of the last decade. So the wedding is going to be way big and a lot of famous people will be there. And Farrah is going to be the best man at the wedding. Then as she is on her way to her last final, lost in thoughts someone screams for her to watch out but she doesn´t. Suddenly a boy is laying on the ground bleeding from his knee and it is Connor Davy - A.K.A Hot Connor, who is in her English Literature class and she has had a crush on him from day one. She doesn´t really now what to say eventhough she has always wanted to talk to him, but she manage to say some things and then he is of for vacation. Later she talks to her friend Dana about not liking Marni because of the whole rich/beauti thing and Dana ask her if she is sure she is not just scared of losing her best friend, as they make their way in the emtpy halls to the parking lot where to their suprise a limo and a driver is waiting with a nametag of Jane´s name and the driver who can see it is her from the discripton her brother made, tells her he is here to take her to River Lodge. And as Jane sits in the limo she is afraid that Jane Morris, who is a good friend, confident, speaks her mind, doesn´t wear make-up/dresses and a hard worker - is going to turn into Farrah Morris who is so not those things especially not infront of her family and the upper social class knows as the Shay family and friends. The place is hugh and beautifull and Jane hasn´t gotton out of the car before she falls and the doorman has to help her. Then her mother comes, of course calling her Farrah and talk about how she feels invisible and that Jane needs a haircut, so predictable. Then her twin half-brothers, Hunter and Ben, comes to greed her and starts tugging her inside and before the driver goes he wish her good luck. If only she knew how much she needs is being here for 2 weeks with her crazy family and the Shay clan.

Later she is in her room with the whole family. Her mother is criticizing her clothe, her half brothers are running around screaming and their father, her step dad, since her mother married him when she was 12, 2 years after her father died of cancer, is watching a footgame and tells her mom to let Jane be. Then thank god Jonah comes in and saves her and tells her they have to come down for dinner in a minute, but her mom says Jane has to change, but Jonah - as always - tells their mom she looks gorgeous. Later they are with Marni´s parents at dinner and Marni has talked non stop for the last 15 minutes as they have been waiting for Marni´s sister 'Biff' Buffy and Marni and Jonah assures her that she is going to love her as just a girl for Jane. Then Buffy comes a girl with nose ring and an attitude that Farrah likes. Later her and Buffy is in Farrah´s room talking and when Buffy tells her she is a babe, Farrah tells her that nobody like a girl, with red curly hair, frecles, no boobs and is more confortable being boyish that girlish. And she tells Buffy that the only guy she has ever kissed was a boy named Tommy McNabbs that went to her school who every girl liked, but he wasn´t cool with the way Farrah was. And the bad thing is that her parents is good friends with the McNabbs, and they will be coming to the wedding and they always ask when farrah and Tommy are going to be together. They are both hungry so they decide to go down to and find some foot, eventhough it is 1 in the night and Farrah doesn´t think it is a good idea going down to the kitchen were they ate dinner. When they get down to the kitchen they find a cake and starts to eat until they hear someone coming and hides, but Farrah hurts her knee and they make some noise so the guy from the staff searches for them and to Farrah suprise it is Connor and he is suprised that Jane is there and Biff can´t understand he calls her Jane. Then they tell him they are here for the wedding, he seems mad, so Biff and her saves it by saying they are nanny´s for the Janssen family. Connor seems relieved and tells them than then they know how they are: snobs, who isn´t satisfide with anything and when they takes something it gets blammed on the staff and he tells them that there are this women on one of the cottages far away that has send him back for the 3 time now, because she doesn´t like the way her ice cubes were formed. And Biff mouths to Farrah that it is her mom. Connor then ask why they are in the kitchen because he isn´t bying they got lost and they show him the cake and he tells them is okay, because it will get thrown out in the morning.

The next morning they are at Marni´s bridesmaids’ brunch, with all of her super snob friends, where Marni gets a lot on lingirie that makes Farrah gag of just thinking about it. When the present are opened Marni comes over to her and says sorry for the present and ask her how the bachelor party is coming along and Farrah panics, because no one told her that she was suppose to make one. Farrah starts to panic and Marni notice it, but Biff saves her and tells Marni that of course she has made one Marni just can´t know about it. Marni is totally relieve and tells them that Jonah has been talking about it for weeks. Connor also comes inside with the cake and looks confudes that they are there, but smiles. After when all of the snob takes a shuttle bus down the mountain, instead of the chairlifts that Farrah and Biff has taken up there and that takes half the time - Biff goes to the phonebook looking for strippers and Connor walks into the room and Farrah tells them they are pretty close with their employes so Marni asked them to come and Connor invites them to a party the day after and they say yes and Biff tells her after that they better start spending some time with her little brothers or Connor is going to find out.
Later that day Farrah is snowtubing with Ben and Hunter - A.K.A Twin Terrors and Connor comes by and tells her he just got of and he would like to hang with them. he ask were Biff is and she tells him she got a small cold. She says okay and when he goes back to clock of she tells her brothers to call her Jane instead of Farrah for the rest of the day as a game, and that the prize is that thay can snowtub for an hour more. Later after the snowtubing the 3 guys have been making snow balls and then Connor tells the boys that he and Jane will hide and they will throw snowballs at them. Connor takes her hand and they run for the woods, where Farrah tells him that the boys have been trained in thowing since they were born and that they never grow tired, but he tells her that they have to run back everytime to get new snowballs so they will.

The day after at night they go to the party out in the woods. Most of them there is boys but there are also some girls. 2 of them comes over to Jane and starts criticizing her for being a snob one and telling her that she can´t just hook up with Connor because he is not that kind of guy, but Connor tells tham that Jane is here to work too, that they go to school together and that if they hooked up it would be for more time than this here. When the girls go clearly shocked he almost kiss her but a guy named Paul who Biff went with before throws a snowball at Connor, and Biff tells her that he is totally Farrah´s now, but Farrah starts thinking WTH she has gotten herself into. 10 minutes after her and Biff are behind a stone and the snowball fight is still going on. Out of nowhere Connor comes to save her and Biff tells them she will cover them and they make a run for it. They talk for a while until some of the guys catches up with them and they make a run for it again down the hill behind a wall to a hidding place he knows and they stand completly close like hugging each other and when the noise fades he kisses her.
The next day Farrah is out skiing with Jonah and she tells him about Connor and sometimes in the middle of the day they go to get something to eat and whil Jonah goes away with the skies, Farrah sees Connor flirting with a beautiful girl and when Farrah turns around and sees herself in the window she suddenly feel as unfeminine like her mother says she is. She then decides to do a makeover and goes to find her mother in the spa and tells her mom she wants her to help her with a makeover and her mother is beyond happy. So she gets a spa treatment and go shop and Farrah actually does think it is so bad. That night after dinner she runs into Connor in the elevator and he ask her out tommorow and she says yes.

The next night Farrah has a skirt, blouse and make-up on, but when Connor comes to her door his face falls and he laugh and tells her she can´t wear that to were they are going so she goes to change clothe and takes off the make-up. After they are out on a snowmobile and he takes her to a clearing where you can see the whole resort and she tells him that he problably takes all the girls up here and his face kind of falls again and she tells him to just forget it. Connor then tells her he doesn´t date the girl who comes to the resort much and that he isn´t that kind of guy. he takes her back down and she tells him that she is tired, but he tells her he was going to take her to get the best burger and when her stomach makes a sound he hears she say okay and on the way over there they get to talk and the awkwardness disappears. Then at the resturant when the subject of the resort is brought up, Connor mentions the bachelor party for the wedding that she has totally forgotten about and she ask him if he has been to some, because she is doing a paper on the male species. And he tells her that it should just be gys being guys and that it is a little stupid with strippers when the brides dad is there. Then he says that he can´t imagine what this guy is going to do, with all the money he has got and Farrah tells him that they isn´t rich like that, but he tells her that since the family has 2 nanies they much be rich.

The next day her mother takes her out to get a haircut and the whole time her mother talk about the fact that she should have a date for the wedding and even talk about flying one in and farrah gets way upset and yells at her mom, so a few of the other clients turn in their sets. Farrah tells her mom that she will do nothing and then the haircutter lady, who has given Farrah symphatectic smills through the haircut, turns on the hair blower she promised Farrah she would do. The next day is december 25 christmas morning the all go for The Shays cottage to open presents and enjoy the morning. When it is time for Farrah to open the present for her mom, she tries to put on a happy face because every year her mom gets her horrible girly gift, but to her suprise it is a bag she looked at the other day. Her mom then explains that she and Marni where out shopping and that Marni thought it was a good idea to buy it. And Farrah becomes even more glad when Marni and Jonah gives her a laptop and as she and Jonah watches Marni she sees that Marni waits for everyone to open their present and gets a happy glow to her face when people likes what they get and she can see her brother admiring it. That night they have been to a big Christmas banquet in
the main ballroom at the resort and her and Biff falls onto the bed immidiatly and she tjecks her phone but Connor still hasn´t called so Biff tells her to call him and just as she is about to do it, someone is at the door and it is Connor with a gift. The go down to the porch by the lobby and she opens the present which is a leader book and she tells him she has actually been thinking about starting a journal again, so it is a perfect gift. He then admits that he has wanted to ask her out all semester, but that he thought she thought he was a doofus, and she is totally blown away and he tells her he likes the way she isn´t like other girls and she admits that she wanted him to ask her out. He then leans in to kiss her and she spots her brother and Marni and Honah sees her and look confused because she didn´t tell him that Connor also worked here and that this is Connor. So they have to hurry away so she drags Connor to the bathrooms.

The day after she meets with Emily the party planner and she tells her, her ideas about what her brother would like and feels really good after. Then on the way back she meets Biff who tells her Jonah and Marni is on the prowl for her, and that Marni wants him to be Farrah plus one. She ask Biff what she told them and she tells her that she said they must have been high on love or something. They make a deal to meet at the slopes after and when she is almost at her room Connor sticks his head out from another room and wants to show her something. The room he is in is fulded with clothe, make-up and shoes all over the place and Connor is here to take away the minibar and he explains that it is one of the bridemaids room and when he tells her how she looks like she knows it is Carina, who is trying to be like Calista a former actress and paparazzi magnet. Connor takes up a cream and ask WTH that is, but then he say she problably doesn´t know and she feels like he has just slaped her so she tells him she has to go and he looks confused. Later when she gets back from skiing with Biff she finds an invitation to secret meeting of the bridesmaids that night at Jenna´s, and Biff drags her with her but when it get there it turns out to be a bachelorette party and Biff tells her to run but the girl have already opened the door and Biff ask why the hell they are trowing one when she is the maid of honor, and they tells her they knew she wouldn´t do it. Biff tells her to hurry away but then Marni comes and tells her she really wants her sister in law to be here and she ten ask her about the boy from last night, but she avoids the subject and soon Marni is drunk. Later she is actually having a really good time, eventhough all the things here are made of penises and she talk to Carina that tells her she has been using inserts in her bra lately and of course Farrah knows that and Carina tells her that she has been thinking about implant and Farrah tells her she is beautiful and that she shouldn´t try and make herself more like Calista, because Calista is mean and such things. Carina then tells her that her parents love Calista and that they have alway tried to make her more like her. And now it totally makes sense why Carina is trying so hard to lok and act like Calista. Then she takes Carina with her over to the karaoke and they sing their brains out.

The next morning Biff has a hugh hangover and they are sitting doing a list for the bachelor party and the boys are playing a game when Connor comes by and tells about tat girls room. Then the doorman shows up and tells her that her mother is waiting in the salon with the other bridemaids and she plays dumb and says that her mother isn´t here and Connor tells him that Farrah is the nanny and Farrah makes eye contact with the doorman and he tells her he must have been wrong. Then Connor says that it was funny him thinking she was one of those girls and something snaps inside Farrah and she tells him WTH he means and tells her she isn´t one of those and she tells him that she isn´t one of those girls who are actually girls and tells the boys they are leaving and then the 3 of them walks out of there. That night at 1 she is woken up by someone at the door and it turn out to be Connor with flower. He tells her he just got of work and that he is sorry and that he called her sister and explained things and that his sister hung up on him. But called back to tell him that he had insulted her female-hood and he tells her that he just ment that she didn´t need it because she is beautiful as she is. Then he tells her he wants to show her something and tells her to change into the outfit that he made her not wear the other day. He then takes her to the big ballroom, where he has move all the tables to the side with black tablecloths and 100´s of candles, but one remains in the middle with dinner and then some music in the background and he ask her to dance. After a while he tells her that it doesn´t matter to him wg´hat she wears because she is a girl to him no matter what.

The next morning as her and Jonah is on her way to get some coffee he ask her about the guy, but they get interupted abot some sound there is in the lobby, that they have just gotten into and Farrah and Jonah both know it is Jonah´s 3 friends and then they see them David Gelb, Nicholas Johnson, and Seth Schwartz. Seth is al over his pda so Nick takes it and soon Jonah joins in and they run away, with Biff on their heels who just showed up and her and David goes to get some coffee and talk bachelor party and she tells him she got it covered and he tells her that no offense but she is a girl and she is happy that people has started to notice. Later that day her and Biff is in her room and she is finally trying on the best man’s dress, who Marni has designed for her and she looks really good, whick she hadn´t expected. Biff ask her to come out and when she see Farrah she tells her she is going to kill her sister. Farrah is not into fasion so she thinks that there is something wrong, but Biff tells her she look amazing but that it is a much better dress than the one her sister has choosen for her. Then suddenly Connor is at the door and her and Biff hurries to get her out of the dress and open up the door and Connor comes in with a whole chocolate cake for them. he then ask farrah if she wants to hang at New Years Eve and Farrah is happy, but suddenly remembers her brothers wedding that night. She says she has to watch the boys and he tells her he ment after anyway because he has to work that night at the wedding. She is panicken but tells him yes and he goes. She tells Biff and they are both silent and she ask her what the hell she is going to do, and Biff has no idea.

The next day her and Emily is in the presidental room where the bachelor party is going to be tonight and all Farrah can think about is Connor. The Biff comes and they talk and tells Farrah she should just come clean because if her and Connor begin dating she is going to do it anyway. That night at the bachelor party all the guys is telling her it is the best ever, and again David tells Jonah that she couldn´t be one of the guy cause she is hot and he makes his way to the big tv´s with games and Farrah and Jonah goes to play a game and bond. Later Farrah is taking Jonah to his room and in the room he tells her he knows that she doesn´t want him to get married because of the fact that Marni is rich and Farrah thinks she is high-maintenance when she is lowmaintenance Jonah tells her and he tells her you just have to Carpe Diem, because suddenly people aren´t there like their dad and farrah knows she has to come clean to Connor. The next morning she wakes uo early to find Connor and tells him the truth, but as she finds him and is about to explain her mother comes and the McNabbs and her mother tells her she has found her a date for her brothers wedding - Tommy McNabbs, and Farrah can see Connor´s face going white. Her mom ask who Connor is and he tells her he is no one and walks away.

Later she is taking on her dress with Biff and telling her what happened and is so sad and Biff is impressed she is still standing. Then when she comes out of the dressingroom everybody is silent because of her beauti and Marni comes over to her and tells her how good that dress is on her and they get some picture taken, eventhough Farrah has a hard time smilling. After it is family photo´s in the lobby and when they are done her mom ash to get a picture of her and Tommy (the jackass) and right when they are possing Connor walks by and disappears. Then suddenly something snaps for Farrah and she tells Tommy loud to get the hell away from her and then she drags her mom over to a corner and Jonah comes over and she tells her how she could do this and then she tells the story about how Tommy has said he couldn´t date her because she practually was a guy. She can see that her mom doesn´t believe her, but Jonah does and he goes over and hits Tommy right in the face. Annd then her mother goes over to his parents and tells them that Tommy can´t come for the wedding. After her mom tells her why she never told her and she tells her mom that she thought she would agree and her mmother tells her that she just didn´t want her to miss out on anything, that she thought her and her brother spent to much time together and that she is beautiful. Then Marni´s mom tells them they have 5 minutes to go and Biff comes up and tells her that Connor is in the bridal room setting up for after the ceremony alone and now is her chance. She goes in there but doesn´t get to explain anything before he is out the door. Then there is the wedding and Farrah is appy for her brother. Then there is the reception where Farrah keeps looking for Connor and she eats and drinks way to much and soon it is speach time. Biff goes first and under her speach Connor comes in and soon it is her turn and she is nervous, but she gets through it going a little of track holding Connor eyes and telling that everyone deserves a second chance. Then when she is done Connor stays and holds her eyes for awhile before going again and the rest of the night she tries to have a happy face on. then it is midnight and she hopes Connor will show up, but he doesn´t and she tells David she can´t kiss him when he comes over.

The next day Jonah and Marni is gone and Biff is on her way to Paris saying Farrah can come with her, but Farrah tells her she can´t because school starts in a few days. They are outside by a limo and a boy comes with 2 boxes with chocolate cake and Biff gives her one of them and tells her she saw Connor when she ordered them and that he looked miserable. She has a last dinner that night with her family before they go too and by night it is her time. She is outside and she tells the doorman she will be on the porch and she is standing there thinking when Connor comes up behind her and she tells him she wasn´t going to lie but that she didn´t thought he would like her by the way he was trashing her family and friends. Connor then says he is sorry and that he shouldn´t have said those things and that he has spent the whole day coming up with a way to apologize. He ask her if she is Farrah or Jane and she tells him she is a little bit of both and he tells her he likes them both. She tells him she loves hi and he tells her he loves her too, Farrah.

A really great and entertaining book. I liked the fact that she was the "Best Man" and i also liked her and her brothers relationship being best friends and all, that the kind of relationship you should have with your brother. I almost after reading this book wish i had an older brother and that we were like Farrah and Jonah.
I really liked Biff to she was fun and a girl with spark. I would actually really like to see the same book, just were Farrah is more wild and enjoying things like Biff. But don´t get me wrong i really liked this book. My only problem was that i didn´t really like Connor and i don´t know why.

Grade: 10

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