mandag den 12. april 2010

The Awakening Review

The Awakening By Kelley Armstrong (Book 2 in Darkest Powers series)

Chloe, Rae and Tori are now captive at the Edison Group, while Derek and Simon is out on the run. Chloe has discovered that her aunt is a member of the group and that Rae actually likes being there. Soon Chloe discovers some disturbing news, as she investigate the place where she is held captive. The Edison Group wants to know where Derek and Simon is, so Chloe comes up with some places they can tjek, together with a lot of people from the group her and Tori goes to one of the places, where Tori and Chloe escapes The Edison Group. A day later they meet up with Derek and Simon, but it is hard for Chloe being on the run, because soon her father makes Chloe publicly kidnapped and with a reward on a half a million for information. Chloe has to colour her hair black and soon the four of them takes a bus to New York to get in touch with one of Simon and Derek father´s friend. But half way there Derek is changing to a werewolf so him and Chloe steps of the bus. In the town they are in they meet 2 werewolfs who wants to take Derek to a werewolf group, because they ow that group something. But Derek and Chloe escapes and eventually finds a way back to New York, with the little money they have. Here the 4 of them are meet with the suprise that the Edison Group now they are there, so the 4 of them takes up the battle against them.

This book picks up, right where the first one ended. I liked this book more than the first. there was much more action and exitment in this one, but that might be because they are on the run.
Armstrong has made a series, where the characters aren´t perfect and i like that about the series. There aren´t any bad boys or to beautifull heroins, there are just some teenagers with teenage problems but they have it a little harder because they have to struggle with there supernatural powers also. She shows that life is not fun being on the run. An the characters develope really well, for examble with Derek and Chloe relationship growing stronger as she helps him adjust to being wolf. Those two definently got a lot of screen time together in this book.
This was a great follow up and alot more interesting than the first. This is a book with lot of adventure, action, drama and supernatural beigns

Grade: 10

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