tirsdag den 16. marts 2010

Ink Exchange Review

Ink Exchange By Melissa Marr
(Book 2 in Wicked Lovely series)

Seventeen-year-old Leslie lives a horrible life and it has been that way since her mother left her, her father and brother. Her brother is on drugs and uses her to do things when his friends are around. and her father is never there. Leslie knows nothing of faeries and that her friend Aislinn is now a fairie and Summer Queen.
Leslie has for a long time wanted a tatoo and she finaly has the money. But as soon as she begins to get the ink(tatoo) on her skin weird things starts happening to her. Leslie also starts to have feelings for Niall, Keenan´s adviser and Irial, that is the king of the dark court in fairie land. But there is something that is dark about Irial and soon Aislinn, Keenan, Seth and Niall are trying to save her from him, as well as the world of the fairies.

This is the second book in the Wicked Lovely series and this one is told from the view of Leslie, Niall and Irial.
Well first of all, i didn´t like the first book in the series that well, but this was far worse than the first. It had the same kind of faults like the first: The Weirdness, the hidden messages in all they say, the same eviroment and nothing happens. The story is just boring. I really had hoped that this book would have been about Aislinn, Seth etc. Because when you were done with the first there where so many other things you could have learned about them and things that could have been explained better. I have absolutly no interest in reading about Leslie and if there had to be a book about Leslie i think it should have been a spin off and not in the origional series, because that is what you do with spin offs.
But the book gets a little better later, but i don´t think this series is going anywere. The only really good thing about this book is the cover, which i think is beautifull and Niall, because i loved to hear more about him.
And the characters are really bad, because you never get under there skin and learn more about them. Keenan is just as selfish as ever and only cares about himself and power. And what about Leslie, one minute she feels something for Niall and then the next minute she don´t, because then she suddenly has feelings for Irial. I overall doesn´t think the book has any emotions. Really not a book worth reading.

Grade: 2

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