onsdag den 3. marts 2010

Bend It Like Beckham Review

Bend It Like Beckham By Narinder Dhami
Based on the movie: Bend It Like Beckham

Jess comes from an Indian family, where her family expects her to be a lawyer and marry and Indian man. But Jess doesn´t want any of that, she just wants to play football and Bend It Like Beckham. So when she gets an offer from a girl named Jules to come to her football team and tryout, she jump right at the chance. The only problem is that her family can´t find out that she is playing football and that she is starting to have feelings for her young, white, irish football coach Joe. Now she has to fight for her chance to play football and maybe even get a chance to become professional

It´s a good enough book and a fine, quick and easy to understand read. The book is based on the movie, so it is going to be the movies faults the ones that get in the book.
It is a story about being and wanting different things and to stand up against your family and friends for the things you love. I think we can all relate to that.
A thing i hate is that Jess keeps getting busted, it is like "We have been over this 3 times now, PLEASE move on!"
I really loved and have played football too, so that makes it even better.

Grade: 7

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