søndag den 25. april 2010

Hunting Ground Review

Hunting Ground By Patricia Briggs
(Book 2 in Alpha & Omega Series)

Anna and Charles is now mated and married. Bran is about to go to Seattle to meet with the Alphas of the European packs, because he wants werewolfs out in the open, so they can control the situation, but the other wolfs doesn´t want that. But Charles doesn´t want his father to go, so he and Anna offers. Charles flyes a plane there himself, and ones they are there the first person they go to see is the fae Dana, to deliver a gift (a panting) from his father. That night Charles get called to a restuarant where some werewolfs from 2 countries is fighting, and Anna meets some of them, including "The Beast" Jean Chastel. The next day they go to the first meeting, where Charles is dealing with the wolfs wanting to say their opinion and Anna dealing with all of the Alpha testosterone that's flying through the air. Which is making her uncomfortable. The wolfs can feel it, and thinks that someone is after her, so they spend a lot of time looking at her feeling they need to protect her. At lunchtime that day Anna is introduce to a wolf named Tom and his mate named Moira, who is a blind witch. They go out shopping, because Anna has to get a new wardrobe, christmas presents and some clothe to wear in that night, because they are invited by Arthur the English alpha who thinks he is a reincarnation of king Arthur and his human wife Sunny. But they get attackt by 6 vampires, but Moira saves them with magic, Tom is hurt, but makes it. The day after Charles go to meetings, but makes sure that Anna is safe in a room, that day she meets another omega a male, and they become sort of friends and he advises her to be in the hunting party for wolfs for fun that night to get over her fear of the males. Anna then tells him about beign Omega. That night, Sunny gets killed by the vamps and Chastel in his wolf form jumps on Anna, Charles gets mad and attack him. And Anna and Charles is sure that Dana had something to do with it. Later at night Chastel is killed in his house and his second Michel is badly hurt. When Anna and Charles go see the crime scene, Chastel is hacked to pieces to make a scene. Later that night, while afsleep Anna gets kidnapped by the vamp, but 5 minuts after Charles wakes up, chases them and kills them. He brings Anna to Arthur´s Home because she is shot in the shoulder. While somebody is working on Anna´s shoulder, Charles finds out Arthur is the wolf behind all of the things that had been going on. And he and Charles fight in a sword fight and Charles kills him. Then Dana comes who new about it all and put a deadly spell at Charles and takes "excalibur". Now Charles is dying and Anna gets the job to kill Dana.

In this it is more Charles that is struggeling, and Anna has more control.

Grade: 7

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