fredag den 30. april 2010

To Catch A Pirate Review

To Catch A Pirate By Jade Parker

When Annalisa Townsend was 16 years old, she and her dad was on a ship named The Horizon on the way to the island Mourning in the Carribean, the reason is that King George of England has assigned him governorship on this island and have giving him a lot of gold coins to bouild up a city. But they get attackt by pirats from the ship Phantom Mist whos captain is Crimson Kelly. Annalisa is ordered to hide, but after a while she wants to help. She crawls out of hiding and is met by a pirat named James Sterling, he tries to take Annalisa´s dead mom´s necklace, but she begs him not to and he gets her ring instead, but wants something with more value, when she says she doesn´t have any, he says she does and kiss her. "A fair trade, m'lady," he tells her afterward, before disappearing. The pirats burn the ship down but her, her dad and some other people escape, but the pirats have taken the box with the gold coins. Now a year later Anna is captain of a ship called The Dangerous Lady, because she forged a letter of marque. Her dad is in prison because the king thinks he was in on it with the pirats, so now Anna is on her way out to find James Sterling, because she know he can lead her to Crimson Kelly, who toke the gold, so she can bring it back home to free her father. James Sterling is now a pirat without a ship, because Crimson found out that James let Anna go, Crimson thereafter left James and a man named Ferret on a island, until they escaped it after 6 months. Now him and Ferret is in French Louisiana, and there is a reward out for James. Ferret betrays he and turn him in. To James suprise the person who is looking for him is Anna. She holds him prisoner on the ship, but have a soft hart for him, and eventually lets him work on the ship and teach her Sword lesson, in exchange she want the location where Crimson burries his treasures. He gives them the directions, and when they find the island and the Phantom Mist, they do a sneak attackt, captures Crimson and gets another ship. Along the way Anna and James fall for each other. James and Ferret takes the Phantom Ship and let them, but afterwards she finds out that the treasures in on the ship and that James knew about it. Anna is now out to get James, but gets attackt by another piratship, belonging to Black Bart Roberts, who is a master at sea. They fight But Anna almost gets killed when James shows up and saves her. They all flee to James´s ship, because The Dangerous Lady sinks and Crimson is now onboard Black Barts ship. James has decide to go to England for Anna, to free her father, eventhough he will probably be hanged himself for beign a pirat. When they get there her father becomes free, but James is sent to prison. Anna tells him she loves him before leaving with her father for Mourning. But will the two of them be together at sea in the end?

This was a really loveable book, a quick read, with Action, adventure, pirates, romance, fun and many other thngs. It had everything a summer read should have.
The first thing i thought when i saw this book was: Pirates Of The Carribean, and it was also this i thought when i read it. Also the name James Sterling... Cough.. Jack sparrow, Just saying. But no matter how much it was like that movie i enjoyed the book. I really enjoyed the book and i think that it is a great teen book. The only thing that I wished was different, was that there wasn´t much description of the things and surroundings. But a really good ending.

Grade: 10

torsdag den 29. april 2010

Waking Up to Boys

Waking Up to Boys By Hailey Abbott

Chelsea McCormick has always been a girl-boy, and parents own a resort named Glittelake Resort by Lake Tahoe. Chelsea loves to wakeboard which she can do there, its her passion and her life. She startet out doing it when she was 14, and got lesson from Todd who is also a wakeboard instructor, and ever since she has been madly in love with him. This summer her parents gives her a job as a wakeboard instructor as she is old enough. Her half sister who Chelsea doesn´t really know has to stay with them this summer, and everybody likes her and think she is beautiful, so Chelsea is kind of jealous. She is hoping that Todd will finally see her as something other than a competition, but it doesn´t look like it. A new guy is beginning this year at the resort him name is Sebastian a brazilian guy who is a tennis instructor. When the first party for the staff arrives on the little island by the resort, Sebastian comes to Chelsea and after a while they are sitting in a boat kissing. soon they begin to sneak around kissing, when nobody sees them, but that all changes when Chelsea takes the extra set of keys to the spa at the resort, so the staff can hold a party. Chelsea dresses up nicely in a bathingsuit and look all girl, but then her father bustes them, at the same time Chelsea is in the tub kissing with Sebastian, he kind of humiliates her in front of the other, but she stands up for herself, after her father says that their punishment is to clear a path at the resort. Chelsea´s parents says she has to stop seeing Sebastian, but she doesn´t, she also starts to look in Sarah´s closet to know more about girls. Chelsea also breaks her arm, trying to pull a 720 on a wakeboard, when she is out with Todd. Now she can´t be in Northwest Extreme Watersports Challenge in the end of the summer if she doesn´t practice, so she gets Sebastian to help her in secret. Todd is snapping more and more at her, but at a party he kisses her, but Sebastian sees and is mad. Chelsea finds out that Todd actually likes her, but can they work it out? Will Chealsea learn to accept her sister? And will she compete in The Northwest Extreme Watersports Challenge?

A sweet summer book to read when you are bored. But the book is kind of boring.

Grade: 4

The Secrets of Boys Review

The Secrets of Boys By Hailey Abbott

Cassidy is a shy girl, who is good at school, loves to draw and has the perfect boyfriend named Erik - for 2 years now. It is almost summer vacation, and her and her BFF Larissa has gotten jobs in a clothe store called Seersucker. A week before summer vacation at a party, Cassidy meets her old friend Joe, whom she hasen´t seen in 2 years because of her bussy life. They quickly catch up, but Erik quickly gets her away from him like he is jealous. A couple of days after Cassidy´s parents tells her that they have enrolled her in summer school to have french classes, so she is ready at college and that so she can live with one of her relatives in France a year in college, Cassidy doesn´t want to dissapoint her parents so she has to say yes. Joe and Cassidy talk together at school the last day, and they spend the afternoon together, where Joe tells her that her parents found some of his brothers pot and is sending him to MCCAINE INSTITUTE FOR AT-RISK YOUTH—SUMMER VENTURE in Idaho, But they promise to write to each other. Cassidy is not looking forward to her classes, but on her first day she sees the TA Zach in her class, and she has a feeling she has never felt before. The class go to a lot of field trips and here Cassidy and him starts talking and Cassidy quickly falls for him, they even kiss when they are in the zoo. But she has a boyfriend Erik and they have been together for 2 years, but Cassidy has never felt this way before, so she eventually breaks up with Erik. Larissa barely has time to talk to cassidy anymore, because she is hanging up with her new friends at Seersucker. And eventually Cassidy and Erik has sex. after he avoids her for a week, and when Cassidy ask him why he tells her that he soon is going back to New York and that he really likes her, but it wouldn´t be fair. But they agree to have a summer romance. In the end Zach leaves, Larissa and Cassidy make up and Joe and Cassidy see each other again

This was problably for now, the book i found most boring/bad of all of HA books, the only good thing was Cassidy and Joe´s friendship and letters. So on to the characters, whom i think are to perfect, well almost everyone. i kind of can´t take it that Erik has this perfect boyfriend image and can´t do nothing wrong. Larissa on the other hand is totally self-absorbed, and and and, i don´t know, but i didn´t like her. I really hated the french part, it was reminding me of my french classes in 9th grade. The ending, was somehow perfect, mystic, but irritated because of the mystic and therefore you don´t know if they are maybe going to be together her and Joe. It certainly feels like it, also the way HB write the last couple of pages. I also feel like there was some lose ends.

Grade: 4

mandag den 26. april 2010

The Perfect Boy Review

The Perfect Boy By Hailey Abbott

Ciara is 16 years old, and what you can call a player, she makes out with a lot of boys all the time, but when the summer comes and she is headed from her home in Los Angeles to Santa Barbara, she doesn´t really like making out with boys that much more. Ciara´s mom and dad is divorce so her dad lives in Santa Barbara, so it is there she is spending her summer. Ciara used to spend her summer there until she was thirteen, but the last couple of years she has been bussy. When she was in Santa Barbara she used to spend her time with her friends: Heidi, Marlene and the two geeks AJ and Kevin. But now Ciara is certain that her life will be better. So she goes to Sa´nta Barbara and get a job at an cafe, where her friend Heidi works. The first night there Heidi and her go to a party, where AJ and Kevin is playing, because they have formed a rap group and they are very popular. But the minute Ciara lays eyes on AJ, she knows he is suppose to be her boyfriend and he has change so much after 3 years. So she and Kevin create a scheme, so AJ will fall for Ciara. But the only problem is that Heidi is all over AJ all the time, because a couple of month ago she got dumped by her boyfriend and is now doing the bad girl image. But Kevin and Ciara tries anyway, but non of the things they do seem to work. They go to six flags, but the only thing AJ an Heidi wants to do is to ride the wild rides. They also go kayaking, but AJ and Ciara´s kayak falls so they fall in the water and AJ acts like a total baby. They also go on a party on a boat, which ends with Ciara redvin all over her skirt, her almost kissing Kevin and AJ and Heidi dancing sexy together. Through the summer Ciara and Kevin spends a lot time together planning and doing things together. But at a beach party Ciara kissed AJ, but AJ tells her he is having mixed feelings and she storms away to the telt. Later Heidi comes crying and tells that her and AJ are over. Heidi later caughts Ciara and AJ almost kiss and she gets mad at Ciara. Ciara quickly gets over AJ, when she finds out that her really is like Marlene descriped and Ciara finds out that she has feelings for Kevin. But he has been hanging out with Marlene a lot, so maybe they are going out? But now Ciara´s world is crashing down. Heidi is mad, Ciara is mad with her parent, Ciara has no boyfriend and her summer wasen´t suppose to be like this. But can Ciara still move to Santa Barbara, get the perfect boyfriend and get her friendship back together? It all ends with Kevin and AJ´s big summer gig, And will AJ get the girl he wants?

Okay, so mixed feelings is what i have about this book. I think that the characters: Ciara and AJ is full of shit. It is hard to explain, but it has something to do with the way they were acting. And because of that, the book became bad somehow. But at the same time i really like the energi og this book, and that made it somehow one of the best books i have read by Hailey Abbott.
Okay, so the characters: Ciara: OMG, why can´t she see that eventhough he is hot, he is not boyfriend material. He pisses me of. And she does too for beign so blind. And the only reason she wants him is because he is hot, and because she thinks that because she got a boyfriend her life is on track. That is ridicules. And AJ, in my eyes he is a total joke and jerk. The only person i really liked in this book was Kevin, there was nothing wrong with him. So its a good book, fast to read and enjoyable, but I still think the book was stupid somewhere.

Grade: 4-10

Boy Crazy Review

Boy Crazy By Hailey Abbott

Cassie has just come back home to Los Angeles, from the boarding school called Siskiyou Academy, and she is spending her summer with her 2 BFF´s Keagan and Greta, whom she hasn´t had much contact with the last 3 year because of boarding school.
Cassie is sad because she just broke up with her boyfriend Daniel, and the girls together make a deal that they this summer has to date 10 guys each. Cassie meets Trey a handsome boy at the first party and they talk amazingly together, but then Greta tells her she goes to school with him, and that he is a player and has done the exactly same things to a lot of girls before, and that he dumpes them when the girls are in love with him. So Cassie leaves the party. The next day when Cassie is on her way to work on Catalina Island as an bicycle tourer, she on the boot and she sees a boy, who is Trey, she then remember that she told him the night before where she worked. He goes on one of her Bike trips, but she doesn´t talk to him. She is really dismissive of him the next couple of times he shows up, but at last she ask him about his behavior and he tells her that he has changed, she eventually goes on a date with him, they kiss and almost miss the boot. So Trey becomes the 4 boy she kisses. She hides the fact that they are dating to her friends and her friends thinks she is acting weird, when she from time to time tells them she is to tired to party, when she secretly is seeing Trey. She and her friends over the summer goes to among other things, to a beach party and to UCLA, where Cassie pretends to be southern. But at a party at the end of the summer, where a lot of people are including Trey, her friends are really after her so Cassie just kisses a ransom guy, but Trey sees it and he is hurt and Cassie and him argue, and Greta and Keagan sees and is mad. Cassie and Greta eventually becomes friends again, after she tells them that she is the girl who got dumped/stood up by Trey. But will true love find their way back to each other before the summer ends?

A sweet book, but with not really much going on, just the girls partying on club and parties that just covers the story. I thought it had an annoying ending, are they going to be together or not? They say they love each other, but then she says she has to leave for school in a week. So i am not satisfide.
I liked that they mention people like Robert Pattinson and Gossip Girl characters, because that really makes the book really youthable..

Grade: 7

søndag den 25. april 2010

Hunting Ground Review

Hunting Ground By Patricia Briggs
(Book 2 in Alpha & Omega Series)

Anna and Charles is now mated and married. Bran is about to go to Seattle to meet with the Alphas of the European packs, because he wants werewolfs out in the open, so they can control the situation, but the other wolfs doesn´t want that. But Charles doesn´t want his father to go, so he and Anna offers. Charles flyes a plane there himself, and ones they are there the first person they go to see is the fae Dana, to deliver a gift (a panting) from his father. That night Charles get called to a restuarant where some werewolfs from 2 countries is fighting, and Anna meets some of them, including "The Beast" Jean Chastel. The next day they go to the first meeting, where Charles is dealing with the wolfs wanting to say their opinion and Anna dealing with all of the Alpha testosterone that's flying through the air. Which is making her uncomfortable. The wolfs can feel it, and thinks that someone is after her, so they spend a lot of time looking at her feeling they need to protect her. At lunchtime that day Anna is introduce to a wolf named Tom and his mate named Moira, who is a blind witch. They go out shopping, because Anna has to get a new wardrobe, christmas presents and some clothe to wear in that night, because they are invited by Arthur the English alpha who thinks he is a reincarnation of king Arthur and his human wife Sunny. But they get attackt by 6 vampires, but Moira saves them with magic, Tom is hurt, but makes it. The day after Charles go to meetings, but makes sure that Anna is safe in a room, that day she meets another omega a male, and they become sort of friends and he advises her to be in the hunting party for wolfs for fun that night to get over her fear of the males. Anna then tells him about beign Omega. That night, Sunny gets killed by the vamps and Chastel in his wolf form jumps on Anna, Charles gets mad and attack him. And Anna and Charles is sure that Dana had something to do with it. Later at night Chastel is killed in his house and his second Michel is badly hurt. When Anna and Charles go see the crime scene, Chastel is hacked to pieces to make a scene. Later that night, while afsleep Anna gets kidnapped by the vamp, but 5 minuts after Charles wakes up, chases them and kills them. He brings Anna to Arthur´s Home because she is shot in the shoulder. While somebody is working on Anna´s shoulder, Charles finds out Arthur is the wolf behind all of the things that had been going on. And he and Charles fight in a sword fight and Charles kills him. Then Dana comes who new about it all and put a deadly spell at Charles and takes "excalibur". Now Charles is dying and Anna gets the job to kill Dana.

In this it is more Charles that is struggeling, and Anna has more control.

Grade: 7

lørdag den 24. april 2010

Perfect Chemistry Review

Perfect Chemistry By Simone Elkeles

Brittany Ellis is the perfect girl, with the perfect life, but all isn´t at it looks on the outside. In real life Brittany hates her home life, her sister who she loves more than anyone is handicapped, her mom is always after her, her dad is never home, her parents expect her to be perfect, and her parents want to sent Britanny´s little sister away. Alex Fuentes is mexican, he lives with his mother and 2 brother, and is the man in the house. He is also a member of the Latino blood gangs. In real life he doesn´t want to be a member, but he does it so his brothers don´t have to and to protect his family. They both live an go to the same high school in Fairfield. Alex lives on the south, with the others not rich people and Brittany on the north with the rich. The two of them get paired as chemistry partners, eventhough they don´t like each other, and Alex makes a bet with his friends that he can have sex with Brittany before halloween, and if he looses he has to give his beloved motorcycel to one of his friends. But eventhoug it s just a bet he begins to like her and the other way around. He accept her family and her his. Brittany eventually breaks up with her boyfriend and begins kind of secretly dating Alex, he even takes her to his cousins wedding, where Brittany gets an opportunity to get better along with his mom. She also has sex with Alex and Alex eventually finds out who killed his father, and tries to get out of the gang for Brittanny.

A sweet and hard book, about family´s and different cultures and love. And such a good ending. And i totally love Mrs P. and her stupid rules and opinion. Things that made Perfect Chemistry good: Bad boy/good girl dynamic? Check. Some hot romance? Check. A gang, death and guns that might come in the way of the couple’s happiness? Check. Totally different people falling in love despite what everyone thinks? Check. = A really good read and story. :) Really loved it and looking forward to reading the second.

Grade: 10

onsdag den 21. april 2010

Cry Wolf Review

Cry Wolf By Patricia Briggs
(Book 1 in Alpha & Omega Series)

Anna is with The Marrok/Bran on the way to Anna apartment to get her stuff, because she is moving to Montana with Charles. But before they get to do anything, Someone calls The Marrok to tell him, that Charles is tearing everything apart in the room, because of the silver bullets and because Anna left. They hurry to Charles, who is his wolf form and they takes the Marroks private plane to Montana. Ones there Anna has a hard time adjusting to the fact that she can now has a lot of things, she never has had access to. The relax a couple of days, because they are tires and because of Charles´s inguries. Anna also meets Charles brother Samuel, Sage a friends of The Marrok/wolf, and she and Anna quickly becomes kind of friends, Brans wife who is a bitch, and Asil a old wolf who lost his wife many years ago and he has wanted to die some time, because he thinks he is going crazy with halutionations of his wife. But only after a couple of days in Montana, Charles has to go to the mountains to investigate, a possible rogue wolf, who is hurting/killing people. Bran says that Anna can go, but Charles doesn´t want her to see him possible kill, but she comes along anyway. Out on the mountains they get attackt by a wolf, who think Anna is human until he realise that she is not and the wolf runs away, with Charles on his tail. When Anna is alone for that short time she meets a women, who turn out to be a witch, with black magic, and they see a giant wolf, who Charles chases away. When Charles comes back they run from the witch, who talked a lot about Asil, and they wonder that maybe the witch and the wolf is the persons from Asil past, that he has told Charles about. They meet the wolf who attact them that night and he comes along with them. That night Asil finds them, because he wants to help. He tells Charles and Anna that he thinks he knows the witch and wolf, as his wife in wolf form and the witch, who is now evil and have been after Asil for many centuries after killing his wife, as their prewious foster daughter, who back then had a hard time with magic and had more than a crush on Asil. Somehow the wicth gets to Asil, and now the others has to find him. Asil then finds out that the giant wolf is his wife, but only her spirit, because she is trapped because of a spell done by the witch, and that she is suffering. Bran then shows up because he knows something is wrong, but he can´t do anything or show that he is The Marrok, because then the witch will kill him and that will bring down all the wolfs. Now someone has to die and some live, who will it be?

It was a good book, but we don´t hear that much about Charles and Anna as a couple.
Don´t really have much to say to this book.

Grade: 7

Alpha And Omega: On the Prowl Review

Alpha And Omega: On the Prowl By Patricia Briggs
(Book 0 in Alpha & Omega Series - novella)

Anna is a werewolf, changed without her permission 3 years ago. An Alpha wolf named Leo, from a pack in Chicago, has a mate who is about to go crazy, so Leo gets his second Justin to change Anna. Anna is a submissive wolf, the lowest of the lowest. And Leo has let his wolfs the last 3 years abuse Anna. Anna is very poor and live in a appartment with no food or furnitures. But when Anna finds out that Leo´s pack is killing innocent people and making them werewolf, without permission, she calls the Marrok, who is like a king over every wolf. The Marrok sends a wolf, who can take care of these matters to Chicago. The wolf that shows up is a man named Charles and he is The Marrok´s son, and when he first lay eyes on Anna, he finds out that she is suppose to be his mate. He also tells Anna that she is no submissive wolf, she is an Omega, who brings peace to the pack, who isn´t in the ranking system, and a wolf that doesn´t need to fight because an Omega doesn´t have the urge to do so. Charles takes on Leo, his mate and Justin and kills them. But he gets injured himself by silver bullets, who doesn´t do good with Charles, but he survives.

I liked this story. But i thought it should have been a part of the first book, or at least have its own book, because there would have been enough material, to do so. This is a novella, who explains things before the actual story in the series. But a thing i really didn´t like is the fact that Charles has long hair, because i really hate men with long hair, just do! :) The book leaves us looking forward to the first book. I really think you should read this story to find out what is actually happening in Cry Wolf, or else it will be confusing.

Grade: 7

mandag den 19. april 2010

Friday Night Bites Review

Friday Night Bites By Chloe Neill
(Book 2 in Chicagoland Vamps Series)

Merit is moving into the Cadogan house, because of her new job and because there isn´t room in the house for her, Mallory and Catcher. But she is having a hard time adjusting. She is kind of dating Navarre House new master, while still having kind of feelings for Ethan. and bad things is going on in the vampire world - raves, and a reporter are trying to expose this to the world, and the person is a one Merit knows, because it is an old family friend. So Ethan now has the idea, that Merit has to get back into her family´s parties and things so they can find out more. And if that isn´t enough Celina, the evil vampire, has been released and she can come after Merit and Ethan any time. So Ethan and Merit starts going to parties and they starts getting closer and have great moments. And as the story moves we find out that there is a traitor in Cadogan House, they confront him and disoves him. Along the way Merit and Mallory´s relationship goes down hill, and suddenly Celina is confronting Merit, which leads Merit to take on a battle against Ethan. And the shifters alpha is also on the way to the city

I really liked this book. It was filled with action, suspense, lots of moment with tension between, you know who, and so many other things.
Well, this book was better than the first one, and it is a lot more exiting. In this one Ethan and Merit sees a lot more of each other and there aren´t to many bad comment, but enough to make it funny. I also like that we hear more of Merit family and friends, and how dismissed they are of her, eventhough non of it are her fault. in the first book i really didn´t like Merit, but she has change from the first book, so i like her much more now, Merit is also becoming much more comfortable in her role as sentinel and a vampire. I really don´t understand the fact that Mallory and Merit suddenly aren´t friend, over such a little thing, so im really disapointed at that part. And what is it with everybody treating Merit like crap? Girl stand up for yourself for once. But because of this second, i can´t wait for the third.

Grade: 7-10

søndag den 18. april 2010

Forbidden Boy Review

Forbidden Boy By Hailey Abbott

Julianne has a passion for photography, and painting from her mom. She lives in a old house by the beach with her father and her older sister, who is her best friends in the world. Their mom died a couple of years ago and the only memory they all have of her is the house they live in, which their mom choose many years ago. All over the years people have come to live by the beach and build new things and houses and have tried to push Julianne´s family out of their house, but they never succeded. That is until the new neighbours show up and they are much tougher than the others. It is summer and in the fall Julianne is starting senior year in high school. But now it is summer and Julianne is going to hang out with Chloe, her friends, go to parties and work as an designer on a house, where she is the only girl who is going to work there. At the first party in the summer, when Jules and Chloe is about to leave a boy named Remi runs into Chloe. And when Jules and the the look at each other the are in a whole other universe. Jules gets his number, but loses it, but if it suppose to be, it is suppose to be. So jules becomes really happy when she runs into him at the beach, while surfing.
They spend the day together, but when she see him go home, she discovers he's the son of the Moore family, their neighbours who are forcing her family out of their beach home and destroying the beach with their monster house in the process. Chloe says that she can´t date him now because he is the enemy. Jules after finds out he is her manager at work and that she has to be with him everyday, and starts to spy on him. After some time they begin secretly dating and sneaking around, until Chloe finds them together kissing in a tube at work. Jules says to Remi she can´t see him anymore and Chloe is so mad at Jules, she says she has betrayel the family and that when their father gets home in a week she has to tell him. She tells her dad, but her dad is understanding. Now they just have to enjoy the rest of their time in the house before they get kicked out. But does Remi have other plans?

I thought this was a really good book but not as good as the two other i have read. This was an emotional, fun, sweet book, about a tight family and their loss. But that you can find love from the most weird places. I really liked how tight their family are, and i wish my sister and i were that close - Like best friends.
An annoying thing about the book is: Okay, like she (Jules) met him (Remi) 2 minutes ago and is already kissing him? That is totally different from the other books she has written. In them it is almost first in the end they kiss. In this book it seem a little rushed.

Grade: 7

lørdag den 17. april 2010

The Other Boy Review

The Other Boy By Hailey Abbott

It is summer and for Maddy, it means partying, hanging with friends and boyfriends going to the beach and all the things a 16 years old girl finds fun. So when her parents for 2 month of the summer is going to their vineyard in Napa Valley, Maddy gets their huge San Francisco house to herself. So the day her parents go, Maddy holds a big party, the only problem is that her parents comes back home because they forgot something. They break up the party and now Maddy has to go with them to Napa. Maddy is not happy, she is so not a Napa girl, she is a city. She finds out that her parents has a partner in business and that he has a son, David. Their parents give them a job for the next 2 months, to fix up a vinetasting room. But on the first day of the job Maddy ditches David to go to a spa, and by night when there family´s eat dinner together, Maddy overheards David tell a girl, their age, who is also at the dinner that Maddy is a snob and the girl agrees. But Because Maddy trips and falls David finds out she heard, and the next day he apologize. After this Maddy and David become friends, when he finds out she is not a snob, and make a good job decorating the room. They go on a bike trip around the city to find inspiration for the room, and they buy furnitures for it, while pretending they are married. Soon Maddy begins to change, to not liking the life there - to loving it, and with David there things only gets better. By the time her birthday is coming up her boyfriend Brian is suppose to come, but Maddy is not really happy about it, because she has change and is falling for David. The weekend with her birthday don´t go very well and after a week Maddy breaks up with Brian over the phone. Maddy is confused, but really like David, but can they really be a couple, when they live totally different lives?

This was a fun, sweet, romance-fill book about how a girl can change her mind and herself about everything. I really enjoyed and liked this book.
Now to the characters: I enjoyed seeing Maddy's character change from rich snob - Who you disliked to a down-to-earth girl who could appreciate the beauty of nature - Who you liked. Madeline Sinclaire, OMG where have i heard that name before, isn´t that name like the typical something? So cliche!And the whole thing with Maddy cooking was SO musch fun, i laugh the whole time. and the part where they pretend they are married, so good. So i really liked this book, but not so much the ending, I thought it was was somehow rushed and that iritated me.

Grade: 10

Getting Lost with Boys Review

Getting Lost with Boys By Hailey Abbott

Cordelia Packer is about to spent her summer at her sister's place in northern California. But she has to take the bus from where she lives in San Diego, because she is afraid of flying. But that changes when her mother meets Jacob Stein in the supermarket. He is her older sisters old boyfriend, and he and Cordelia has always hated each other, they just didn´t get along. When her mother tells Jake, that Cordy is going to her sister´s Jake offers to drive her there, Because he has to go that way anyway. Cordy is not happy, but accepts the offer, so she makes all kinds of plans and schedules. But of course things doesn´t go as planned. The day they are to leave Jake is 6 hours late, because of his really bad car. And along the trip a lot of other things happens that puts the planned plans behind schedules. For examble, when Jake has to go to Las Vegas along the way to get some stuff of his from his old roommate: In Las Vegas Cordy, Jake and his friends go gambling and Cordy looses money, while Jake gains some, which goes to a big suite to them. Also when they are in the dessert the car breaks down and they are stuck there to the next morning, then a man comes by in a car and Cordy thinks he is going to help them, but instead he steals from them. Along the way they Visits Cordy´s boyfriend, but she breaks up with him, because they are to different. Cordy and Jake also begins to have feelings for each other. And it all collides when they get to her sister.

I loved, loved, loved this book. This is one of the best summer romances i have ever read. It is fun, totally unpredictable, funny, sweet, romantic, smart, everyday story. And Jacob is probably every girl's dream. hot, sarcastic and sweet etc.
I really have a things for books and movies with roadtrips, so that only made the story better. And i totally loved the fact that they went to a casino and won money and got a big room. This is a lovely book, that is highly recommended.

Grade: 12

torsdag den 15. april 2010

Some Girls Bite Review

Some Girls Bite By Chloe Neill
(Book 1 in Chicagoland Vamps Series)

Merit is 27 years old and is soon becoming an official teacher. But all of that changes when she at night is at campus, is attacked by a vampire and almost dies, if it hadn´t been for the master vampire Ethan of Cadogan House, who changes her to a vampire in order to save her life. So 3 days after the change Merit wakes up in a limo on her way home to her and her best friend Mallory´s house, and she is now vamp. She has a hard time adjusting to the vampire life, and in 7 days she has to become an official member of the Cadogan House and make an oath, or else she will become a rogue. Her family is now even more dismissive toward her ( not that it could get any worse, that it already is). They finds out that Mallory is a powerfull sorcere, and that Merit´s granpa isn´t retired as he says he is: Turns out he is working as a messenger between the humans and supernaturals. Merit meets her granpa´s new colleages, Catcher a sorcere, who begins a relationship with Mallory, Jeff a 21 years old shapeshifter and two other people. She also finds out that Ethan and Catcher are kind of friends, and that Ethan has asked Catcher to be Merit´s coach in fighting. So Merit begins fighting lesson, but she but heads with Ethan all the time. So how can she take the oath to protect him, when she hates him, but at the same time is attractive to him and him to her, eventhough he hates her too.
But when the time comes Merit chooses to be a part of them house, but not without some trouble. But she is lucky because Ethan gives her the position as a Sentinel: A person who first priority is to protect the house and not him. But things is not good because attacks keeps happening, and they find out that the attacks is not from the rogues, but from one of the houses

I like the book and is loking forward to the next one, but i found it a little boring at the same time, but that is how i usually feel about first books, especially in a series where the first book is to settle thigs up, and that can be boring. This book was confusing at the beginning, because you didn´t really get what was going on, Yah she was a vampire now, but then there was all the other things.
As for the characters, i really don´t like Merit. She really needs to get a "spine", an opinion and so many other things. And i can´t understand why she seem so okay with beign a vamp? She seems okay but we really don´t get to know. And how can she let them play with her life like that? They have no right to decide for her. She really is stupid, that she would stand on the sideline.
I like Mallory Carmichael and Catcher Bell, they bring good humor to the book before and after they get together. Jeff is a funny and sweet character.
But her family, what and ass family they are, they shouldn´t even be called family. This series definently has the potentiel to be good, if it just gets a little more exiting and dramafull.

Grade: 4

onsdag den 14. april 2010

Fatal Infatuation Review

Fatal Infatuation By Melanie Nowak
(Book 1 in Almost Human Series)

Felicity is a shy and quiet girl, who is about to start college. She starts pretty good with getting a decent job in a bookstore/Cafe, not that far from campus. But things is not always what they seem. On work she gets a lot of new colleagues, including Ben a boy who goes to her college. He seems a little dismissive of her a first, but after some time they become friends. Felicity´s first closing night at the job is with Ben and they walk home together, but at the way home they get stopped by Sindy and two boys, who attackts them. But they get saved by a man. After that Ben reveals that the people that attacked them are vampires. Felicity is shocked to find out that her new beginning is now jeopardize by vampires. One day she is working a night shift and has to find a way to get to the college, because she is afraid of being attacked. Cain is in the cafe and she thanks him for saving her and Ben, and ask if he can walk her home. They become friends, but is very attractive to each other. But a couple of days after Ben tells her that Cain is a vampire too, which comes as a chock to her. But she slowly accept this and things go back to normal. Cain is 340 years old and has dedicated his life to help vampires seing that there are other ways to live the vampire life. Right now he is trying with Sindy and her two boys, but Sindy wants to go her own way. And Cain can´t get himself to terminate her, because maybe he wants her as him mate? Sindy is definently interested in him. Sindy is changing a lot of people into vampires, but she doesn´t do it right, so Cain has to clean up after her. As Cain and Felicity grows closer, Sindy is becoming more and more a plague. But new vampires arrive in town, one of them almost as old as Cain. Thsi one take Sindy under his wing, when Cain is about to kill her. And now Sindy is causing trouble for Felicity as well as for Ben, who is Sindy´s old kind of boyfriend

I like this book and i will continue reading the next two and see how they will develope and if they will become interesting. But i found this book a little boring and not what i had expected. I feel like the book is like a soap, just without the exitment. There is not much happening in this book, you just hear about their day, which is boring.
If we talk characters i really am a little mad about why Cain just don´t kill Sindy, she is obviously a pain in the ass. And therefore i find him a little selfish for wanting to "keep her, if things doesn´t go well with Felicity". But his character also throws a couple of suprises. It wasen´t until long into the book that you find out that he is drinking animal blood. And that comes as a suprise because eventhough the way he live, i hadn´t expected that. A thing i really don´t like is the cover. I find it boring and weird, especially also because it is a vampire story. Now i know that the Twilight Saga also have black covers with not much on them, at least they are special and beautiful. And there isn´t much climax in the book, so you gotta hope that it will come soon, or in the next two books, because it is getting BORING!

Grade: 4

mandag den 12. april 2010

The Reckoning Review

The Reckoning By Kelley Armstrong
(Book 3 in Darkest Powers series)

Chloe, Derek, Simon and Tori is now with Andrew and living in a big house that looks like a castle. Here Andrew seeks out friends who can help them with their powers. The only thing is that these friends doesn´t believe that these teenagers powers are much stronger than other of their kind, because they at birth became genetically modified. So when Andrew friends sees their powers in action, they get scared. And Chloe and Co. becomes scared that they might think that they belonged with The Edison Group in their lab. Eventhough Chloe and Co. now wants to escape this house and be on their own where no one can judge, they can´t. They need help and now someone is trying to get Derek killed. Simon a.d Chloe has there first date, but things don´t go as planned, because Simon has a feeling that he is the wrong brother that she has feelings for. Chloe denice it, but her and Derek is beginning to have feelig toward each other. Also because Chloe has watch him trying to change to a werewolf. When his final change comes, the two of them is outside the house but is met by two werewolf´s from their past. They all soon discovers that Andrew and his friends isn´t who they say they is, and soon people get killed and the four of them ends with The Edison Group for one last battle

This was far the best book in the whole series. The book had far more exitment than the previous two. The book has you questioning all through the book, who is a friend and who is an enemy. The characters has also envolve much from the first book. This is a book like the others that sucks you into the story and suddenly you are finished. The book had a really good ending, but i would like to have more of these books and characters. But i also understand that the books can keep going with them on the escape. There is even more action, suspence, friendship and romance in this book. I really loved this story.

Grade: 10

The Awakening Review

The Awakening By Kelley Armstrong (Book 2 in Darkest Powers series)

Chloe, Rae and Tori are now captive at the Edison Group, while Derek and Simon is out on the run. Chloe has discovered that her aunt is a member of the group and that Rae actually likes being there. Soon Chloe discovers some disturbing news, as she investigate the place where she is held captive. The Edison Group wants to know where Derek and Simon is, so Chloe comes up with some places they can tjek, together with a lot of people from the group her and Tori goes to one of the places, where Tori and Chloe escapes The Edison Group. A day later they meet up with Derek and Simon, but it is hard for Chloe being on the run, because soon her father makes Chloe publicly kidnapped and with a reward on a half a million for information. Chloe has to colour her hair black and soon the four of them takes a bus to New York to get in touch with one of Simon and Derek father´s friend. But half way there Derek is changing to a werewolf so him and Chloe steps of the bus. In the town they are in they meet 2 werewolfs who wants to take Derek to a werewolf group, because they ow that group something. But Derek and Chloe escapes and eventually finds a way back to New York, with the little money they have. Here the 4 of them are meet with the suprise that the Edison Group now they are there, so the 4 of them takes up the battle against them.

This book picks up, right where the first one ended. I liked this book more than the first. there was much more action and exitment in this one, but that might be because they are on the run.
Armstrong has made a series, where the characters aren´t perfect and i like that about the series. There aren´t any bad boys or to beautifull heroins, there are just some teenagers with teenage problems but they have it a little harder because they have to struggle with there supernatural powers also. She shows that life is not fun being on the run. An the characters develope really well, for examble with Derek and Chloe relationship growing stronger as she helps him adjust to being wolf. Those two definently got a lot of screen time together in this book.
This was a great follow up and alot more interesting than the first. This is a book with lot of adventure, action, drama and supernatural beigns

Grade: 10

fredag den 9. april 2010

The Summoning Review

The Summoning By Kelley Armstrong (Book 1 in Darkest Powers series)

Chloe is 15, her mom is dead and all she has left is her dad, who works all the time is different countries and her aunt who is a doctor. One day Chloe wakes up and she can see dead people and after an incident in school where she is chased by a dead man. The school has a strickted politic and in order for her to get back to school, she has to stay in a group home for mental kids. Her she mets, Simon and Derek that are brothers, Tori who is a bitch, Rae who quickly becomes her friend and Liz her roommate. Chloe is diagnosed with schizophrenia, but she has a hard time believing she is it, but at the same time what could she else be, when she sees dead people? After Derek finds out about her seing dead people, he shows her an internet site about necromancy and Chloe soon discovers she is a supernatural, who can see dead people and bring corps back to life. She quickly become friends with Simon and he shows her he also have supernatural powers. Soon they discover that this is a group home for supernaturals. But when Chloe wakes some burried people in the basement and she finds out from them, that they where supernaturals but where experimented on and later killed. Chloe and Simon plans to escape Lyle house and finds Simon dad who can help them and later come back for Derek. This doesn´t go as planned and soon Simon, Rae, Chloe, and Derek who is becoming a werewolf escapes.

This was a really good book and not a all what i had expected. It was a little bit boring, than the 2 next in the series, but it was okay.
The characters are really well developed and they are not like the characters in other novel, where they are bad boys and extremely beautifull girls, this is real people with real problems and they are not perfectly beautifull, and i think that was one of the biggest suprises in this book, and all of this she blends with the supernatural and she does it well.
Chloe is a great character, who in her teenage years has to deal with the possibility to be mentaly ill and if she can trust the people in her life, and she does a good job at that. Like her i would also begin to question if I was mental or not. I like that Chloe sees things as a storyboard when she think of thing, it is a fun way to look at things. The character in this series is different from others and very believable. But a thing i found completly weird and not really believable is that they would sedate her just because she stands besides the window and is a little freaked out. And that she has to go on a group home just because of that.
This is definently a book to recommend, all though i admit that the next two books is better than this one. The book starts out really slow, but by the end you will be completly draged into the story.

Grade: 7-10

tirsdag den 6. april 2010

The Fallen Review

The Fallen By Thomas E. Sniegoski
(Book 1 in The Fallen Series)

The day Aaron turns 18, he begins to have weird dreams and understand and talk al different kinds of language, and Aaron now thinks he is going insane. Aaron hasen´t had a easy life, he has no friends and he is a foster kid, who has bounce from one foster home to another, but he lives at a good one now. Then Aaron meets Zeke, a fallen angel, who tells him that Aaron is a Nephilim, the son of a mortal and an angel, and that he has the faith to redeem the Fallen. Aaron think that, that sounds absolutly crazy and dismisses Zeke. But then Aaron meets Camael, former member of "The Powers" who is here to protect Aaron and he believes to that Aaron is the savior, they have been waiting for. Slowly Aaron begins to deal and accept that he indeed is the savior. But not before Verchiel and "The Powers" finds him, his foster parents dead, his foster little brother´s kidnapning. And Aaron leaving the school, his crush Vilma and everything to persuit, his brother and his faith.

The book is written from Aaron, Verchiel and Camael and Zeke´s point of view, but i only fund it intresting when we hear about Aaron. The book doesn´t get much into the story in this first book, The book is a lot about Aaron having strange things happening to him and weird things told to him. I found this book a little boring and it is not because i don´t like the story and i really like the movies, which is not much different from the books. There is some fun in the book too (esspecially from the dog Gabriel), like the thing with How the angels learned the womens about make-up. I found that one quite funny, But that is because of the way i feel about make-up. And The powers(angels)sees people as animals, and uses them as slaves with leashes, that´s a really strong feeling that they actually sees people like that. I think that the author has been good at making things real, so you feel that they are real, like you really feel The powers anger against people and how Aaron is feeling. My favourite character is definently Gabriel, he is fun, sweet, stupid and a dog. So you just got to love him. The book leaves us with a cliff-hanger, so you will want to pick up the next, esspecially since the story in the first doesn´t evolve much. There is also 2 other covers for this book.

Grade: 4

mandag den 5. april 2010

Beastly Review

Beastly By Alex Flinn

Kyle Kingsbury has everything. Perfect looks, lots of money, is popular, perfect family and friends all the things he could want. He is the guy you wish you were and the guy nobody is. But not everything is as it seems on the surface. He may look good and has money, but his family is far from perfect. Kyle is a teenager who bases everything on looks and treats people like dirt. He is absolutly beastly. And one day in class he treats a ugly girl named Kendra horrible, but later ask her to prom as a joke. When Kendra finds out it was a joke, Kyle finds out she is a witch and she puts a spell on Kyle: Now he is a beast, ugly and everything. He has 2 years to find true love or he will stay a beast forever.
Now Kyle´s father gets Kyle to move into an apartment, with a maid and a tutor. Kyle spends his days reading and on the internet and sometimes by night, he go out to see the world. Until one day a man breaks into Kyle´s house, the man offers Kyle his daughter Lindy to live there, if Kyle let him go. Kyle says yes and soon Kyle and Lindy is living together in the same house. And Lindy soon begins to trust Kyle. Can this girl be Kyle´s true love? But can she love him, as a person and not a beast?

Beastly is a modern retelling of Beauty and the Beast. It is a good enough book, i just fund it boring to read it.
The main character is made really good, because he really is beastly on the inside. He only thinks about himself and in truth he doesn´t have any real friends weather he says so or not. I don´t know but i am having a hard time judging this book and i thin that i didn´t fund the love so believable, it is like suddenly he loves her, i think it comes very sudden.

Grade: 4

søndag den 4. april 2010

Wings Review

Wings By Aprilynne Pike
(Book 1 in Wings series)

15 year old Laurel and her mon and dad, has just move to LA. They have left behind there home which has been in her mothers family for centuries. Laurel is a very different girl from anyone else, for examble: she is a strickt vegan, doesn´t need to put shampoo in her hair, doesn´t get cold and many other things. But she is also homeschooled by her mom, but now she has to start in high school. Laurel quickly gets a friend, David and befriend some of his friends. But a couple of weeks after she has started in school something begins to grow on her back. And starts to worry. When a week after something that looks like a flower has grown out of her back, she tells David and together they find out that it is somekind of plant. A week after her family has to go back to there old house and Laurel walks out in there forest behind there house. Here she meets Tamini, who tells her she is a fairie, just like him and many others and that he lives in this forest. Laurel freaks out, but slowly learns to accept it with Davis scientific help. But there is one problem: Laurel´s family is trying to sell the old house, but that can´t happened, because then the land could fall into the wrong hands.

The book starts really slow and there are a lot of pages that just go on about school and things that doesn´t matter that much, that is really boring. The book was fast to read, so i didn´t get as bored as I might had been. But you had to get half way through the book, before it began to be intresting.
I am a person who really don´t like fairie stories: I don´t know why, but i really don´t. But this book was much better that The Wicked Lovely series.
Laurel is a character who is obviously beautifull, but she is not a girl who cares about it, she has never even thought about it. She doesn´t care what other thinks of her. I like her, she has her own mind set on things. And she is not some bitch with perfect blond blond hair. She is weird in a good way.

It´s a book with little action, but a good read. I will be reading the next bock spells and i am looking forward to see more about Lauren and Tamini´s relationship, because there is definently something there.

Grade: 7

Leaving Paradise Review

Leaving Paradise By Simone Elkeles

A year ago Caleb was drunk and hit his sisters best friend Maggie, in a hit and run accident. Now a year after Caleb is up for and early realese from juvenile jail. But he has to act nice and do community service. But when he comes out everything has changed, including himself. His family is acting like strangers to each other, everybody in town is against him, his girlfriend is together with his best friends and his friends aren´t even his friends anymore. All because he was in jail.
Then there is Maggie the girl he hit, even after months of painful physical therapy, Maggie walks with a limp and has scares. She doesn´t have it easy eigther. She has lost her friends, tennis and everybody calls her a freak because of the way she walks. Now they are two outsiders and the only on that can understand what they are going through is each other. Slowly Maggie starts to trust Caleb again after they begins working at the same lady. And they eventually begins a relationship. But Caleb is hiding a lot of things and Maggie soon finds out what really happened the night of the accident

I really liked this book. It is easy to understand, has no hard words and it is really fast to read. The book is not a typical happily ever after story, not even in the end and i like that, (Well as long as there is a sequel. else it is just sad) I was just an amazing and beautiful story. And Caleb what a wonderful character, he goes through all this crap for his sister. I will admit that i thought it was Kendra who did it, so i was kind of shocked when we fund out it was Leah. I know that she has changed and all that, but i thought it was because his brother whent to jail, not because she did it.
I was really sad with the ending and almost got mad with the whole book, until I a minute after fund out that there is going to be a sequel and it is coming out in a couple of months. A thing i fund a little weird is the first real time they are alone together, despite their worries and fears and hesitations, they just suddenly seemed to click and everything was alright. Things went back to being hard, then all of a sudden were good again, it was very on and off with little explanation for it. The book as written from both Maggie and Caleb´s point of view.
I am totally going to read the sequel and are really looking forward and hoping that Maggie and Caleb will end up together, because it is totally cruel to leave us with that ending.
This is a really strong book that deals with some though stuff. The book also have another cover.

Grade: 12

lørdag den 3. april 2010

Going Too Far Review

Going Too Far By Jennifer Echols

There is a story in a town that a girl and her boyfriend died on a dangerous bridge, because the girl got stuck and the boy wouldn´t leave her, when the train came.
Meg is 17 years old and like to live life on the wild side. But a week before Spring Break, she and her friends are taking in by the police, for tresspassing on a dangerous bridge, while they are totally drunk. It was a close call, because if they had been there 5 minutes after, they would have been hit by the train.
As punishment, there trip to Miami in the spring break is cancelled and instead they have to stay and by night, be on a job: one with the police, another with the paramedics and the third with the firedepartment. Meg must spend the week riding in a police car with JohnAfter (the officer who arrestet them). But John has a weird obsession with the bridge and Meg can´t understand why. As the days goes Meg learns more about the officer and finds out, that they went to school together, that he is only a few years older than her, and that she starts falling in love with him.

I really loved this book. It is easy, absolutly good, not hard and fast to read. I totally loved the characters and how Meg and John are totally different. Because they could so learn something from one to another. There were twist in this book, that can be shocking. But i wasn´t suprised because i had a feeling about these twist. And they were almost right. So i didn´t get suprised, but i totally loved it anyway.
Meg is a person who is wreckless and lives her life and does whatever the hell she wants. She has Blue hair, a tatoo and doesn´t get attached to people, like she doesn´t call people, they call her.. But there are a lot more under the surface and you learn that she really isn´t like this, but that something has happen to her and therefore she acts this way. John is like the opposite, he takes things serious, he is young and ever since he left high school he hasn´t taken a break. All his friends are at college and partying and is unserious. While John stayed in the city, because of a thing that happened that is still tearing him apart. So he has his hands full with Meg. For Meg, the girl who doesn't plan anything and who runs away from any emotional ties, this week could spell out her downfall.
A beautiful book, worth reading, who has a lot of things under the surface.

Grade: 12

fredag den 2. april 2010

Two-Way Street Review

Two-Way Street By Lauren Barnholdt

Courtney and Jordan are about to begin a three day trip from their homes in Florida to their college orientation in Boston. But they are not going to have a good time, because two weeks ago, Jordan broke up with Courtney, because he met a girl on MySpace. Courtney doesn´t want to take the trip with Jordan, but her parents makes her go. Now she is on a trip with her ex that goes wrong in so many ways, But there are secrets Jordan has been keeping and those secrets are the reason he broke up. So those are bound to come out eigther through their friends, family or some other way. Because in the end Courtney and Jordan are bound to be together.

A really good, fast, easy and full of drama and teenage problems book, which i absolutly loved. I would so watch it if i would be made into a movie. And besides the book could be a really good young adult movie. I just think the book was sweet and a really good read.
As for the books writing style, the chapters in the book are shared, so Courtney and Jordan each tell there version of the story before, during, and after the trip. This gives the reader and in-sight in both there feeling and other stuff.
So, as for the characters: My first thought i had when Courtney´s Dad first is mention is: That there is something weird about him, and like: Is he having an affair?? And it was the same thing i was feeling when Jordan´s mom was mentioned, so you put two and two together, and AHA.
As for Courtney, i really liked her character especially because i can totally relate to her, because i am all the same things that she is like: organize, thinks about things a lot, likes country music etc. But Jordan is total opposite Courtney, he is laid back, like what he call "Hard Core Rap" and takes thing one at a time.
They both has friends that are only a phone call away and these friends are ready to help anytime.
The book reference a lot to Myspace, so it has a big play in the book.
A book worth reading if you like to read cute but not easy love stories between teenagers. Would totaly recommend it!

Grade: 12