onsdag den 14. april 2010

Fatal Infatuation Review

Fatal Infatuation By Melanie Nowak
(Book 1 in Almost Human Series)

Felicity is a shy and quiet girl, who is about to start college. She starts pretty good with getting a decent job in a bookstore/Cafe, not that far from campus. But things is not always what they seem. On work she gets a lot of new colleagues, including Ben a boy who goes to her college. He seems a little dismissive of her a first, but after some time they become friends. Felicity´s first closing night at the job is with Ben and they walk home together, but at the way home they get stopped by Sindy and two boys, who attackts them. But they get saved by a man. After that Ben reveals that the people that attacked them are vampires. Felicity is shocked to find out that her new beginning is now jeopardize by vampires. One day she is working a night shift and has to find a way to get to the college, because she is afraid of being attacked. Cain is in the cafe and she thanks him for saving her and Ben, and ask if he can walk her home. They become friends, but is very attractive to each other. But a couple of days after Ben tells her that Cain is a vampire too, which comes as a chock to her. But she slowly accept this and things go back to normal. Cain is 340 years old and has dedicated his life to help vampires seing that there are other ways to live the vampire life. Right now he is trying with Sindy and her two boys, but Sindy wants to go her own way. And Cain can´t get himself to terminate her, because maybe he wants her as him mate? Sindy is definently interested in him. Sindy is changing a lot of people into vampires, but she doesn´t do it right, so Cain has to clean up after her. As Cain and Felicity grows closer, Sindy is becoming more and more a plague. But new vampires arrive in town, one of them almost as old as Cain. Thsi one take Sindy under his wing, when Cain is about to kill her. And now Sindy is causing trouble for Felicity as well as for Ben, who is Sindy´s old kind of boyfriend

I like this book and i will continue reading the next two and see how they will develope and if they will become interesting. But i found this book a little boring and not what i had expected. I feel like the book is like a soap, just without the exitment. There is not much happening in this book, you just hear about their day, which is boring.
If we talk characters i really am a little mad about why Cain just don´t kill Sindy, she is obviously a pain in the ass. And therefore i find him a little selfish for wanting to "keep her, if things doesn´t go well with Felicity". But his character also throws a couple of suprises. It wasen´t until long into the book that you find out that he is drinking animal blood. And that comes as a suprise because eventhough the way he live, i hadn´t expected that. A thing i really don´t like is the cover. I find it boring and weird, especially also because it is a vampire story. Now i know that the Twilight Saga also have black covers with not much on them, at least they are special and beautiful. And there isn´t much climax in the book, so you gotta hope that it will come soon, or in the next two books, because it is getting BORING!

Grade: 4

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