fredag den 19. marts 2010

Sunshine Review

Sunshine By Robin McKinley

Rae Seddon, nicknamed Sunshine, lives a quiet life working at her stepfather's bakery. One night, she goes out to the lake for some peace and quiet. Big mistake. She is set upon by vampires, who take her to an old mansion. They chain her to the wall and leave her with another vampire, who is also chained. But the vampire, Constantine, doesn't try to eat her. Instead, he implores her to tell him stories to keep them both sane. Realizing she will have to save herself, Sunshine calls on the long forgotten powers her grandmother began to cultivate in her when she was a child. She transforms her pocketknife into a key and unchains herself and Constantine. Surprised, he agrees to flee with her when she offers to protect him from the sun with magic. They escape back to town, but Constantine knows his enemies won't be far behind, which means that he and Sunshine will have to face them together.

When you read it, you will first get a feeling that the coffeehouse is a tight communite, where they all have fun and help each other. But you later also find out it is because it is a family business.
You fast get a feeling, that her (Rae) whole life lies in the coffeehouse and sometimes it is kind of a Love/hate situation for her. Because with all her family and friends there all the time, you can feel trapped. Of course you don´t hear about there Controversy, but you can imagine that there got to be some, especially with her mom.
A thing i didn´t get was the whole thing about wards. Yes they protect, but why are they alive? and why are the dead?
The book also have a lot of theories about a lot of creatures and in this book every thing/person/blood plays a role. For examble the moon and how the vampires can´t go out if they have a certain age and how the moon is.
This book explores the possibility that other books dosen´t. It tells that vampire have the ultimate power in the world or will have soon. It tells that 1/5 of the world population is vampires. And that everybody knows about vampire, wolves etc. And that anybody actually can have supernatural blood in there body. There is also SOF—Special Other Forces... - Also known as sucker cops. And these cops are the "other" cops, but the only thing they really consentrate about is the damn vampires.

I think that it was a Really long book, because there was the exitment and action in the beginning and after it just totally slows down to nothing. The book is also divided into 4 parts and the book uses a lot of time on nothing, so basicly almost 3/4 of the book is a total wast. Sometimes i had to read parts again and again and i still didn´t get them. But the book can be very confusing, because there are to many creatures: wolf, vampires, demons, magic users, weretiger, were... etc. and besides all them, there are also all of them that aren´t full blood. It is just to many things to keep track of. And to remember what the hell they do and don´t.
And it was like everytime there was a dialogue, it lastet 2 seconds and it wasn´t finish and then it just goes into two or three pages of internal monologue and then it goes back to the dialogue. And then it is just like: What where we talking about?? Really annoying.
I wish it was more about Sunshine & Constantine. The book also have another cover.

Grade: 4

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