lørdag den 27. marts 2010

Strange Angels Review

´Strange Angels By Lili St. Crow
(Book 1 In The Strange Angels series)

Dru Anderson is 16 years old. And her family has always different. Her family seeks the creatures that go bump in the night like: ghosts, suckers, wulfen, and zombies. When Dru was 5 her mother died and when she was a teenager her granma died, so now she travels fron town to town with her father and together they kill night creatures. Did i mention that Dru also have, something her granma called "The Touch", it means for examble that she can feel, people and evil creatures. This comes very handy when her and her father chases the creatures. But one day her father gets turned zombie and Dru has to kill him. But she knows that he didn´t get turned by accident. So now she has to find the person who did it. She befriends a boy named Graves, but that causes that he gets bit by a wulfen named Ash - broken to his will by Sergej - and becomes loup-garou (half werewolf). They eventually hides in Dru´s house and soon the person that killed her father starts coming after her.

She also meets Christophe a djamphir (half-vampire vampire hunter), that wants to help her. He tells her that Dru´s mother was a Svetocha (female version of djamphir) - the only in 60 years and that they are extremely rare, because there is a 1 in a million chance they get born and if they do they rarely become adults because suckers wants them dead. They can easily kill a sucker with the right training, breathing and their toxic blood - and that her mom was a member of The Order - a organisation that consist of djamphir, wulfen and loup-garou. Who since 1918 has been after Sergej, the person who killed Dru´s mom and the one who is after her now. Sergej is after Dru because Dru is Svetacho too and that Dru will soom be blooming. She likes that there is someone there who knows something, but she can´t figure out why and what his end motives is. Soon they must escape town, but is attact by the order - wulfen. Chris stays in the house fighting, while they drive to the point where someone will help them get out of town, but as it turns out Sergej is there waiting and as Chris comes with the wulfen who attact him and get her out, he tells that there is a traitor and that he is sending them to a schola to learn and find the traitor, and that he will stay in touch.

I really liked this book. But there is also a lot of the book where not much is happening. The book doesn´t really have romance, but you really doesn´t think that it is missing until later in the series.
The character Dru is a strong will person, she takes care of herself and don´t have any friends. I like her, but she is not on of my favourite heroins. But really I would have told Christophe to shut the fuck of, if somebody called me little girl.
I like Christophe´s humor, but sometimes you just think, What the hell is he talking about?? And what about all the weird names?? i love the nickname Dry gives him: Chris. And she only uses it when she is in a special mood or saying something different. There is a lot about Christophe that we don´t know and i am looking forward to know more about him later in the series.

Grade: 7--10

Trailer To Strange Angels:

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