mandag den 29. marts 2010

Betrayals Review

Betrayals By Lili St. Crow
(Book 2 in Strange Angels series)

Dru is now in a Schola full of djamphir and wulfen teenage boys and she is the only girl. Even though Christophe promised she would be safe there, something is wrong. The Teachers there won't let her learn fighting tactics and they doesn´t tell her anything about who she are and all kinds of other stuff about what goes bumb in the night. They follow her around and she isn´t allowed to go anywhere. And she really can´t understand it. Graves has made a lot of new friends and is happy, but Dru only haves Graves and he has all his new friends. There is a lot of attacks on the school, because of Dru and because Sergej is after her and when one attact happen and she gets out of there to the woods to save herself when no one comes to take her to her room. Ash - a broken wulf, broken meaning that the suckers locked him up in a tight cage and made a dreamstealer sing a song, so he went insane and the part so he can change back to human broke and so he is permanently wulf and under Sergej control - who is with the sucker´s attacking, kills the 3 suckers and sniff at Dru before disappearing when the one from the school comes. She also meets Anna - another Svetacho and Dylan tells her later that she is the queen of the order and was saves from the sucker 15 years before her mother - who tells Dru that they think Chris is the traitor, because he is Sergej son and Dru doesn´t get a good vibe from the lady.

Christophe visit one time to make sure she is safe and gives her: malaika - sword that is deadly in the hands of svetacho - and after her attack she finds a note on her pillow to meet him at a boathouse beside the school and tells him about the attack. He plans to get her out of there, because this wasn´t the school she was suppose to end up on and she is close to blooming and Sergej must know something. But can she trust Christophe when everybody says she shouldn´t? And what about the wolf Ash, why doesn´t he attacks her? And what about Dylan a teacher on the school, who is Chris and her mothers old friend, can she trust him? And why is she send to the reform schola and not the main in The Big Apple? Then suddenly Dylan gets her alone and gives her the origional transcript Anna was talking about, about the phonecall that was made between someone in the order and a sucker, so they planned her mother´s dead, by telling the sucker where her mother was safely hidden and living a normal, none order/svetacho life. He also tells her he has been wondering about wy she ended up on this school and that he thinks it is a blackout zone - normaly to keep her safe, but he doesn´t think anyone knows she exist - so it is on purpose.

This is the second book in the Strange Angels series.
I actually liked this book more than the first, but it is really not suprising because if the book is in a series i tend to like the second or the next one in the series more than the first. I also think i liked it because of the more action. But it wasn´t like the story got somewhere in this, because here she is at a schola and the book closes with her coming to a new schola, so i can´t see much different.
The book has this thing were the characters all the time says goddammit or jesus, which you kind of get tires of. Graves has changed a lot and he is so not the person he was is the first book. Sometimes i don´t understand Dru, if i was lock up some place, follow around, and knew that there was something wrong, i wouldn´t just sit back and wait like she does through the whole book.
It seems like Dru is beginning to have feelings for both Graves and Chris, but it is not something the book actually says, it is something you have to guess. I was really sad that Chris wasn´t more present in the book, because there is so many things we readers are dying to know, like: What is the deal with Dru´s mother and him? And is he intrested in Dru, like really or is it just because of her mom?
The book has a lot more action than the first, and the book has a lot more secrets. I am really looking forward to the third and to see Chris and Dry relationship develope.

Grade: 7-10

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