fredag den 9. april 2010

The Summoning Review

The Summoning By Kelley Armstrong (Book 1 in Darkest Powers series)

Chloe is 15, her mom is dead and all she has left is her dad, who works all the time is different countries and her aunt who is a doctor. One day Chloe wakes up and she can see dead people and after an incident in school where she is chased by a dead man. The school has a strickted politic and in order for her to get back to school, she has to stay in a group home for mental kids. Her she mets, Simon and Derek that are brothers, Tori who is a bitch, Rae who quickly becomes her friend and Liz her roommate. Chloe is diagnosed with schizophrenia, but she has a hard time believing she is it, but at the same time what could she else be, when she sees dead people? After Derek finds out about her seing dead people, he shows her an internet site about necromancy and Chloe soon discovers she is a supernatural, who can see dead people and bring corps back to life. She quickly become friends with Simon and he shows her he also have supernatural powers. Soon they discover that this is a group home for supernaturals. But when Chloe wakes some burried people in the basement and she finds out from them, that they where supernaturals but where experimented on and later killed. Chloe and Simon plans to escape Lyle house and finds Simon dad who can help them and later come back for Derek. This doesn´t go as planned and soon Simon, Rae, Chloe, and Derek who is becoming a werewolf escapes.

This was a really good book and not a all what i had expected. It was a little bit boring, than the 2 next in the series, but it was okay.
The characters are really well developed and they are not like the characters in other novel, where they are bad boys and extremely beautifull girls, this is real people with real problems and they are not perfectly beautifull, and i think that was one of the biggest suprises in this book, and all of this she blends with the supernatural and she does it well.
Chloe is a great character, who in her teenage years has to deal with the possibility to be mentaly ill and if she can trust the people in her life, and she does a good job at that. Like her i would also begin to question if I was mental or not. I like that Chloe sees things as a storyboard when she think of thing, it is a fun way to look at things. The character in this series is different from others and very believable. But a thing i found completly weird and not really believable is that they would sedate her just because she stands besides the window and is a little freaked out. And that she has to go on a group home just because of that.
This is definently a book to recommend, all though i admit that the next two books is better than this one. The book starts out really slow, but by the end you will be completly draged into the story.

Grade: 7-10

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