tirsdag den 30. marts 2010

The Vampire's Kiss Review

The Vampire's Kiss By Cynthia Eden

Savannah has no one left. Her last family member, her brother and his wife was killed by a vampire and now Savannah want to turn vampire so she can kill the monster who did it. The monster who is now after her. She therefore seeks out an accient vampire named William Dark and will try to get him to change her, but he will only change her if she agrees to be his mate forever. Once she has agreed to this they go out to see the monster, but it isn´t always that easy. And William finds out a hell of a lot about his family and he can finaly go to peace.

I really liked this book. It is easy to understand, has no hard words and is fast to read. It is a good story, eventhough they do it A Lot in the book, it is just like: Haven´t you just done it??
The book starts quickly, it is not like other books where there is first a long explanation and stuff like that. The book eventually tells why we are here and what we are going to do. I liked the way the author has written the book: like the way that the thoughts shifting from Savannah to William is so natural, and you understand when they shift and you don´t become confused.
Savannah strong and will do a lot for justice, she has cancer, and there is a lot of thing she hasn´t done before. William is suppose to be this big bad monster, but he really isn´t when you get to hear more about him.
A good book with suprises, action, passion and more.

Grade: 7-10

mandag den 29. marts 2010

Betrayals Review

Betrayals By Lili St. Crow
(Book 2 in Strange Angels series)

Dru is now in a Schola full of djamphir and wulfen teenage boys and she is the only girl. Even though Christophe promised she would be safe there, something is wrong. The Teachers there won't let her learn fighting tactics and they doesn´t tell her anything about who she are and all kinds of other stuff about what goes bumb in the night. They follow her around and she isn´t allowed to go anywhere. And she really can´t understand it. Graves has made a lot of new friends and is happy, but Dru only haves Graves and he has all his new friends. There is a lot of attacks on the school, because of Dru and because Sergej is after her and when one attact happen and she gets out of there to the woods to save herself when no one comes to take her to her room. Ash - a broken wulf, broken meaning that the suckers locked him up in a tight cage and made a dreamstealer sing a song, so he went insane and the part so he can change back to human broke and so he is permanently wulf and under Sergej control - who is with the sucker´s attacking, kills the 3 suckers and sniff at Dru before disappearing when the one from the school comes. She also meets Anna - another Svetacho and Dylan tells her later that she is the queen of the order and was saves from the sucker 15 years before her mother - who tells Dru that they think Chris is the traitor, because he is Sergej son and Dru doesn´t get a good vibe from the lady.

Christophe visit one time to make sure she is safe and gives her: malaika - sword that is deadly in the hands of svetacho - and after her attack she finds a note on her pillow to meet him at a boathouse beside the school and tells him about the attack. He plans to get her out of there, because this wasn´t the school she was suppose to end up on and she is close to blooming and Sergej must know something. But can she trust Christophe when everybody says she shouldn´t? And what about the wolf Ash, why doesn´t he attacks her? And what about Dylan a teacher on the school, who is Chris and her mothers old friend, can she trust him? And why is she send to the reform schola and not the main in The Big Apple? Then suddenly Dylan gets her alone and gives her the origional transcript Anna was talking about, about the phonecall that was made between someone in the order and a sucker, so they planned her mother´s dead, by telling the sucker where her mother was safely hidden and living a normal, none order/svetacho life. He also tells her he has been wondering about wy she ended up on this school and that he thinks it is a blackout zone - normaly to keep her safe, but he doesn´t think anyone knows she exist - so it is on purpose.

This is the second book in the Strange Angels series.
I actually liked this book more than the first, but it is really not suprising because if the book is in a series i tend to like the second or the next one in the series more than the first. I also think i liked it because of the more action. But it wasn´t like the story got somewhere in this, because here she is at a schola and the book closes with her coming to a new schola, so i can´t see much different.
The book has this thing were the characters all the time says goddammit or jesus, which you kind of get tires of. Graves has changed a lot and he is so not the person he was is the first book. Sometimes i don´t understand Dru, if i was lock up some place, follow around, and knew that there was something wrong, i wouldn´t just sit back and wait like she does through the whole book.
It seems like Dru is beginning to have feelings for both Graves and Chris, but it is not something the book actually says, it is something you have to guess. I was really sad that Chris wasn´t more present in the book, because there is so many things we readers are dying to know, like: What is the deal with Dru´s mother and him? And is he intrested in Dru, like really or is it just because of her mom?
The book has a lot more action than the first, and the book has a lot more secrets. I am really looking forward to the third and to see Chris and Dry relationship develope.

Grade: 7-10

lørdag den 27. marts 2010

Strange Angels Review

´Strange Angels By Lili St. Crow
(Book 1 In The Strange Angels series)

Dru Anderson is 16 years old. And her family has always different. Her family seeks the creatures that go bump in the night like: ghosts, suckers, wulfen, and zombies. When Dru was 5 her mother died and when she was a teenager her granma died, so now she travels fron town to town with her father and together they kill night creatures. Did i mention that Dru also have, something her granma called "The Touch", it means for examble that she can feel, people and evil creatures. This comes very handy when her and her father chases the creatures. But one day her father gets turned zombie and Dru has to kill him. But she knows that he didn´t get turned by accident. So now she has to find the person who did it. She befriends a boy named Graves, but that causes that he gets bit by a wulfen named Ash - broken to his will by Sergej - and becomes loup-garou (half werewolf). They eventually hides in Dru´s house and soon the person that killed her father starts coming after her.

She also meets Christophe a djamphir (half-vampire vampire hunter), that wants to help her. He tells her that Dru´s mother was a Svetocha (female version of djamphir) - the only in 60 years and that they are extremely rare, because there is a 1 in a million chance they get born and if they do they rarely become adults because suckers wants them dead. They can easily kill a sucker with the right training, breathing and their toxic blood - and that her mom was a member of The Order - a organisation that consist of djamphir, wulfen and loup-garou. Who since 1918 has been after Sergej, the person who killed Dru´s mom and the one who is after her now. Sergej is after Dru because Dru is Svetacho too and that Dru will soom be blooming. She likes that there is someone there who knows something, but she can´t figure out why and what his end motives is. Soon they must escape town, but is attact by the order - wulfen. Chris stays in the house fighting, while they drive to the point where someone will help them get out of town, but as it turns out Sergej is there waiting and as Chris comes with the wulfen who attact him and get her out, he tells that there is a traitor and that he is sending them to a schola to learn and find the traitor, and that he will stay in touch.

I really liked this book. But there is also a lot of the book where not much is happening. The book doesn´t really have romance, but you really doesn´t think that it is missing until later in the series.
The character Dru is a strong will person, she takes care of herself and don´t have any friends. I like her, but she is not on of my favourite heroins. But really I would have told Christophe to shut the fuck of, if somebody called me little girl.
I like Christophe´s humor, but sometimes you just think, What the hell is he talking about?? And what about all the weird names?? i love the nickname Dry gives him: Chris. And she only uses it when she is in a special mood or saying something different. There is a lot about Christophe that we don´t know and i am looking forward to know more about him later in the series.

Grade: 7--10

Trailer To Strange Angels:

søndag den 21. marts 2010

Fragile Eternity Review

Fragile Eternity By Melissa Marr
(Book 3 in Wicked Lovely series)

Aislinn is now the Summer Queen and is still trying to adapt to that. Summer is soon coming and therefore she struggles with her feelings towards Keenan, her Summer King, because there connection becomes strong in the summer. But it is not just Aislinn that has it hard. Her boyfriend Seth is also having a hard time adjusting to everything, especially since he doesn´t have the power or streght like the fairies, so he can´t protect Aislinn like he wants. Keenan also have troubles. Donia, the new Winter Queen, who he loves. Wants Keenan for herself but she can´t, because she knows when Seth dies, Keenan will become Aislinn´s. They all try to adjust, but when Seth disappears, Aislinn is devastated and after month of grieving, she eventually moves on with Keenan. But what Aislinn doesn´t know, but every other fairie does know, is that Seth is in Fairie to try to become a fairie so he can be with Aislinn forever.

Just like the other 2 books, the book uses a lot of time on nothing and on repeating what has already happened. The book again doesn´t developed anywhere. I think it is still on the same page as it where when the first book starts. The reason why i liked this book better that the second is because it goes back to the main characters. But i think that all of the books in this series lack of describing things and places you are in, in the book. Like in the second book, i really liked Niall and to hear more about him. But still this series isn´t going anywhere.

Grade: 4

fredag den 19. marts 2010

Sunshine Review

Sunshine By Robin McKinley

Rae Seddon, nicknamed Sunshine, lives a quiet life working at her stepfather's bakery. One night, she goes out to the lake for some peace and quiet. Big mistake. She is set upon by vampires, who take her to an old mansion. They chain her to the wall and leave her with another vampire, who is also chained. But the vampire, Constantine, doesn't try to eat her. Instead, he implores her to tell him stories to keep them both sane. Realizing she will have to save herself, Sunshine calls on the long forgotten powers her grandmother began to cultivate in her when she was a child. She transforms her pocketknife into a key and unchains herself and Constantine. Surprised, he agrees to flee with her when she offers to protect him from the sun with magic. They escape back to town, but Constantine knows his enemies won't be far behind, which means that he and Sunshine will have to face them together.

When you read it, you will first get a feeling that the coffeehouse is a tight communite, where they all have fun and help each other. But you later also find out it is because it is a family business.
You fast get a feeling, that her (Rae) whole life lies in the coffeehouse and sometimes it is kind of a Love/hate situation for her. Because with all her family and friends there all the time, you can feel trapped. Of course you don´t hear about there Controversy, but you can imagine that there got to be some, especially with her mom.
A thing i didn´t get was the whole thing about wards. Yes they protect, but why are they alive? and why are the dead?
The book also have a lot of theories about a lot of creatures and in this book every thing/person/blood plays a role. For examble the moon and how the vampires can´t go out if they have a certain age and how the moon is.
This book explores the possibility that other books dosen´t. It tells that vampire have the ultimate power in the world or will have soon. It tells that 1/5 of the world population is vampires. And that everybody knows about vampire, wolves etc. And that anybody actually can have supernatural blood in there body. There is also SOF—Special Other Forces... - Also known as sucker cops. And these cops are the "other" cops, but the only thing they really consentrate about is the damn vampires.

I think that it was a Really long book, because there was the exitment and action in the beginning and after it just totally slows down to nothing. The book is also divided into 4 parts and the book uses a lot of time on nothing, so basicly almost 3/4 of the book is a total wast. Sometimes i had to read parts again and again and i still didn´t get them. But the book can be very confusing, because there are to many creatures: wolf, vampires, demons, magic users, weretiger, were... etc. and besides all them, there are also all of them that aren´t full blood. It is just to many things to keep track of. And to remember what the hell they do and don´t.
And it was like everytime there was a dialogue, it lastet 2 seconds and it wasn´t finish and then it just goes into two or three pages of internal monologue and then it goes back to the dialogue. And then it is just like: What where we talking about?? Really annoying.
I wish it was more about Sunshine & Constantine. The book also have another cover.

Grade: 4

onsdag den 17. marts 2010

Never Cry Werewolf Review

Never Cry Werewolf By Heather Davis

16 year old Shelby has been breaking alot of rules lately, so her evil stepmother and her dad decides to send her to Brat Camp. Here there are lots of rich Beverly Hills teenagers, but she makes some friends. Like Austin, son of a rockstar but his family has secrets that the press really wants to know. So when the camp takes away Austin's bag, because there are some kind of drugs in it, his secret is bound to be reveal. Because the drugs is the only thing that can help him when the full moon comes. So he tells Shelby his secret, so that they can get them back. Along the way Shelby and Austin developes feelings for each other. And she has to find out if she will risk everything for him.

This was good, quick and easy read and really entertaining. What i don´t understand is why Shelby has to sound like a player, when it comes to boys. And in the book she say she is not a Beverly Hills type, but she almost comes out as one anyway. I thought that the book starts very sudden, and it doesn´t give alot of information about why she suddenly is a troublemaker. So i couldn´t see much reason for sending her to brat camp. In the beginning the books gives alot of hints like metioning: The moon, wolves, vampire and of course The title. I also love the whole Dude thing, that Shelby keeps saying, i don´t know why, i love it and at the same time i think it is so funny.
The book is also alot of fun with some of the lines like: "Look, I’d love to stay and be all Dr. Phil and everything" And "That’s always the part in the horror movies when the cute girl gets slashed. She’s clueless, then curious, then dead. I so didn’t want to be that girl." And "um…what was with the opossums?”“Ah, forgive me. Fresh meat and all that.”
“Dude. Eww! We’ve got to get you the medicine,” I said. “And the chasing me? Not cool.”
“Again, sorry,” he said. “It’s an instinct thing. Running prey. Terribly sorry.”

And when he tells her he is a werewolf, she just thinks he is mental and after she is just like: Okay fine you are a werewolf, i am a little weird about it but lets still be friends.
And what about her dad nickname for the evil stepmom? And most of the people is like Beverly Hills like and you first think that ...is like that to and that Jenna is the nice one, but then one minute after we find out that it is the other way. And Charles totally pisses me of, he is totally a brat. Why did he have to ran away? Like i said a total brat.
The ending was really good and was perfect for the book. Worth to read, eventhough it has some faults.

Grade: 7-10

tirsdag den 16. marts 2010

Ink Exchange Review

Ink Exchange By Melissa Marr
(Book 2 in Wicked Lovely series)

Seventeen-year-old Leslie lives a horrible life and it has been that way since her mother left her, her father and brother. Her brother is on drugs and uses her to do things when his friends are around. and her father is never there. Leslie knows nothing of faeries and that her friend Aislinn is now a fairie and Summer Queen.
Leslie has for a long time wanted a tatoo and she finaly has the money. But as soon as she begins to get the ink(tatoo) on her skin weird things starts happening to her. Leslie also starts to have feelings for Niall, Keenan´s adviser and Irial, that is the king of the dark court in fairie land. But there is something that is dark about Irial and soon Aislinn, Keenan, Seth and Niall are trying to save her from him, as well as the world of the fairies.

This is the second book in the Wicked Lovely series and this one is told from the view of Leslie, Niall and Irial.
Well first of all, i didn´t like the first book in the series that well, but this was far worse than the first. It had the same kind of faults like the first: The Weirdness, the hidden messages in all they say, the same eviroment and nothing happens. The story is just boring. I really had hoped that this book would have been about Aislinn, Seth etc. Because when you were done with the first there where so many other things you could have learned about them and things that could have been explained better. I have absolutly no interest in reading about Leslie and if there had to be a book about Leslie i think it should have been a spin off and not in the origional series, because that is what you do with spin offs.
But the book gets a little better later, but i don´t think this series is going anywere. The only really good thing about this book is the cover, which i think is beautifull and Niall, because i loved to hear more about him.
And the characters are really bad, because you never get under there skin and learn more about them. Keenan is just as selfish as ever and only cares about himself and power. And what about Leslie, one minute she feels something for Niall and then the next minute she don´t, because then she suddenly has feelings for Irial. I overall doesn´t think the book has any emotions. Really not a book worth reading.

Grade: 2

søndag den 14. marts 2010

Hourglass Review

Hourglass By Claudia Gray
(Book 3 in Evernight series)

Bianca and Lucas have escaped Evernight Academy and are now staying at Black Cross, where she and her best friend trains to become vampire hunters. But it is getting harder and harder for her everyday being there, because there are no privacy, so she can't drink blood everyday like she usually do. So she and Lukas are planning to get out of there to start there own life together. But things get worse, when Mrs. Bethany along with other vampires attackts Black Cross and Baltazar gets captive. Now Bianca and Lukas must break him out and escape themselfs at the same time. But not long have they been living on there own, when they get into problems with Charity and her tribe. And suddenly Bianca gets very ill, because she has to choose between becoming or not becoming a vampire

Hourglass is the third book in the Evernight series. I think that the book can be a little boring at times especially, when they are with Black Cross. I found the book good because Lucas and Bianca finally got some more time on there own, than in the other books. But i didn´t somehow finds this book very interesting. Maybe it is just me that have read to many books maybe and then i couldn´t see the potential. I don´t know. But this book is lot more about Bianca and Lukas making there own kind of life, getting money, being together no matter what. I was really looking forward to this book, but somehow i have very mixed feeling about it.
The Evernight series isn´t a series to died for, but it is nice to read.

Grade: 4-7

Blood Promise Review

Blood Promise By Richelle Mead
(Book 4 in Vampire Academy series)

Dimitri is now a strigoi. Rose and Dimitri gave each other a promise in the first book, that if they ever turned strigoi they wanted to be killed. So Rose that now has dropped out of the Academy, travels to Russia in hopes of finding Dimitri and destroy him. Along the way Rose befriends Sydney an alchemist and together they go to Dimitri´s hometown. Here they stay at Dimitri´s family, that soon finds out that Rose and Dimitri are in love, but that he is now a strigoi. Rose also meets another shadow kissed bound mates and learn more about that and Spirit. Rose soon begin to feel Dimitri´s family like her own family. But there is a person, Abe that keeps trying to get Rose out of town. Eventually Rose leaves Dimitri´s family and go to another city, where she finds Dimitri. But when Rose confronts Dimitri, he takes her hostage. And he now has plans of changing her to a strigoi too.
Also at home, at the Acedemy things don´t go so good eigther with Lissa, as she keeps going down a disturbing path. So Rose must now decide if she wants to leave Dimitri and get home to save Lissa

Blood Promise is the fouth book in the Vampire Academy series.
This book was different than the others, because this one is Rose on her own, out on a mission to kill the man she loves, which must be truly devastading for her. But she keeps her head high an try to go through with it. The book is also a lot thicker than the others which is good and it explores alot of new things. It is also a whole other environment she is in. And it is problaly this book where all the characters stands up against the biggest decision of there lifes. I really loved this book also, it is so good that the author takes the almost the whole book away for the academy, in the others it has only been for a little while, that they where gone. But this takes a whole new direction. I really loved this book for being so different, but i really want Rose and Dimitri together so i hope that they are going to turn him back in the next book, Spirit Bound. It was also really exiting seeing Rose and Dimitri up against each other, because the now every move they each do and they both keeps fighting for the last. Also you have been waiting to see more romance... I totally recommend this and any other books in this series. The book will leave you at a cliffhanger, not the biggest one but one anyway.

Grade: 12

Shadow Kiss Review

Shadow Kiss By Richelle Mead
(Book 3 in Vampire Academy series)

At st. Vladimir Rose is close to gradution, so they have at the Academy been signed to protect a moroi as a test. Soon Rose finds out from Dimitri, that Victor´s sentence hasen´t happened yet and that Victor maybe not even is going to go to prison, because it is going to create a big scandal because he is a royal. So she and Lissa tries to find a way to get to were the trial is being held, so that he wont become free. As if that wasn´t enough Rose has started seeing ghosts, especially Mason and she feels sure they are trying to tell her something. Soon she begins to understand they are telling her that danger is on the way. Danger that will involve everyone at St. Vladimir's. As the strigoi works wih humans to get into the Academy, a great battle will begin, with many death and kidnapped. In this book Rose begins to question everything she has believed her whole life, and everything she has been taught

This is the third book in the Vampire Academy series
I absolutly loved it. As the story continues, I keep getting more and more addicted to this series. I absoluetely love these books. Also her writing gets better and better and she keeps suprising with new twist and turns. I was sure that when i was done reading the second book that, that was my favorite but now i am not so sure. Both this and the second has so must more than the first and it just keeps getting better and better.
Rose also keeps on developing, even though she still sometimes makes childish choices you can feel that she slowly through the books start getting more responsible. Especialy after what happened with Mason. And finally Rose and Dimitri hooks up and decides to be together and then the thing with Dimitri happens, which is so sad. I hope it is going to work out between them. this series is one were once you get into it, you want to continue turning the page until the end.
This series describes vampires in another way than other vampire books, it is really worth reading.

Grade: 12

lørdag den 13. marts 2010

Frostbite Review

Frostbite By Richelle Mead
(Book 2 in Vampire Academy series)

When Rose and Dimitri ends up in the middel of a slaughter, all th Moroi and dhampires finds out that strigoi is working in groups and with humans now. So all the Moroi and dhampires is now on high alert, so instead of the students going home for christmas, a ski resort will host all the students and family, so they will be more safe from attacks. Rose is in love with Dimitri, but knows they can´t have a relationship when they are student and teacher. So Rose starts kind of dating her good friend Mason. And Dimitri´s old friend shows an interest in him Rose also befriends Adrian Ivashkov, A royal Moroi who is known to be a player and he starts having a crush on Rose.
But things get even worse, when Rose tells Mason some information Dimitri told her as a secret, about were there are a lot of Strigoi lately. So he and 2 other friends run away from the ski resort to fight against Strigoi, Rose then join forces with Christian, Lissa´s boyfriend to rescue them. But things ends terribly wrong.

Frostbite is the second book in the Vampire Academy series
This book has a lot more action, romance, adventure and drama, than the first one and you keep on reading with exitment. At first i thought it was going to be boring, but then as you got into the story I felt like it got harder and harde to put the book down.
The characters has develope from the first book as well, for examble Christian he is not the same guy he was in the first book and through the books you feel like Rose and he becomes more and more friends.
You also learn more about Rose´s famly, because her mother is suddenly in the picture and you can sense the tension between the two of them and you understand why Rose is so disappointed about not knowning her mother. Because we all know that a girl needs her mom at some point. You also meets Adrian, who you are bound to love somehow through the series. He is fun and through the series he brings other things to the table, that the other characters doesn´t, i really like him, but i am Dimitri all the way!
This series describes vampires in another way than other vampire books, it is really worth reading.

Grade: 12

Vampire Academy Review

Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead (Book 1 in Vampire Academy series)

Best friends Rose, dhampir, and Lissa, a mortal Moroi (vampire) princess have been on the run for 2 year. But one day, they are caught and returned to St. Vladimir's Academy, that is a private high school for the Moroi and Dhampir. The Moroi are protected by Dhampirs, guardians who are sworn to lay down their lives to assure that the Moroi are protected against the other vapires, The Strigoi that are evil. As they get back and start at school again, they have to find there way back to life as it was before. As a punishment for running away, Rose has to train every second that she is not in class. Her mentor is Dimitri, a really tall, handsome guardian whom she finds to be ever increasingly attractive. But soon things starts happening again. The same things that got Rose and Lissa to leave at the first place. Can Rose protect Lissa this time?

This is the First book in the Vampire Academy series.
The books start slow and keep readers attention as you as the reader keeps reading to find out, why the hell they left the academy at the first place. And i really liked that.
It is a good starter book, that builds things up. I was not taking the whole thing with Victor kidnapping her serious, i don´t know why, but it just didn´t get my attention as serious, like it did in the next couple of books in the series. And that is one of the reason that i think it is a good starter book.
I would definitely have loved some more romance, but it is good then that it comes in the next couple of books.
I was totally not expecting to love this series as much as i does now. I read the whole series in 3 1/2 day and know i just want more. So it is good that the 2 next books comes out this year.
Rose Hathaway is one of my favourite heroines in all the books i have read. She´s strong, smart, beautiful and at times hilarious. She stands up for her friends and doesn´t let anyone take her down. She is like the ultimate person that you want to be, even though she has faults like us others. It is also a different vampire book, if you compare it to others. This has a whole new story of how to be and become a vampire and it is always good with some changes. I definitely recommend this book to people who loves the paranormal and forbidden love.

Grade: 12

onsdag den 10. marts 2010

Wicked Lovely Review

Wicked Lovely By Melissa Marr
(Book 1 in Wicked Lovely series)

Aislinn has always been able to see faeries, it is a family thing. There has always been rules to follow, like never attract faeries attention or tell faeries that you can see them. But when two faeries suddenly begins to follow Aislinn, Aislinn seeks help from her good friend and the person she has a crush on, Seth. She tells Seth her secret and together they tries to find out what is happening. As it turn out one of the fairies is the Summer King named Keenan and he has for centuries been looking for the right Summer Queen, because soon summer will disappear completly and the Wwinter Queen (Keenan´s evil mother) will take over.
The other fairie is Donia, the Winter Girl that tried to become the Summer Queen but she wasn´t the right one. Yet she still loves Keenan. Now Keenan, is convinced that Aislinn is the right girl to become Summer Queen and he will do everything to get her to become Summer Queen. Eventhough Aislinn doesn´t want anything to do with him or the fairies, she and Seth just wants to be together. But after some time, she slowly starts to consider trying to become Sumer Queen

This is the first book in the Wicked Lovely series. The book can be confusing, there are a whole lot of things that could be explained better. Sometimes it was like: 1 minute a person is there and then the next minute they are not and you just think WTF just happen? its like sometimes there is a middel that is missing. I also don´t think the different fairies gets decribes, so you don´t really know who they are and what they stand for. And i didn´t really get the feeling rom Keenan that he loved Aislinn eventhough he kind of claims to be. I also though the the environment in the book was weird and different.
I think i was a good but weird book and i am having mixed felings about this book. I don´t know why. But i am having a hard time setting words on this book.

Grade: 4

Trailer To Wicked Lovely:

tirsdag den 9. marts 2010

Ruined Review

Ruined By Paula Morris

"Rebecca Moves to New Orleans to live with her aunt, when her dad have to work in China for a year, but in New Orleans Rebacca have no frinds and nobody tries to make friends with her in school. It is only when Rebecca one night goes to the cemetery, that he befriend a girl her own age, Lisette. But soon Rebecca finds out that Lisette is a ghost and that Lisette can´t move on, unless the curse on her father´s family is broken. Rebecca also befriends Anton, a handsom boy, which almost every girl wish to date. But she soon wonders if he's got a hidden agenda. As Rebecca learns more from her ghost friend and as she slowly learns to trust Anton Grey, she also finds out some scary tings about her own family."

I think it was a good read/ghoststory, a little boring at first, but later it becomes really exciting. There is told a lot of history in this book, and it is alot about people´s color(White and black)and about there family history. I think that all of that was a pretty boring, because as a person, i am not so intrested in the history part.
Funny that i never fought of the fact that Lisette and the ghost could be family, because she could she her. Eventhough it is explained that the only way you could see it is to be in the family.
But i will say that it´s worth reading, but it shouldn´t be the first Priority.

Grade: 4-7

søndag den 7. marts 2010

Captivate Review

Captivate By Carrie Jones
(Book 2 in Need series)

"Zara and her friends knows they haven´t solved the pixie problem for good. Far from it. The king's and his people´s needs grows deeper every day they are stuck in the pixie house. Now new pixies and pixie kings are coming to town to take over and make Zara there queen.
One of the new pixie king, Astley, moves in on Zara quickly. Nick nearly kills him when he is patroling, but Zara comes to his rescue. Astley swears he's one of the good guys and he keeps showing up everywhere and that makes Zara "blue". Nick isn't buying it, that Astley is good and Zara is not so sure eigther. But she slowly begins to trust him and she learns that a big war is coming, not just for the pixies, but also for other creatures on earth and in heaven."

I think this was a really good second book and it moves on from the first book, so both the plot and characters were more developed, for examble with the whole "Baby" thing, which I think is fun. The Zara turning blue is also fun. I also think that it is good and kind of suprising that there keep coming new kind of shifters/supernatural beigns. But at some point it is got to stop. I like that you got a feeling that they are kind of a foursome, they are friends and that they help each other no matter what. Eventhough Zara hasn´t been there so long and the others still has some secrets they don´t tell, there friendship and love for each other has developed from Need.
This Book has alot of more things going on at the same time, than Need. But that also leave alot of questions that we have to wait for in the third book. It was a good book and its a good series, but not a series to "die for". It builds up alot to third book, which i am loking forward to.

Grade: 7-10

Need Review

Need By Carrie Jones
(Book 1 in Need series)

Zara's stepfather has just died a couple of month ago and Zara is still very sad. So her mother sends her to live with her "grandmother". Here she gets a couple of good friends and even a hot boyfriend named Nick. But Zara has a feeling she is being followed, because a man keeps showing up and in the woods somebody calls her name. The follower turns out to be a pixie king, but he is not just any person, he is Zara´s real father and he is the one behind the crazy tings, that has happened. Zara soon finds herself in a supernatural world with Shape shifters and pixies.

I really liked this book. I didn´t love it, but it is a good book. That isn´t about the normal vampire/werewolf part, (Well there is a wolf, but??) like it is in other books. It is about other supernatural creatures, that you don´t usually read about. It has romance, exiting new creatures, frindship. It has a lot of things. The book is also good with the twist it has. When you read about her Grandma, you get a really good feeling about her, eventhough she is old, you get a feeling that she is a really strong women. I also liked that the first expression of Nick is like almost a bad boy, but then´right after you find out that he is this really sweet and caring person the way he takes care of Devin. I really like a book that i get a nice cozy feeling from reading and i got one from this.
I also liked the thing about the phobias, it was different from what you normaly read.
So it is worth reading if you like the paranormal thing.

Grade: 7-10

onsdag den 3. marts 2010

Bend It Like Beckham Review

Bend It Like Beckham By Narinder Dhami
Based on the movie: Bend It Like Beckham

Jess comes from an Indian family, where her family expects her to be a lawyer and marry and Indian man. But Jess doesn´t want any of that, she just wants to play football and Bend It Like Beckham. So when she gets an offer from a girl named Jules to come to her football team and tryout, she jump right at the chance. The only problem is that her family can´t find out that she is playing football and that she is starting to have feelings for her young, white, irish football coach Joe. Now she has to fight for her chance to play football and maybe even get a chance to become professional

It´s a good enough book and a fine, quick and easy to understand read. The book is based on the movie, so it is going to be the movies faults the ones that get in the book.
It is a story about being and wanting different things and to stand up against your family and friends for the things you love. I think we can all relate to that.
A thing i hate is that Jess keeps getting busted, it is like "We have been over this 3 times now, PLEASE move on!"
I really loved and have played football too, so that makes it even better.

Grade: 7

The Dark Divine Review

The Dark Divine By Bree Despain

Grace Divine, daughter of the local pastor, always knew something terrible happened the night Daniel Kalbi disappeared--the night she found her brother Jude collapsed on the porch, covered in his own blood--but she has no idea what a truly monstrous secret that night held.
The memories her family has tried to bury resurface when Daniel returns, three years later, and enrolls in Grace and Jude's high school. Despite promising Jude she'll stay away, Grace can´t deny her attraction to Daniel's shocking artistic abilities, his way of getting her to look at the world from new angles, and the strange, hungry glint in his eyes. And she can´t understand what Jude´s problem with Daniel is and what happened the night, because Jude, no matter how much Grace presses dosen´t tell her.
The closer Grace gets to Daniel, the more she jeopardizes her life, as her actions stir resentment in Jude and drive him to embrace the ancient evil Daniel unleashed that horrific night. Grace must discover the truth what happened with Jude and Daniel. And find the cure that can save the ones she loves. But she may have to lay down the ultimate sacrifice to do it: her soul.

I absolutly loved this book! i just had to read it, but i couldn´t find it in e-book on the internet, so i had to go with the audio-book, but that didn´t matter when i first got started.
I thought the book was different from other paranormal romance books, and the plot kept suprising me, with all its twists. I was so hung up on the book, that i had to finished it the day that i started. It is definitely a book worth reading!!´It is suprising, mysterious and if you read it at night in the dark like i did, it is almost kind of scary some places. And the cover is absolutly beautifull. it is one of the best covers this year i think!!
As for the characters in this book, i really liked Grace. it was different from other books dealing with this kind of theme, that the family is christian and it didn´t seem ridiculous, that they were christian. I also think that the book has a lot og things explore in the second one. Jude is a good character to, because he kept annoying me with his attitude problem. So i think she did the characters very well. For Daniel, i really liked him too, he is not a bad boy, he is just a boy with a very dark past.

I always think that people needs to read the books for themself to determent whether they like the book or not, but I definitely would recommend reading it.
I am so looking forward to the sequel.

Grade: 12

Trailer For The Dark Divine:

The Hollow Review

The Hollow By Jessica Verday

When Abbey's best friend, Kristen, vanishes at the bridge near Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, everyone else is all too quick to accept that Kristen is dead?and rumors fly that her death was no accident. Abbey goes through the motions of mourning her best friend, but privately, she refuses to believe that Kristen is really gone. Then she meets Caspian, the gorgeous and mysterious boy who shows up out of nowhere at Kristen's funeral, and keeps reappearing in Abbey's life. Caspian clearly has secrets of his own, but he's the only person who makes Abbey feel normal again...but also special.
Just when Abbey starts to feel that she might survive all this, she learns a secret that makes her question everything she thought she knew about her best friend. How could Kristen have kept silent about so much? And could this secret have led to her death? As Abbey struggles to understand Kristen's betrayal, she uncovers a frightening truth that nearly unravels her—one that will challenge her emerging love for Caspian, as well as her own sanity.

I was really loking forward to this book, and i put other books aside so I could read this, but when i was finished i was really dissapointed. I didn´t find the book very intresting, i thought that the book was alot about Abbey going to school and going back home, making some perfume and some saturdays, she saw Caspian. So that was really boring, you could almost just read a couple og page first, in the middle and last in the book and you would have gotten just as much you needed. I really didn´t feel that the book, was well written.
And what about that whole thing about Kristens boyfriend? It is like she decribes the pages in the dairy on a couple of pages in the book and then you think that Abbey is gonna find out more about him and Kristen. But there is nothing of that, the writter just go back to write about Abbey´s boring dayly routines.

The climax are only a couple of chapters and it all barely makes sense. it is to bad that the climax is almost nothing, because she uses a lot of the just writting Abbey´s dayly routine and that is really boring. There are just to many things in the book that could have potentiel and you could be exited about, that are just thrown together in a couple of pages, so it dosn´t make sense.

But even because of all of this, i have to read the next book, because i am not a quitter, when it comes to books. i just have to know what happens, eventhough i think that this book, had a lack of a lot of things.

I have giving it this grade because i am really disappointed about the book´s outcome and the lack of priority.

Grade: 2/4