søndag den 7. marts 2010

Captivate Review

Captivate By Carrie Jones
(Book 2 in Need series)

"Zara and her friends knows they haven´t solved the pixie problem for good. Far from it. The king's and his people´s needs grows deeper every day they are stuck in the pixie house. Now new pixies and pixie kings are coming to town to take over and make Zara there queen.
One of the new pixie king, Astley, moves in on Zara quickly. Nick nearly kills him when he is patroling, but Zara comes to his rescue. Astley swears he's one of the good guys and he keeps showing up everywhere and that makes Zara "blue". Nick isn't buying it, that Astley is good and Zara is not so sure eigther. But she slowly begins to trust him and she learns that a big war is coming, not just for the pixies, but also for other creatures on earth and in heaven."

I think this was a really good second book and it moves on from the first book, so both the plot and characters were more developed, for examble with the whole "Baby" thing, which I think is fun. The Zara turning blue is also fun. I also think that it is good and kind of suprising that there keep coming new kind of shifters/supernatural beigns. But at some point it is got to stop. I like that you got a feeling that they are kind of a foursome, they are friends and that they help each other no matter what. Eventhough Zara hasn´t been there so long and the others still has some secrets they don´t tell, there friendship and love for each other has developed from Need.
This Book has alot of more things going on at the same time, than Need. But that also leave alot of questions that we have to wait for in the third book. It was a good book and its a good series, but not a series to "die for". It builds up alot to third book, which i am loking forward to.

Grade: 7-10

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