tirsdag den 8. juni 2010

Snowed In Review

Snowed In By Rachel Hawthorne

17 year old Ashleigh Sneaux lives in Texas and her parents are divorced. She likes shopping clothe, likes horror movies and dating lots of boys for short periods of time, so she don´t have to go through the whole break-up thing. But her father recently told her that he was getting remarried, so her mom got and idea to move way up north on an island on the Great Lakes—in the middle of winter. It´s a very small island with not many people living there and there is only on school, so it is going to be a problem with boys. Ashleigh thought it was a good idea and she has really been looking forward to the snow, but there is really cold there. They get to their new house/business a Victorian house, with their bed-and-breakfast named: Chateau Ashleigh. Ash gets a tour of the house and shortl thereafter a women named Laura and her daughter Nathalie comes to welcome them to the neighborhood. Nathalie helps Ash find a room and she chooses one on the attic that is really nice and private. After Nathalie takes her out and shows her the town and her house. After they go to Sweet Temptations, Nathalie family´s business, because Ash want fudge. Nathalie tells her that she works there, but it is not fun because a really jerk of a guy named Chase works there, because his family is in partnership with hers. But Ash thinks that Chase is really friendly and he gives her free fudge and ask her out that friday and she says yes. When they leave the shop, before Nathalie goes to meet her 5 year long boyfriend, she tells her that Chase is a player and have a girlfriend for like 5 minutes. But that is just perfect for Ash, because she doesn´t like having a boyfriend. Later she talks to her best friend Tara and send her some pictures of the island. The next morning Ash wakes up early and go downstairs and almost run into a guy looking around. Ash immediately gets unfriendly and defensive and he tells her his name is Josh Wynter and that his dad is in the kitchen talking with her mom about repairs. Ash hurries away and is suprise how much she is attractive to that boy and how much her heart is beating and she feel bad for being so unfriendly.

Sometime later she comes dowstair and her mom tells her that Josh and his father will start repairing the house tommorow and Ash tells her about the incident and her mom says she can say sorry tommorow. Ash usually doesn´t have a problem talking to boys, but this boy is different. Later her stuff arrives and Nathalie comes over with her 2 best friends Corey and Shanna and they all go shopping. The next day Josh is there and she tells him that she is not a morning person. Ash mom is laughing together with Ralph, Josh father and it is a long time since her mother has done that. Josh tells her he can make some shelfs to her room and he comes up to messure them and ask her if she will help painting and says yes. They go down to one of the guest rooms and they both end up at the same lader, when Josh shows her how to do it and they almost kiss. He also invites her to come down and see him and some friends play Snox volleyball. Later Nathalie comes by and take her down to the beach where the boys are playing volley, so of them without shirts. Nathalie haven´t mention what her boyfriend name is, because she only says my boyfriend, so Ash is suprised when she runs to Josh to give him varm when the game stops. Chase is there too and they all go home to Nathalie. There are the people Ash has just met and then there are the people she doesn´t know and Ash feels not in because they have all lived here since they were born. So she goes into the livingroom by the fire, Josh comes and ask why she seemed suprised by Nathalie and him and she tells him that Nathalie never mention his name. Nathalie and Chase comes too and Nathalie ask Ash if she wants to go skiing with her and Josh tommorow and that she can borrow Chase skies. Josh also seems suprised when Chase mention his and Ash´s date that friday and Chase tells her he can take her home. Ash also gets a feeling that maybe he wants to be with Nathalie. But as he say everybody hooks up as kids and then they don´t date others. And Shanna also invites her to a hayride that Thursday, with the others.

The next day at the house Josh and Ash kind of stays away from each other until they have to get going to pick up Nathalie. But when they get there Nathalie is sick and she tells them to go and hands her skies to Ash. It is awkward for Josh ans Ash being alone, so they try to clear things out and decides to be friends. They go skiing and eat and he shows her a cave where there are bats, but Ash wakes them up so they hurries out of there. And suddenly he tells her that he didn´t tell her he had a girlfriend because he wanted to get to know Ash, and he didn´t want to talk about Nathalie. He tells her he likes her a whole lot and then they kiss. Ash stops the kiss and tells him it can´t happen again and that she doesn´t do boyfriends period, and that it wasn´t fair of her freaking over that he hadn´t told her, because she just date. They go back to town, where Josh goes to Nathalie´s house and Ash goes to the movie store. While she is checking the horror movies, Josh comes in to rent movies too and he is suprised that she likes horror like she tells him she do, because most girls don´t. Josh pays for his movies and walks out of the store, but when Ash comes out he is there and tells her he will walk her home. When they get to her house he ask her about her just dating and how she can date so much and she tells him that she has just never found one she likes that much too stop and she tells him that because they only date there is no break-up. The next day Ash is totally sore i her legs from skiing and Josh isn´t there today. She spends her day painting and designing the B&B webside, when Josh comes up to her room with her new shelf. He tells her he can´t stop thinking about her, and she tells him he has too and that she isn´t thinking about him, eventhough she knows she is lying. That night there is the Hayride and Ash sees Josh looking at her a lot of times and Chase looks a lot at Nathalie. When Chase and ash gets of at Ash house latter, they talk about him liking Nathalie and he ask if she still want to go out tommorow and she says yes. When she gets inside she is suprised because Tara and her boyfriend Shaun is there, eventhought Tara had talked about coming up to visit.

The next morning Tara, Ash and Shaun go out in town to all the fudge shops and when they are in Chase´s he tells her they can make it a double date at V.P tonight. When they get to V.P that night Josh and Nathalie is there and they come to sit at their table. Nathalie invites Ash and Tara to the Victorian Walk, the day after where you walk around in Victorian dresses and look inside Victorian houses. the next day Tara and Ash goes to the costume shop were they get dressed up by Nathalie, and Tara is seriously tired of the "My Boyfriend" too. Shaun joins them and they go see house and at each house Shaun has to make a donation. When they have seen 4 houses, and Shaun tells that he only have money for 1 more house, Ash sees the last house she wants to visit and as it turn out it is Josh´s house and they are greeted by Nathalie at the door. Josh gives her a private tour and takes her up too a room that is closed up and he tells her again he can´t stop thinking about her and Ash storms out of there. They are suppose to go to the after party at the only hotel in town but when they get there they don´t feel like it, so Shaun and Tara do a sleigh ride while Ash walkes home. When tara comes back she tells Ash that her and Shaun really like it here and was thinking about coming back on other holidays. The next day is Tara and Shaun´s last day there, so it is all about what Shaun wanna do. So they get on a ferry to the main land and suprise Josh is on the ferry because Shaun needed a car and Josh has one. They eat, drive in Josh´s car and look at stores. The next day she drives with Shaun and Tara to the airport and when Shaun is going to check in the lugage, Tara tells her that Shaun told her something and that she cant tell her because of the whole Boyfriend/girlfriend trust, but that she should not see the day yesterday as a non-date. When Ash gets back to her house Nathalie, Shanna and Corey is there throwing snowballs at her and Nathalie tells her that Josh broke up with her and that she knows Ash is the reason. Ash finds Josh inside and he tells her he never mention Ash when he broke up with her, he tells her yes he broke up with her because of Ash, but the only reason he even became Nathalie´s boyfriend was because when they were 12 Nathalie sent her a piece of paper in class about being her boyfriend and he just said yes. But that it isn´t fair that he can´t stop thinking about Ash, but Ash just tells him that he will not be her boyfriend.

The next 2 dys she spends avoiding Josh at the house and her mom comes and tells her that she will be alone the next day because her and Josh´s dad are going to the mainland to look at something for the house and that Josh has the day of. Later Ash goes to the fudge store and apologize to Nathalie and gives her a gift and her and Chase are dating now, so Chase tells her thank you for calling about Josh and Nathalie not being together when she found out. The next day when Ash wakes up a snow storm is going on, so her mother calls and tell her that her and Josh´s dad can first get home when it clears up tommorow. By night Josh comes by to check on her and after Josh tells her a couple of times that he isn´t going home in that weather she let him stay. But as they are about to eat shortly after the lights goes and they have to go up to her room to get candles and they end up kissing and he ask her out on a date the day after. But they end up doing the date at home because they a snowed in the next day also and first comes out the day after. A week later it is time for Josh and Ash first official date and Josh hands her a paper with a checkbox if she wants to be his boyfriend and she checks yes.

A sweet book by the author but not my favorite. I definently found Nathalie annoying with her whole My boyfriend and Pathetic because of the whole cant live without a boyfriend. Sneaux and Wynter (snow and winter) goes together. That is actually quite good.

Grade: 7

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