søndag den 7. marts 2010

Need Review

Need By Carrie Jones
(Book 1 in Need series)

Zara's stepfather has just died a couple of month ago and Zara is still very sad. So her mother sends her to live with her "grandmother". Here she gets a couple of good friends and even a hot boyfriend named Nick. But Zara has a feeling she is being followed, because a man keeps showing up and in the woods somebody calls her name. The follower turns out to be a pixie king, but he is not just any person, he is Zara´s real father and he is the one behind the crazy tings, that has happened. Zara soon finds herself in a supernatural world with Shape shifters and pixies.

I really liked this book. I didn´t love it, but it is a good book. That isn´t about the normal vampire/werewolf part, (Well there is a wolf, but??) like it is in other books. It is about other supernatural creatures, that you don´t usually read about. It has romance, exiting new creatures, frindship. It has a lot of things. The book is also good with the twist it has. When you read about her Grandma, you get a really good feeling about her, eventhough she is old, you get a feeling that she is a really strong women. I also liked that the first expression of Nick is like almost a bad boy, but then´right after you find out that he is this really sweet and caring person the way he takes care of Devin. I really like a book that i get a nice cozy feeling from reading and i got one from this.
I also liked the thing about the phobias, it was different from what you normaly read.
So it is worth reading if you like the paranormal thing.

Grade: 7-10

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