lørdag den 13. marts 2010

Frostbite Review

Frostbite By Richelle Mead
(Book 2 in Vampire Academy series)

When Rose and Dimitri ends up in the middel of a slaughter, all th Moroi and dhampires finds out that strigoi is working in groups and with humans now. So all the Moroi and dhampires is now on high alert, so instead of the students going home for christmas, a ski resort will host all the students and family, so they will be more safe from attacks. Rose is in love with Dimitri, but knows they can´t have a relationship when they are student and teacher. So Rose starts kind of dating her good friend Mason. And Dimitri´s old friend shows an interest in him Rose also befriends Adrian Ivashkov, A royal Moroi who is known to be a player and he starts having a crush on Rose.
But things get even worse, when Rose tells Mason some information Dimitri told her as a secret, about were there are a lot of Strigoi lately. So he and 2 other friends run away from the ski resort to fight against Strigoi, Rose then join forces with Christian, Lissa´s boyfriend to rescue them. But things ends terribly wrong.

Frostbite is the second book in the Vampire Academy series
This book has a lot more action, romance, adventure and drama, than the first one and you keep on reading with exitment. At first i thought it was going to be boring, but then as you got into the story I felt like it got harder and harde to put the book down.
The characters has develope from the first book as well, for examble Christian he is not the same guy he was in the first book and through the books you feel like Rose and he becomes more and more friends.
You also learn more about Rose´s famly, because her mother is suddenly in the picture and you can sense the tension between the two of them and you understand why Rose is so disappointed about not knowning her mother. Because we all know that a girl needs her mom at some point. You also meets Adrian, who you are bound to love somehow through the series. He is fun and through the series he brings other things to the table, that the other characters doesn´t, i really like him, but i am Dimitri all the way!
This series describes vampires in another way than other vampire books, it is really worth reading.

Grade: 12

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